Racism And Metal

i've played in a band with an asian guitarist for the last 8 years or so.we've gigged in lots of places playing metal,to lots of different groups,and he's not once had a problem with anyone about the colour of his skin.from my experience,metal is great in that you are accepted purely because you like a particular kind of music.very little else matters.
on the whole i'm rather proud with the way metal fans(in my native u.k anyway)dont have any truck with racism of any kind.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
Arghoslent are the best racist band.
Yeah, I agree. BTW, I noticed that in another thread that you commented that it was cool that they have "happy riffs" and racist lyrics. But then in another thread you make an anti-racist stance.
If you remove the skin and get to the thing that runs and our thoughts and brain there really is not skin color. I am not against anyone because of looks color and I think people should be judged on themselves and what they put on themselves. Like a christian, they don't belong. I could carless if you are black,mexican,green,orange if you are a cool mother fucker we can have some beers and listen to music. Non religious metalheads and non ignorant ones should embrace each other like a family because we have the same interests.
It's myopic to deny the connotations of skin color. Unlike the color of one's t-shirt, skin color has a bearing on other characteristics of a person. Of course, "skin color" is more than its literal meaning, it refers to race, ancestory, culture, etc.
Demiurge said:
It's myopic to deny the connotations of skin color. Unlike the color of one's t-shirt, skin color has a bearing on other characteristics of a person. Of course, "skin color" is more than its literal meaning, it refers to race, ancestory, culture, etc.

No it doesnt, a persons skin tone has nothing to do with it and is just a shell layering and protection from germs etc......

The way a person is, is from there genes,cells,etc.... a person is from there thoughts and brain. If you put a white,black,mexican persons brain on a table you can't tell the difference. When did your skin tone have any inteligence or control your every move or play any role in your existence(NEVER). Every race has the same types of people. Some are scumbag trash that steal and some are good members of society and it has nothing to do with skin and was never proven to be. If we skinned everyone alive and they could live the person would not change. If we could switch a white persons skin with a blacks the person would not be any differenct. Ancestory and inheritance is through a simple cell that grows not skin tone. Actually heritage and etc.. means nothing and is a poor excuse for anyone to use for there actions or why they are the way they are.

You are dumb, what would anyone expect from a nazi.
You're missing his point. He meant that he's not racist because of the colour, he's racist because of the race, ancestory, culture, etc.

And surely we're products of the genes inherited from our ancestors? How, therefore, can it not play a part?
It only plays a part in your birth. Everyone can have the power,desire and control to make yourself or prevent it or you can be weak and let your heritage consume you and be like your ancestors.

"Forget your heritage and come off timeless"
I think it boils down to culture and upbringing (with a hint of peer pressure sometimes), for instance, a black youth (who is not very individualistic) growing up in a black community will almost certainly tow the line with that of his peers and listen to Rap, RnB or whatever, its just what happens, now and again that same black youth will have a sense of individuality and can make a choice, you gotta look at it from the other persons point of view, Rap music IS glorified, so when kids see all the big ass gangstas blinged to the eyeballs with women hanging off their arms waving guns about, then they see four sweaty long haired metallers without two pennys to rub together, who they gonna choose? coz when they are young, thats when the choice is made, and its becoming increasingly about image, not the music, thats where its going wrong. Ive got a mate called Lynval, hes as black as they come, cool as fuck dude with a big affro hairstyle, he comes along to most metal shows with me and loves it, last one I took him too was the Bloodstock Festival in England last year. Ok, we got a few stares off a few guys but as the night went on those same guys came over and bought Lynval and me a drink, commenting on the fact that it was so refreshing to see a black guy at a metal show and long may it continue!
In Lynvals words 'Metal fans rule man!', hes been to a few Rap shows with his brother and he used to tell me that it was all 'who had the most rings' or 'who had the baddest wheels' or some image shit like that, plus there was ALWAYS more violence at Rap gigs than metal (Christ! WEVE got mosh pits!!), it was like a turf war or something, heh, now theres something, that was EXACTLY what the skinheads used to do, what comes around eh?
Living Inside said:
It only plays a part in your birth. Everyone can have the power,desire and control to make yourself or prevent it or you can be weak and let your heritage consume you and be like your ancestors.

"Forget your heritage and come off timeless"
Except things such as 'desire' are inherited mental traits as well, so you're not making sense. This fact invalidates all 'will power' and exposes the illusion of choice for what it is - an illusion.

Granted, upbringing is a factor, but with different inherited mental characteristics we'd react differently to the surrounding environment.
Not really because everychild is born with will power,desire. Your are not born depressed,weak,without desire etc... that can come later in life. That happens if you let it and it can to anyone,any personality,any lifestle regardless if inheritance, etc...

If anyone is raised near drugs or stealing or any lifestyle which I wont judge. They have the choice to become apart of it or do something else. I don't care who the person is they understand both sides and what they are about to do and it is on there will.
When a baby is born, it is a product of genetics (and a mother's activity during pregnancy to some extent, although this isn't relevant). If twenty babies are born, and you do exactly the same thing to each baby, and it's the first experience they have, they will all react in different ways. The way they react to the second thing that happens to them, depends solely on their genetics and the way those genetics have processed the first experience.

We are all a combination of genetics and environmental experience. Nothing else. There is no 'will power'.
Yeah because they are babies. It is not really an excuse when you are older because you start building your own life and rely on yourself and your actions for survival.

What do you mean there is no willpower.

So if you pick up a guitar the genetics and genes you were bron with decide whether or not you can play it ? NO

Does genetics make you go out and by clothes/food or not no. It is willpower and desire.
The way they react to the second thing that happens to them, depends solely on their genetics and the way those genetics have processed the first experience. The way they react to the third thing depends on their genetics and the way their genetics processed the first two things. And this continues until you die, taking into account every miniscule thing that happens to you. You only do an action because of your genetics and environmental experience. My point continues to stand, undisputed.
Reasons people can play guitar well:
1. Natural talent (genetics)
2. Practice (and your mental attributes are the driving force behind your practising. This supports what I've already said.)
Some people need to pull their heads out of their asses. Who really gives a fuck what race, color, religion, etc any metalhead is? It doesn't make the music any different, besides if they're crazy like i heard over in europe and asia most headbangers are then theres nothing wrong with listening it is there?
Religion is different though because it brings something false and negative in and ruins everything. A persons race does not do that so there is no problem.