
Get this right - White people did NOT create civilization. Every society in existence created some form of civilization and culture at some point. What currently counts as western civilization is NOT "white" civilization, but an adaptation (and possible improvement) of other civilisations that have existed previously.

yes, the current definition of "civilization" is a conglomerate of lots of previous "ancient" civilizations, my point was that the people in Africa are right now, less civilized than the people in Europe right now
Not sure what that's supposed to answer, but those are just theories. Nothing proven. It in no way supports your beleifs that interracial mixing is bad.

i still support Norsemaidens beliefs that interracial mixing is bad
at least within the United States
in the rest of the world, the black/white culture diference isn't quite so severe
It mentions the long established fact that speciation occurs through physical separation which can occur through geographic isolation or through a change of lifestyle that leads some within the species to mate amongst their newly divergent group and not with others. Over thousands of years or longer this results in a new species.

so you're saying blacks and whites could evolve into 2 seperate species? like cro-magnon and neanderthal, or something like that?
It mentions the long established fact that speciation occurs through physical separation which can occur through geographic isolation or through a change of lifestyle that leads some within the species to mate amongst their newly divergent group and not with others. Over thousands of years or longer this results in a new species.

are you saying humans COULD evolve into 2 seperate species?
or are you saying that humas SHOULD evolve into 2 seperate species?
My issue with all of you clamouring for a halt to racial mixing is that your reasons, ALL OF THEM, are based on a false sense of superiority, a racist ideology from the jim crow era. If racial mixing is wrong, then let's stop it in all it's forms - any kind of tribal mix should be banned. No french-german unions, no Anglo-irish unions, no scotti-welsh unions. Let everything come under the microscope. Let's preserve ALL racial identity such as there is.
this wouldn't be feasable
and it wouldn't even be neccassary
what i was suggesting was that (in america) whites and blacks should stop interbreeding, which is actually feasable
I would like to make clear that I don't make any racial comparisons in the sense of race A being "superior" to race B. Non whites seem to have an inferiority complex however and appear to want to copy whites in various ways and be admired by us, while of course many whites like to look and behave like non-whites for equally insane reasons.

when i become "tan" the hispanics think that i'm one of them, and while in this "tan" state, i could wear the ghettoville gangster clothes and talk in ebonics and look like a "high yellow"
the reason that i don't talk in spanish or ebonics is that quite simply, i'm not part of either of those cultures
i'm not going to say "black people are bad" or "hispanics are bad" but i'm just not part of those cultures
at this point, race seems to be more of a cultural thing than a skintone thing, Barack Obama, Condeleeza Rice, Collin Powell, Levar Burton, Mariah Carey, i consider those to be "white" people inso much as that i would actually be able to hold a lenghthy conversation with these people, as opposed to the ghettoville gangsta thugs that i'm ususally refering to when i say the term "black people"
this wouldn't be feasable
and it wouldn't even be neccassary
what i was suggesting was that (in america) whites and blacks should stop interbreeding, which is actually feasable

No. It's as feasible and as necessary as the previous case. You simply want to pick and choose. American blacks are running on an average of 30% white dna. Why stop now, why not mix all the way? That would be the ultimate proof of nationality.
yes, the current definition of "civilization" is a conglomerate of lots of previous "ancient" civilizations, my point was that the people in Africa are right now, less civilized than the people in Europe right now

Civilised? No. Westernised? Yes.
like i said earlier, abe lincoln didn't free the slaves, martin luther king did
okay, so maybe my description of the pimps and blue-eyed-blondes didn't describe EVERY black-white relationship, but there is a culture difference
if you find a guy with the difinitive negroid nose, and skin as dark as chocolate, and if this guy has asperger's syndrome, and if you put this guy in an area where there's no white people, he'll accidently piss off somebody and get his ass killed in about 2 seconds, the black culture just wouldn't tolerate somebody with asperger's, and i willing to gaurantee that if you find a black guy with asperger's, that all his freinds are white people

Rather bizzare opinion of black americans. How many have you met? Why do you think black american culture is all about killing people with social difficulties?

my point is that the black culture is less civilized than the white culture

Poo. It's different. Just as french culture is different from English culture. What is retarded is gangster culture. Unless of course you're of the beleif that all black americans partake of gangster culture

yes interacial marriage was illegal before the civil rights movement, if interacial marriage became popular imedietely following the "end" of slavery, the "black culture" as we know it today would never have developed
there is right now a semi-large city on the East Coast where the entire city council are Klan members
despite us now having a "black" president, the american government will continue to be racist up untill the number of black politicians out numbers the number of white ones, and i don't see that happening in my lifetime
i think that black people are gonna be getting the short end of the stick pretty much forever

Again my argument. With a majority "ethnic mix" american population, these numbers will even out.

i don't have a problem with the whites dating blacks, i just have a problem with the whites breeding with the blacks
it causes all the psychological problems that are described in Barack Obama's auto biography, he was raised with his white mother, if he'd been "white enough to pass" and if he hadn't known about being half-black, he would never have gone to law school, never become a senator, if Barack Obama had been a little paler and believed he was totally white, (or if he'd lived with black relatives, and thought he was a "high yellow" and never knew he was half white) he would never have become president, he would just be a random guy on the street, because he wouldn't have gone through the psycological trauma of society rejecting half-breeds, and if he'd believed he was totally black, he would never have felt the need to be america's first black president

There are a lot of reasons, a lot of factors, a lot of experiences that have led to Obama becoming president. It's simplistic to reduce all these to his mixed heritage. Black or white, he could have ended up president anyway. The psychological problems he experienced were as much due to the social beleifs of the time, the acceptance/lack of acceptance he got from mainstream america, amongst other things.
I assure you, stopping interracial children is more likely to aggravate the psychological problem than to reduce it, if you truly beleive it to be a problem.

If Obama had lived in a town with a sizeable mixed race population, would he still have experienced all this "psycological trauma"?
not at all
my actual point was that mullatto babies should be raised as white people instead of being raised as black people

Hey man, I agree with you here. Well not quite. I think a mixed race kid should be raised as a mixed race kid. The kid is both white and black. The whole raising the kid as black is a spillover from the Jim Crow era.
So are we saying blacks and whites raise their children differently ? Or just that there can be some cultural differences ? Culture should have little bearing on any decent parents embedding positive characteristics in their children, like respect, decency, work ethics and such.

Obama got elected for many reasons but there is no denying the black and other minority vote was astronomical and in many had little to do with political views. He is on the right track I feel at this time, its just bad no matter what due to our already excessive debt, so its hard to get excited about more massive spending and increasing the size of governmental watchdog agencies. Most likely all too little too late anyhow.
Fenrisúlfr;8118824 said:
Yous guys were still doing it while we were having an Industrial Revolution.

Oh, so now it's when it was done that matters, not what was done? A man who killed last week is cool, a man who killed today is bad and his race is behind. I get it now.

And this "we" who had an industrial revolution, where exactly are you from? What country??