Fenrisúlfr;7619450 said:I don't have a sense of identity, so I will commit violent acts. HAH
So black couldn't vote before the 1960's.
That is SO retarded.
Slightly simplistic way of putting it, but yes. I'll elaborate further. My language and culture has been stripped away. My sense of value has been distorted by "Massa" who has repeatedly sold my wife and family, breaking up my family. After slavery, when people tried to gather themselves together and organise a means of gaining self respect and creating a culture of responsibility to society and community, they were called "uppity", they were hanged (a violent act), beaten up (yet another violent act) amongst other things. As a result, I'm more likely to be born to a single parent family, and turn to gangs for a sense of identity and belonging. Violent acts are just a... by product of this experience.
Again that little snippet "couldn't handle their newfound freedom". Naah. I can't accept that. They handled their freedom well enough, at least as well as they were permitted to handle it.
What NAACP claims is that without the white supremacy and jim crow movements, the blacks in the states would NOT be the way they are now. They'd be much better assimilated into the american culture, and most americans would be even more mixed-race.
The current culture has NOTHING to do with blacks not being able to handle their newfound freedom - that's the same line that the jim crow enthusiasts and the white supremacists used to supress the black people.
violent acts are just a byproduct of this experience? Holy fuck... are you fucking kidding me? The British Empires hold over Ireland was a reason why my family left europe for america all those ages ago in 'promises of a better life' blah blah blah. when my family got to america they were met with about as much hatred as the blacks were met with, my family was then forced into menial labour all the while being beat and opressed, forced into 'irish communities'.. fast forward a hundred years, I am born, into a single parent family, my mom was a drunk who went through different men all the time and spent what little cash they had for food on booze. I was beat my entire childhood and sexually abused till I was 12. I then turned to metal music for a sense of identity and belonging. (note that I didnt turn to a gang or a cult) And just for doing that I was rewarded with persecution and hatred from my family and my peers which lingers around to this day. Perhaps I should blame Americans and the British....
The point is at some point I believe we have to start taking responsibility for ourselves. We have to take accountability for reality, and where we are placed within it.
Barack Obama and White Privilege
By John Stossel
Complaints about racism still dominate media discussion of the disparity between black and white success. Comedian Chris Rock tells white audiences, "None of ya would change places with me! And I'm rich! That's how good it is to be white!"
I assumed that the success of Barack Obama, as well as thousands of other black Americans and dark-skinned immigrants -- many of whom thrive despite language problems -- demonstrates that America today is largely a colorblind meritocracy. But a white campus lecturer, Tim Wise, gets tremendous applause from students by saying things like, "[W]hite supremacy and privilege continue to skew opportunities hundreds of years after they were set in place" and in America, "meritocracy is as close to a lie as you can come." His message is in demand -- he is invited to more than 80 speaking engagements a year.
But black writer Shelby Steele argues that whites do blacks no favors wringing their hands about white privilege.
"I grew up in segregation," Steele told me. "So I really know what racism is. I went to segregated school. I bow to no one in my knowledge of racism, which is one of the reasons why I say white privilege is not a problem."
Steele claims, "the real problem is black irresponsibility. ... Racism is about 18th on a list of problems that black America faces."
Whites' preoccupation with guilt and compensation such as affirmative action is actually a subtle form of racism, writes Steele in his book "White Guilt". "One of the things that is clear about white privilege, and so many of the arguments for diversity that pretend to be compensatory, is that they advantage whites. They make the argument that whites can solve [black people's] problems. ... The problem with that is ... you reinforce white supremacy. ... And black dependency.
"White privilege is a disingenuous idea," he adds. In fact, now there is "minority privilege."
"If I'm a black high school student today, there are white American institutions, universities, hovering over me to offer me opportunities. Almost every institution has a diversity committee. Every country club now has a diversity committee. I've been asked to join so many clubs, I can't tell you. ... I don't have to even look for opportunities in many cases, they come right to me."
Of course, there is still racism in America. At ABC News we've aired hidden-camera video showing sales clerks spying on black customers, cab drivers passing blacks to pick up whites and employers favoring white-sounding names.
Steele says those are minor problems.
"The fact is," he adds, "we got a raw deal in America. We got a much better deal now. But we can't access it unless we take ... responsibility for getting there ourselves."
He makes good points. White privilege does still exist, but Barack Obama's success is more evidence that it's not the whole story. There are plenty of people in America who want to vote for someone because he is black. Or female.
It's not politically correct to say that. Hillary Clinton supporter Geraldine Ferraro said she wouldn't have been nominated for vice president in 1984 were she not a woman and that Obama would not have been doing so well were he not black. "Could I have said ... his experience is what puts him there? No. Could I say because his stand on issues have distinguished him? No ... If Obama were a white man, he would not be in this position. ... He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."
For saying that, she was repeatedly called racist. The heat got so intense, Ferraro had to resign from Clinton's finance committee, and Clinton disavowed her remarks.
