Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Twilight: New Moon -49/10

I watched this because nothing else was available, and well... what the fuck. Seriously. The first one was crap from what I remember of it, but what the fuck was this? Since when have vampires been whiny emofags? And what the FUCK is up with the flegmatic, mumbling girl and that single facial expression her muscles seem capable of posing? During the whole movie I was trying to figure out whether she was sad, confused, angry, indifferent or just plain fucking retarded. As the movie neared it's end, I was feeling pretty confident about the last option. This is how most of the dialogue went:

"Bella, I have always loved you, this must the most dramatic and emotional scene in this whole movie!"
"hnnngftarglbrglmkay :|"

"You know, I'm not actually an indian, I'm a huge fucking werewolf with badass fangs and shit. Oh yeah, and I kill vampires after doing my homework."
"mumblemumbleffflllrhhhmkayyeah :|"

"Now, you see, I'm a really fucking nasty Jamaican vampire with cool dreadlocks and all, and in about three seconds I'm gonna kill you right here and bathe in your blood, right."
"fffhblrrrrightyeahsure :|"

I swear, if that chick and the McKenzie dude from OC would date, the world would collapse from the lack of visible emotion.

I spent most of the movie wondering what would happen if the chick and the werewolf kid got all sexual and shit and the kid would transform into a huge fucking werewolf while still physically attached to the chick's groin. I imagine werewolves are pretty well equipped. Either that, or they are compensating for something.

Holy shit, I don't think I can get over this one any time soon. I think I'll just go stab myself in the eye with a fork until I forget.

I can but agree with you 200% on that, exactly my thoughts

The Fourth Kind 6/10

Not convinced. What is up with the "real" footage? Is that all doctored up for the movie? Or am I looking at the original? If the later, then WTF is up with what appears to be people levitating?

wikipedia it dude, it's all fake, that chick who plays the "real" doctor is an actor. I loved that movie cause it really kept you interested in the whole "documentary" thing and was even kinda let down after knowing it's all fake
Shutter Island. Throughout the movie I was gonna give it a 9/10, but after the ending I go for 7/10. Ever since the begginning I said out loud "I hope the ending isn't that he's been dead from the begginning cause I'm sick of that shit" and to my surprise, I was not right (that would've given it a 2/10) but I was very close.

Really, that whole "it was all a fucking dream/lie" stuff has been so overdone I can't believe people still feel amazed when an ending like that pops up
Green Zone (again)-8/10

really liked it but the handheld camera was a bit strange, I liked it but my girl almost got seesick.

@Jarkko+100, especially on the sexual stuff :D
Well no shit. :loco::lol:

I got fooled into thinking it was an actual claim the "doctor" and others made. So I was asking what was up with the "footage". Like Dan (is that your name DanLights?) said, it's all fake. I just didn't know that.

I actually loved the movie for the "authentic" footage at first (I really thought it was authentic) but when people started flying around their bedrooms and giving birth to a satanic Darth Vader through their mouths it ruined it all :/ Fuck, they could have just done something more subtle and less ridiculous and I would have been scared shitless after the movie.
The A-team 10/10

I loved how they stayed true to the series with B.A. hating flying with murdock and all the other things. Plus the movie basically takes place before the series ever started so it kind of answers alot of questions.
Prince of Persia - 8/10
Pretty good. Not amazing, but better than I expected.

Law Abiding Citizen - 8.5/10
Fucking brutal. I didn't really like the happy ending, and thought there could have been a better way to end it, but other than that it was damn good.
Anvil! The Story of Anvil 7/10...interesting movie. It was awkward at times watching guys in their 40s embarrassing themselves and acting like 15 year olds, still I couldn't keep from tearing up at the final scene.

Hot tub time machine 8/10...I really enjoyed it.
Legion. spoiler alert if you have not seen this yet.

Well, it was a pretty fun movie. I'm really into religious nonsense, so this was right up my alley. Even though the basic story is exactly the same as other movies i've seen. Dogma springs to mind. God is a fucking asshole in this movie. I wish it had more gore. In the bible, there is a lot more Emerods, and Phalluses, and instant Smite-ification. God coulda done better here surely. uhh, all is good and God-like, Even the mind-fucks and "tests" of his creatures. Just like a kid with Schizophrenia and a magnifying glass. The line at the end is kinda stupid and ruins it. ".....I gave him what he needed". bullshit. ahh well, it's not supposed to make sense. 6.5/10
Splice - 8(?)/10

I need some more time to digest this movie. Definitely not at all what I expected or what the previews made it out to be - but it was a good film. Had some parts and themes that reminded me a bit of The Fly.
Moon - 7/10
It was okay, I guess, but pretty boring... I love most things Kevin Spacey is in, but his voice as the robot didn't do much to make things any less boring.