PRS Of Peter Lindgren

Dogrudur abi,ben de gecen sene ESP M-1000 aldım ebayden ama gumruk te 300 dolar mı ne istiolardı fln yurtdısından bi arkadasın evine isteyip alıcaktım ama olmadı.Yurt dısından almak cok sorunlu hakkaten:).Simdi de manyetik alcam EMG nasıl alcam bilmiom.PRS distrubutorumu var diye sasırdım ondan bende:).Sana kolay gelsin, hayırlı olsun PRS.Konusuruz eyw kendine iyi bak...
Ruby Eyes said:
Hey I was just wondering. Have you played a 513 yet? I haven't, but I'm really intrigued by the way the pickups are set up. Just wondering if anyone else has played one yet. I'm too lazy to get on a bus to a different town just to check one out at the closest PRS dealer.

Im surprised Kitchener doesn't have a PRS shop, all the best music shops in the area are in KW. But if u have access too a car, Guelph is only 20 mins away and has PRS shop at Woodshed music. My experience with them was pretty bad however, as they told me I couldn't use a pick when playing their PRS guitars even though they couldn't be bothered to clear off the thick coat of dust on each of their models. It was rather insulting actually to see such a beautiful guitar in such a state of neglect. Despite all that, they do have a variety of models so if your interested check it out.
Evet gerci manyetik bulmak daha kolaydır heralde PRSden :P Dedigim gibi Almanyadan almayı dusun bence

Haydi kendine iyi bak alıyım koyucam zaten resimleri falan