Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Date Night (2010)
In New York City, a case of mistaken identity turns a bored married couple's attempt
at a glamorous and romantic evening into something more thrilling and dangerous.

The Hobbit - 9/10... Seriously DAMN impressed! Peter Jackson once again.. like a boss! I've heard people say some parts felt dragged out, but I didn't think so at all> I never once wanted to check my watch or look away from the screen. It felt FAR better paced than LOTR - TFOTR and the 3D was done stupidly well!
Resident Evil: Retribution: 3/10.

I mean..cmon....zombies with rocketlaunchers? ON MOTOCYCLES?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT. + Dubstep. Honestly.... watching my shit getting flushed down the toillete is more entertaining than this piece of shit they call movie. Wtf....Mila, get naked and make porn or invent a timemachine to give me back my time. Your choice.

BTW: WHY 3/10? 1 for Mila and 2 for hot asian chick.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Epic tale of three brothers and their father living in the
remote wilderness of 1900s USA and how their lives are
affected by nature, history, war, and love.

Skyfall - 6/10 - fuck I really wanted to like this one, the first half hour was a solid return to form and then it started getting into the queen and country bullshit; the British, Scottish and English stereotypes felt like really forced patriotism to tag onto all the post-Olympic fanfare and the computer hacking stuff was trite. Javier Bardem was hard to take seriously as a villian which was disappointing cos in No Country For Old Men he was menacing but he was so clownlike in Skyfall it dragged me out. The few CGI shots were unecessary and corny as well and harked back to the Brosnan era of shitty digital effects whilst the film kept on trying to take failed potshots at that part of its shaky legacy. Overall I was hoping that Casino Royale wasnt going to be the one hit wonder of the Daniel Craig films but now I'm still left wondering.
Looper 7/10 - good weird one but I don't get the massive nerd hype people keep spewing about it. It's just another time travel action movie.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Epic tale of three brothers and their father living in the
remote wilderness of 1900s USA and how their lives are
affected by nature, history, war, and love.


Srsly?! 3/10 ?! This is one of the best movies i know. Awesome actors, awesome plot ...everything is well done. 3/10? Was it too ... deep for you? No brainless killing? Well..ok, i understand :D.

8/10 - 9/10 for people that like good movies.

The Hobbit: 7/10 .... interesting, entertaining ...didn't like the end.
The Hobbit: 7/10 .... interesting, entertaining ...didn't like the end.

The end in every LOTR movie except return of the king aren't even really "endings" just where they had to stop before the movie became 12 hours long... There is literally no other way to end the hobbit other than how they did.

The Punisher War Zone : 9/10, don't get the bad ratings on this movie at all.
Srsly?! 3/10 ?! This is one of the best movies i know. Awesome actors, awesome plot ...everything is well done. 3/10? Was it too ... deep for you? No brainless killing? Well..ok, i understand :D.

too much death. not what i like.
The Hobbit 7/10 could be an eight but I'm penalizing Peter Jackson for taking a 257 page book and making it into 3 movies spread out over 2 years time just as he did with the 1500+ page LOTR trilogy. While I enjoyed the movie and have no problem with it leaving off where it did, I would have rather this spread throughout at most two movies over 1 years time. By the way - i saw it in 2D as I had no interest in seeing it in 3D witch simply would have amounted to a "coolness factor" and probably just distracted me.