power metal?

(M)aggoT said:
Once I saw a video clip by a band called Hammerheart to their song "Blood Bound" (I think so), and from that moment I knew that power metal is the most gayish metal genre ever.

That was Hammerfall. Shane Embury from Napalm Death was once drunk at a European outdoor festival, standing outside their coach and shouting 'Death to false metal!'
(M)aggoT said:
Once I saw a video clip by a band called Hammerheart to their song "Blood Bound" (I think so), and from that moment I knew that power metal is the most gayish metal genre ever.

Judging all power metal by Hammerfall is a huge mistake. Hammerfall just might be one of the most generic PM bands of all time. And I say that even as an avid power metalhead. :erk:
Razorhog said:
Very well said. Bravo!

Well, thank you for the completment. :)

Blue_Jay said:
Ummmm.... am I the only one that likes power metal in this thread. Feels like it... *sigh*

*coughs, points to a couple of own posts*

Authentic Metalhead said:
Judging all power metal by Hammerfall is a huge mistake. Hammerfall just might be one of the most generic PM bands of all time. And I say that even as an avid power metalhead. :erk:

They may be generic... but sometimes one or two generic bands can have their place.

Generic but decent is better than exceptionally bad (to the point you tear your own ears off, try to dig the memory out of you brain [using your bare hands] then give up and kill youself in the first way you see). :p