Pro Tools 8

I don't like the dark gui, I just prefered the old gui, much lighter ;)

If you think the GUI is too dark then make it lighter!

- Open up the Color Palette (Window -> Color Palatte)
- Drag the Brightness bar to change the shade of Pro Tools. It will range from a dark grey to more of a silver color.
If you think the GUI is too dark then make it lighter!

- Open up the Color Palette (Window -> Color Palatte)
- Drag the Brightness bar to change the shade of Pro Tools. It will range from a dark grey to more of a silver color.

seriously you're the man!! thanks a lot!

Anyway have you noticed guys this feature: double clicking a midi note deletes the note... seriously I hate it ha I want it as it was before, if I have to delete the note I just hit "del" button...
And another thing is irritating me is the horizontal scroll bar, before when I held the shift button and used the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally it was fast, now it's fucking slow I can't find a menu where I can speed it up :(
just done a days tracking with it, and its been really good.. although i did have a bug with beat detective..... seems to have sorted itself out now..... wierd
regarding the colors
I've tried to adjust the colors but in the end I put it back to default and just dealt with it. I couldn't find any combination that was better. Even though it's dark I find I have to put my monitor on economy mode or my eyes quickly tire.

My biggest complaint about the colors is for warp view. can't see the grid lines, the regions are grey on a grey background. I just spent 8 days editing with that bullshit.

It's hella stable though.
I've just installed Protools 8....very very nice Daw. Very intuitive.
I have a question...if I've mixed a project's song and I have to mix another track of that project, how can I export/import all the settings/plugin I've used in the first song?
I've just installed Protools 8....very very nice Daw. Very intuitive.
I have a question...if I've mixed a project's song and I have to mix another track of that project, how can I export/import all the settings/plugin I've used in the first song?

I am pretty sure you can do that via the Import Session Data command.

My biggest complaint about the colors is for warp view. can't see the grid lines, the regions are grey on a grey background. I just spent 8 days editing with that bullshit.

Yeah I noticed the warp issue as well. That has gotta be a bug or something.
I've just installed Protools 8....very very nice Daw. Very intuitive.
I have a question...if I've mixed a project's song and I have to mix another track of that project, how can I export/import all the settings/plugin I've used in the first song?

Delete all the tracks and busses you dont need and all regions. Then save as another file name, i call them song name + template.

In the other session delete the busses you didn't delete from the template. Click on the last track (then the imported tracks/busses will show under that track) Go to import session and select the template, hold ALT and click on the tracks (It will mark all as import) You might also need the IO settings if not equal.

Make sure all especially drum tracks match i order. Zoom wide out and mark the drum regions and drag them to the imported tracks.

Thats how i do it, would still like the have the Protools HD features in LE for this ;-)
Do you wanna laugh a little?
This is the answer I received on DUC from the Digi Tech Support, speaking about the invisible grid in Warp view

"This was done intentionally - feedback from beta testing was that it caused too much confusion between grid lines and warp/analysis markers. You can always put the track up at the top of the edit window so you can see the grid lines in the timeline."
Do you wanna laugh a little?
This is the answer I received on DUC from the Digi Tech Support, speaking about the invisible grid in Warp view

"This was done intentionally - feedback from beta testing was that it caused too much confusion between grid lines and warp/analysis markers. You can always put the track up at the top of the edit window so you can see the grid lines in the timeline."

I completely disagree. They should at least make it at option to turn on or off.
I completely disagree. They should at least make it at option to turn on or off.

Yes, that is a terrible answer.
And,.....holy we have to put our tracks in the top of the list every time because some fuckin' beta testers said they are too stupid to see the difference beetwen grid and marks? BAH
So what's regarding tracks limitations? As I understoof there are 48 mono OR stereo tracks limit and you may increase it to 64 mono OR stereo tracks by purchasing the dv toolkit 2? And what about the group tracks?
Standard: 48 mono or stereo tracks, any combination totaling 48 (96 voices), 32 stereo buses
Music Production Toolkit 2: 64 mono or stereo tracks, any combination totaling 64 (128 voices), 32 stereo buses
DV Toolkit 2: same as MPTK2
Complete Production Toolkit: 128 mono or stereo tracks, any combination totaling 128 (256 voices), 64 stereo buses
(at this point you are limited by your drives bandwidth, a 7200RPM drive can get about 50-60 voices without much trouble)
With all of them, if you have enough spare buses, you can get more than the max mono tracks.

Don't forget about Rewire too! Reaper has unlimited track count and 32 outputs. It's a good vsti wrapper option too.