There is black privilege -- and white privilege. It's time to stop complaining about past discrimination and to treat people as individuals, not as members of a certain race
Slightly simplistic way of putting it, but yes. I'll elaborate further. My language and culture has been stripped away. My sense of value has been distorted by "Massa" who has repeatedly sold my wife and family, breaking up my family. After slavery, when people tried to gather themselves together and organise a means of gaining self respect and creating a culture of responsibility to society and community, they were called "uppity", they were hanged (a violent act), beaten up (yet another violent act) amongst other things. As a result, I'm more likely to be born to a single parent family, and turn to gangs for a sense of identity and belonging. Violent acts are just a... by product of this experience.
Fenrisúlfr;7624878 said:I am sure it is this same experience that prevented Africa from developing the level of civilization white people enjoyed in the same time era, despite its people having lived upon the Dark Continent for thousands of years longer.
Violent acts are not a product of the 'experience', as your people have been fighting amongst each other - and still do - since time immemorial. I am sure this explains why South Africa has the most rapes per capita of any country that keeps regular records, and the most murders per capita with the exception of Columbia. Speaking of rape, if they do not know that raping babies does *not* cure AIDS, no civilized person need have business with such a people...of my three co-workers who left South Africa, two - both white - left, the latter is of Indian descent and was classified as coloured.
Why is it that virtually every inventor of note was either White or Asian? Could it be...oh my...because the average IQ of these groups was higher?If your people had brought forth good fruit, your arguments may have credence, but alas, here we are.
(funny thing there is how many people categorize all people of fair skin into 'white'...another funny thing is that even some black people had black slaves of their own)
Hahah. Naturally all that went on in Bosnia and some other european countries recently wasn't war then. Europe has never had any wars - they are too high in IQ to engage in such human folly. [1]
The majority of sub-saharan Africans moved to africa in the last 2,000 years. While humanity did start in africa, most humanity moved away from Africa (or the indegenous populations died out). [2]
Oh by the way, my people (who you don't know) haven't been fighting each other since time immemorial. We didn't have wars on the scale that we currently do until the europeans (YES) came and messed things up on such a grand scale during their so called colonisation excercise. [3]
Inventions - that is a totally relative and untrue statement, seen only through the eye of western culture. In other words, all these inventions are only useful in a world designed by western culture. The reason why they are "mostly" white or asian is simple - Western culture is designed mainly by whites and asians (with a hint of black of course, but you guys are always so quick to deny this) [4]
South Africa - Another failure of white rule if you ask me. If you have a country, and claim that it's fixed up, then I expect that EVERYONE in the country should be educated to a similar extend, and have similar opportunities, within limits. However when your government policy delibrately creates an economical underclass, and you starve this underclass of learning and opportunity, if that underclass ever gets to rule the said government, you're bound to have a south africa-type situation. It's simple. [5]
IQ - again I ask you what IQ was in play your civilisations burned witches at stake? What IQ was in play when in the early parts of the last centuries the nobles decided that "mixing with commoners" (i.e. people like you) was against the will of God since you were lesser humans? Speak now, and let us hear, oh man of high IQ. [6]
He is my favourite among the Arab people.The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage. Other persons who accept the status of slave do so as a means of attaining high rank, or power, or wealth, as is the case with the Mameluke Turks in the East and with those Franks and Galicians who enter the service of the state [in Spain].
It may be a bit long, but I came across it while looking at fark.
Please be sure to comment on my previous post too![]()
Fenrisúlfr;7625040 said:[6] Religious belief and IQ correlate inversely, so it was in play. Idiots can and do get into power [1].
[5] This does not address the issue of rape and murder. Try again.[2]
[4] So medicine, agricultural machinery, and other inventions of the White man would not be useful in a world not designed by western culture? What inventions, prey tell, does Africa have to its name? For these purposes, North Africa is to be excluded because it was under the sphere of the Greeks, Carthaginians (Punic civilisation), Romans, and Arabs. [3]
[3] You are having wars on the scale you do now because western technology enabled your numbers to swell to their current levels. The colonial strategy, however, was very stupid, as how can one expect to consolidate power without a demographic majority? Thus, in order to do so, extermination of direct or indirect means would have been a manifest necessity. [4]
[2] Homo Sapiens colonised all of Africa over 100'000yr ago:
http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/journey/ [5]
[1] Nice try. Your people's pre-colonial violence was proffered as repudiation of the fact that their violence was a result of the circumstances in the New World. Despite wars, my people developed the foundations of logic and mathematics, architecture, and the civilization that has born forth good fruit, as is readily evident through our advanced medicine, industry, and technology. Why yours did not do this, I do not know, though the average IQ in Equitorial Guinea is 59 according to 'IQ and the Wealth of Nations' may explain...that is probably why EG is a cesspit and they do not have any inventors to their name, pre or post-colonial. If you are using a computer, for instance, and not using a stick to draw figures into the dirt, you have this fruit to thank, though if I do the latter, I will be sure to thank African civilization. [6]
It is not just me...Ibn Khaldun, in the 14-15th century, spoke similarly:
He is my favourite among the Arab people. [7]
. You can't claim to respect other cultures in one breath then in the other imply that you believe they are inferior. Seriously mate, where is the respect in that? That is definitely a racist
Now whos the racist?While Racism exists in every culture and ethnic group under the sun, it's definitely more pronounced in some cultures than others.