Racism And Metal

Theres nothing wrong with racism. Biologically of course there is no merit. Like others have said if a blacky listened to metal it would be a cultural sin. Whereas white people are known to be fucked in the head and it comes off as no big suprise. But things like culture which define a race is enough of a reaosn. Culture is a choice. I tend to dislike the smell of some races. I guess that makes me racist. Oh well...
People from the middle east to southern asia have this unbearable odor. From saudi arabia to pakistan. Of course this odor is the result of culture. I think culture and race can be interchangable. Saying that I hate certain cultures(probably all) is the same as any other preference. People just get touchy because of things like genocide.
SADUDE said:
Theres nothing wrong with racism. Biologically of course there is no merit. Like others have said if a blacky listened to metal it would be a cultural sin. Whereas white people are known to be fucked in the head and it comes off as no big suprise. But things like culture which define a race is enough of a reaosn. Culture is a choice. I tend to dislike the smell of some races. I guess that makes me racist. Oh well...
People from the middle east to southern asia have this unbearable odor. From saudi arabia to pakistan. Of course this odor is the result of culture. I think culture and race can be interchangable. Saying that I hate certain cultures(probably all) is the same as any other preference. People just get touchy because of things like genocide.
No offense, man. You're a cool guy and all, but you need a reality check. Racism is not right at all.

I happen to find the odor of white peoples' breath offensive. But I hate the generalization. I like to think of it as the individuals who decide not to brush their teeth opposed to the entire inbred race. See my point?
anonymousnick2001 said:
No offense, man. You're a cool guy and all, but you need a reality check. Racism is not right at all.

I happen to find the odor of white peoples' breath offensive. But I hate the generalization. I like to think of it as the individuals who decide not to brush their teeth opposed to the entire inbred race. See my point?

I think I offended you? What is your ethnic group. I hate just about everyone anway; even most whites. I respect the stong will of people who can say fuck you to everything they are "supposed to be." The members of say Suffocation come to mind. It has to be hard to be a metal minority. What about the stupid fucks in third world countries who remove the women's clit, so she can't have xexual pleasure, and won't cheat. These people need not exist. Theres no excuse for that. Not that I care at all about feminism and human rights.

Keep in mind I do not try to cover up my asshole nature.
Rottuated said:
Way to twist my post and try to make it into something it's not. Where did I say that everyone is equal? Where is it implied? I know that culture plays a part in how you turn out in later years, it plays a humongous part, but it's not everything. I just didn't bother delving into that. I said that I DO NOT CARE ABOUT SKIN COLOR. Stop over analyizing.

Why are you always following my posts, demi? Are you in love with me or something?

You're paranoid. I seldom respond to you. Thus far, I think this is the 2nd time I've directly engaged you.

"it's not race, it is the person. The skin doesn't play a part in who the person really is."

The obvious implication is that lineage plays no role in the constitution of a person. Not surprisingly, I'm making perfect sense.
SADUDE said:
I think I offended you? What is your ethnic group. I hate just about everyone anway; even most whites. I respect the stong will of people who can say fuck you to everything they are "supposed to be." The members of say Suffocation come to mind. It has to be hard to be a metal minority. What about the stupid fucks in third world countries who remove the women's clit, so she can't have xexual pleasure, and won't cheat. These people need not exist. Theres no excuse for that. Not that I care at all about feminism and human rights.

Keep in mind I do not try to cover up my asshole nature.
Okay. Well, I happen to be THE WORST enemy of generalizations and stereotypes everywhere.

And although removing the clit is wrong(as in inhumane), it will most likely make sure she doesn't cheat. Western women will go any distance for the cock, be it their husband's or not. It's disgusting. Sometimes extreme examples need to be made.

I'm also an expert at perspective.

And you're not particularly an asshole. I just think you're a little...confused...about racism and its "merits."

I obviously didn't mean that race plays absolutely no part in how a person is raised. I was referring to it more like, just because a person is black it does not mean they are an asshole or that they are a thug. Skin color doesn't determine if a person is going to be an asshole or not, it's their personality that will determine that.
I agree with Clangorous, Metal doesn't have to and shouldn't be an all white thing. I'm white myself, but some of my greatest idols in the metal world are black, like Lajon from Sevendust and Traa from P.O.D. as an example. I belive that metal is open to all, as long as we are dedicated to it. Rawk!!
hello guys, here another Indian listening to metal. I don't think metalfans are racist. I wnet to several metal gigs and nobody looked at me in a strange way or said a nasty remark. I felt really good there, actually!
metal devi said:
hello guys, here another Indian listening to metal. I don't think metalfans are racist. I wnet to several metal gigs and nobody looked at me in a strange way or said a nasty remark. I felt really good there, actually!
Yeah, many metal gigs I've gone to I've seen a lot of people of different ethnicity other than my own, but I didn't find that strange at all. As long as people support metal they are okay with me.
I noticed that a lot of people who like metal are overtly racist. But then again, I know a lot of white people that are racist that do not like metal (but don't listen to "black music" such as rap either). Hardly any white rap fans are racist (rap seeming to be the most popular music even among younger whites these days), so you will obviusly find more racist people listening to "white music" such as metal, rock, or alternative pop. It's not that metal itself is racist, though there are obviously both racist and anti-racist metal bands out there, while the majority remain neutral, never mentioning the topic. I peronsally listen to both racist and anti-racist bands, and am neutral to the topic. I can understand why some people are racist, but I myself am not racist on an individual level, though I dislike the stereotypes and cultures that some races are associated with. Of my three roommates, one is black and one is Jewish, and they are both cool people; they are well paid engineers and are fun to go out drinking with. They don't represent the stereotypes of their races to me because I know them as individuals.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Okay. Well, I happen to be THE WORST enemy of generalizations and stereotypes everywhere.

