Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

For anyone interested in the film at all *SPOILERS*

Man this film was boring lol, I couldn't stand it haha

I think there was some great conceptual and social commentary in it, in terms of materialism/objectivism, spirituality and peoples self perceived purposes in their lifes.

Day-Lewis character feels his happiness lies very much in materialistic progress/achievement and has no real desire to leave purpose in the hands of other people, although he let his personal gain coincide with better opportunities for the people around him he was ultimately in disgust at their desire to live in their own shit as it were and not appreciative of his hard work that he thinks helped enrich their lives, even when he tricked and manipulated them. So when his personal fulfillment and achievement reached a plateau he has nothing left to live for as he felt the people surrounding him were charlatans and impostors and although he considers himself an "honest man" even he himself bows to subversive methods to achieve his ideals - which, of course, never fulfill him, because rampant materialism never does.

The ultimate contrast however was supposed to be the church which supposedly embodies the idea of spirituality and another purpose in life but which ultimately turns out to be just another agenda, see when the priest comes to ask him for money at the end and denounces all he supposedly beliefs in favour of capital gain.

In the middle of all this is the boy, who despite being deaf and surrounded by extremists on all sides somehow finds love and purpose, he embodies the idea of hope in amongst all these characters who embody various agendas and motives.

In terms of commentary I really think it shows that placing your faith and love in other people as opposed to monetary gain or preconceived spiritual notions is the only real way to happiness as a person and that worshiping at the alter of business or organised religion can be a soul destroying exercise of absolute futility.
Cast away is also brilliant, but IMO Forest gump beats it by a longshot. That movie is one of the best ever.

NO way !! haha
I dunno the ideas presented in Cast Away were just really brilliant, and it was so well acted. Anyone other actor yelling at ,kicking, chasing after and finally crying over the loss of a volleyball that was his only friend , would've looked totally ridiculous but with Hanks I totally bought it.
Also the idea of clinging to the memory of the one you love ,and the hope you will be together again , for so long , as the only thing keeping you sane , then to finally "return from the dead" and find out she has moved on and even already started a family with someone else... that to me is the ultimate tragedy , especially when she still has deep feelings for him , but can't just abandon her new family.
Not a movie, but Dexter Season 4.

Its just flawless.. without doubt the greatest show/movie i have ever seen.
Not much else to say really, just watch it.
A-Team 8/10

i lol'd all the way, much better than The Losers. The guy playing Mr. T did a great job. "-you can't fly a tank fool!"
A-Team 8/10

i lol'd all the way, much better than The Losers. The guy playing Mr. T did a great job. "-you can't fly a tank fool!"

Word. I was so glad to see an action flick not take itself seriously but still pull off a cool factor. Mind you I'm still sick of all the bad remakes Hollywood is doing, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
Clash of The Titans 7/10

Did love the visuals and updated characters. Would have scored higher if the acting was a bit better. I don't know, there was something missing.
Rampage was definitely awesome in A Team. Clash of the Titans was saved by Gemma Arterton , goddamn that chick is unbelievably beautiful.
Shutter Island 8/10
I thought it was pretty damn good , I think I have to see it again, I caught some weird things when I first saw it before I knew the "twist" did anyone else catch the woman drinking the water glass , in a split second shot she is drinking the water but there is no glass there...
I thought it was very well done , but the ending kinda makes it fall apart a little... SPOILERS


I thought it would have been better if he actually healed at the end. For him to gain back his sanity and realization of reality so completely , only to lose it again just didn;t really make sense to me. I guess they just didn't want a "happy" ending.
The Ghost - loosely based on the war criminal Tony Blair. Good thriller with a great twist.

Better that that twilight shit. I work in a theatre as a tech, and I have to show the films to so I had the pleasure of sitting through 2 hours Eclipse tonight.

Is it just me or does it look like the Edward character has smelt a bad fart the whole time. He has a puzzled almost worried look on his face all the pissing time, maybe he has poohed his stupid pants. There were loads of girls high fiving and hugging at the end.....Shit the bed.

But anyway The ghost 9/10. Also looking forward to Four Lions which is a British film by Chris Morris who over here in the UK did a satirical show called brass eye which got the most complains of any TV show ever. Some people just lose their sense of humour. Looks brill
It felt rushed

Totally agree with this. Especially at the end; it built up to 3 second action sequence.

Get Him to the Greek - 6.5/10 It had some pretty funny parts, but the whole thing just seemed kind of weird.

Has anyone seen the last airbender? I heard it sucked.:(
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 8/10 The hacking parts where laughable but I like how the movie had several things going on. I didn't want it to end. When it did, it left me wondering.

Does anyone know what this says? It's in Swedish, I think.

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