power metal?

You don't seem to know what the word inflation in this sense means. It means there are a FUCKTON of Flower Metal bands, not that they're all popular.

And Vacant_Planets, you're just retarded. :lol:
Necuratul said:
You don't seem to know what the word inflation in this sense means. It means there are a FUCKTON of Flower Metal bands, not that they're all popular.

And Vacant_Planets, you're just retarded. :lol:

2nd time I'm going to tell you about self projection. :)
Necuratul said:
Do you think you're being witty by using Sophomore High School level psychology terms?

3rd time I am going to tell you about self projection, this time I will give you an example.

You think you're witty = editing the quote. Now knock it off, stupid kid.
You think you're witty = editing the quote? No, you think you're witty = 3rd time I am going to tell you about self projection. Yeah, it really got to me that third time. Why don't you just say it in plain terms; "I know you are but what am I? :p"
uh no, you see it as "I know you are but what am I" because you're childish. In truth you are self projecting, and very sensitive about it as well. THere is a way to deal with it though, stop posting to, and about me.
Well, it was in the beginning, but not anymore, so I'm not egging on anymore since I'm not getting the responses that make it worthwhile. :(

[sincere]Listen to whatever you want, you're not obliged to listen to or not listen to whatever anyone else tell you to/not to, and I'm not one to judge either. However, I've tried to get into this kind of music, and it just doesn't work for me. I'd rather listen to Nightfall In Middle-Earth.[/sincere]

Vacant_Planets said:
uh no, you see it as "I know you are but what am I" because you're childish. In truth you are self projecting, and very sensitive about it as well. THere is a way to deal with it though, stop posting to, and about me.

lol no, missing the point entirely
Dodens' list > The other Power metal mentioned in this thread.

I'm not sure why some people can't grasp that there are a great number of self-proclaimed power metal fans who vastly prefer old-school sounding bands to newer, more technical ones. Hense the put-down, Flower metal.
It's more technical, ohhhhhh baddddd. lol Give me something a neandertal would be entertained by? I don't know just Joe's description there is goofy.
I'm not actually making any kind of argument about why that stuff gets called Flower metal (since its pretty obvious tbh), I'm just saying that different styles of power metal attract different types of metal fans. If you want the reasons made crystal clear go read Ultra Boris's reviews over at metal-archives.
Blue_Jay said:
There is no such thing as flower metal for crying out loud. How much longer is this false genre naming gonna last.

Of course it's not an actual genre, but it's a way of differentiating between the modern incarnation of Euro Power Metal and the bands of the past (and those who continue in that vein today).