And although removing the clit is wrong(as in inhumane), it will most likely make sure she doesn't cheat. Western women will go any distance for the cock, be it their husband's or not. It's disgusting. Sometimes extreme examples need to be made.

I'm also an expert at perspective.

And you're not particularly an asshole. I just think you're a little...confused...about racism and its "merits."

You're seem pretty racist yourself. Yet you complain about generalisations.

Firstly, mutilating a women's genitals is completely wrong, and so backward. So in your eyes is it ok for a man to keep cheating? By your login, a man should have his knob chopped off if he cheats or to set an "example".

Its disgusting and un-natural to mutilate someone.

"Western women will go any distance for cock" - Another retarded genralisation by yourself, women will cheat anywhere, but at least in the West women won't get raped as punishment if they cheat, as happens in some countries by law. At least women in the west have equal rights.

People will make mistakes.

I haven't seen or heard any racist activity at death metal gigs.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Any stereotype that says Blacks or Asians or Native Americans or Hispanics don't listen to metal is generally true. The style doesn't seem to have that boundary-crossing ability that jazz had.
For the simple reason that metal, for the most part, appeals to fundamentally European cultural sensibilities, and lacks the populist tendencies of jazz to boot (well, at the least the best of it).

As racist as that may be, I've not seen the inspiration or endless talent of individuals such as Coltrane, Monk, Davis, Parker, Adderley, or the other jazz greats. Their knowledge of music itself and willingness to experiment(Bitches Brew or Love Supreme, anyone?) was legendary.
I don't see anything fundamentally innovative in jazz. What jazz artists essentially did was apply tonal innovations made by early 20th century classical composers to a stripped down, more accesible improvisational format.

Even metal is lacking artists with that much depth.
The best metal is far, far deeper, particularly at the conceptual level.
Destroyer of Orden said: Hah hah hah!!! no white racist in rap? Those guys are racist against their own race!

my god, I live in miami and some white guy called me a 'cracker'. i couldn't help but laugh.

on the whole, i'd just like to add that it's sad to see racism in metal, no matter how rare or common it may be. I listen to so many different kinds of music, including artists like Outkast and Miles Davis, as well as great blood-curdling metal. It truly does make me sad to see metal get such a bad reputation. I love bands like Emperor and Mayhem, but their personal actions are absolutely despicable. It's a shame that such great artists are so childish off the stage.
PalaceOfMourning said:
my god, I live in miami and some white guy called me a 'cracker'. i couldn't help but laugh.

on the whole, i'd just like to add that it's sad to see racism in metal, no matter how rare or common it may be. I listen to so many different kinds of music, including artists like Outkast and Miles Davis, as well as great blood-curdling metal. It truly does make me sad to see metal get such a bad reputation. I love bands like Emperor and Mayhem, but their personal actions are absolutely despicable. It's a shame that such great artists are so childish off the stage.
I'd think that it would be sad to see racism anywhere.
Rottuated said:

I obviously didn't mean that race plays absolutely no part in how a person is raised. I was referring to it more like, just because a person is black it does not mean they are an asshole or that they are a thug. Skin color doesn't determine if a person is going to be an asshole or not, it's their personality that will determine that.

You're in a typical quandary. First, you acknowledge that race plays a role in upbringing(more than that, genetic constitution), then state that it doesn't influence personality. You put aside the obvious influence of upbringing and ancestory on character makeup, and proceed to argue against no one at all. Almost as if I said that every black person ever was nothing but a stupid thug.
I think most metal heads are open minded. They consider almost anyone who listens to metal as a brother.

I have never met a racist metalhead, and I hope I never do.
I would never be friends with someone like that.

I'm to proud to be a Hispanic Metal head!

(actually the metal scene in Latin America is very strong! Lots of bands say they are some fo the best fans...I beleive it!)
Demiurge said:
You're in a typical quandary. First, you acknowledge that race plays a role in upbringing(more than that, genetic constitution), then state that it doesn't influence personality. You put aside the obvious influence of upbringing and ancestory on character makeup, and proceed to argue against no one at all. Almost as if I said that every black person ever was nothing but a stupid thug.
I was using that as an example. I never said that you said anything.