Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Nov 3, 2002 #761 Q: Ever dropped a bowling ball on your testicles?? A: Sometimes, but I'm trying to cut down.
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Nov 3, 2002 #762 Q: Do you like playing with your boogers? A: Hey, don't do that with a hammer!
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Nov 3, 2002 #763 Q: Is this the best way to eat ice cream?? A: It should arrive tomorrow!!
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Nov 3, 2002 #764 Q: Hey, will you send me $5,000? A: If I said yes, I'd have to whisper it quietly.
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Nov 3, 2002 #765 Q: What is one of the consequences of having a really sore throat?? A: I don't want you to ask me that again.
Q: What is one of the consequences of having a really sore throat?? A: I don't want you to ask me that again.
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #766 Q: Are you SURE you won't consider heterosexuality? A: He has NO idea.
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Nov 3, 2002 #767 Q: Ummm... you never answered that one question.... A: If I had too, I would.
~UlvedaL~ Where Lost Souls Travel Feb 19, 2002 1,531 17 38 Muspelheim... Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #768 Q: Would you ever consider turning gay if you end up in a prison? A: I am eternal!! On infinity I ride, for I am the unseen; dressed in a Twillight Sigh!!!
Q: Would you ever consider turning gay if you end up in a prison? A: I am eternal!! On infinity I ride, for I am the unseen; dressed in a Twillight Sigh!!!
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #769 Q: Are you, by any chance, slightly eccentric? A: It's only a harmless bunny!
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio Nov 3, 2002 #770 Q. It's pure evil I tell ya! (?) A. I shall strike thee down with the power of a thousand hells!
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #771 Q: Would you be upset if I told people about your recent operation? A: Build a large wooden badger.
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Nov 3, 2002 #772 Q: Best way to infiltrate a French castle?? A: I am a shrubber. My name is Roger the Shrubber.
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Nov 3, 2002 #773 Q: Did you say 'shrubberies'? A: It should, cause I've got soft feet.
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #774 Q: Would joining us on the quest for the Holy Grail, in any way, jeopardize your health? A: There's nothing better than a little bit of "peril".
Q: Would joining us on the quest for the Holy Grail, in any way, jeopardize your health? A: There's nothing better than a little bit of "peril".
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Nov 3, 2002 #775 Q: Isn't it too perilous?? A: I don't know that....... AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh.............
Q: Isn't it too perilous?? A: I don't know that....... AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh.............
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #776 Q: What is the capital of Asyria? A: Spelling was never my forte.
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Nov 3, 2002 #777 Q: How do you spell R-E-L-I-E-F? A: Yes, mushrooms are magical.
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio Nov 3, 2002 #778 Q. HEY!!! Are you seeings that CRAZY pink elePHanTTos TOOOO???? A. YOWZA!
B BMKid New Metal Member Nov 3, 2002 27 0 1 41 San Diego, CA USA Visit site Nov 3, 2002 #779 Q: What do you think of Russell Crowe in "The Gladiator?" A: THE LARCH!
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Nov 4, 2002 #780 Q: What type of tree is number 2?? A: And now for something completely different.