Racism And Metal

Living Inside said:
No it doesnt, a persons skin tone has nothing to do with it and is just a shell layering and protection from germs etc......

The way a person is, is from there genes,cells,etc.... a person is from there thoughts and brain. If you put a white,black,mexican persons brain on a table you can't tell the difference. When did your skin tone have any inteligence or control your every move or play any role in your existence(NEVER). Every race has the same types of people. Some are scumbag trash that steal and some are good members of society and it has nothing to do with skin and was never proven to be. If we skinned everyone alive and they could live the person would not change. If we could switch a white persons skin with a blacks the person would not be any differenct. Ancestory and inheritance is through a simple cell that grows not skin tone. Actually heritage and etc.. means nothing and is a poor excuse for anyone to use for there actions or why they are the way they are.

You are dumb, what would anyone expect from a nazi.

That just sums it all, Well Said !!! :worship: , Everybody has Red Blood and
White Bones beneath their Skin, Why the endless hatred against each other
when everyone are destined to end up as Dust and Bones !!!
This is a bit off-topic, but I don't think that nazi symbols should be allowed on the forum,(Demiurges avatar) and I think it's very odd that no one else mentions it

And I disagree that skin colour comes with cultural inheritance. Im partly hispanic, that doesn't make me a bit different from my white friends. I think that Living Inside describes what I want to say very well.
Domoritus said:
As for sexism in metal ... I have noticed that the number of guys at the metal concerts that I've been to outnumbers the number of girls by a lot ... though they (guy metalheads) are generally really nice to me (girl metalhead). Not sure how many male metalheads would date a girl metalhead though :erk:

Don't ever say that , I would love to date a Girl Metal Head, but no luck in here , of the few girls who listen to Metal , almost all have been already taken :erk:
I don't think it matters. I don't think anyone here is offended by the swastika, because if they were, we'd have a lot less people.
The crying of the sissy cunt before me is amusing.

More amusing is the walking contradiction known as Living Inside. Wow, does he hate Christianity. Christianity served as the basis for the humanistic worldview that became widespread after the Renaissance. That humans are not physical only, but rather the physical being is a vehicle for the "soul." They look different, but are all the same on the interior. The theory he supports is completely rooted in Christian tradition!

I look at this and say "wrong." Morons begat morons, geniuses begat geniuses, etc. It's not that different than the fact that tall people tend to have tall children. The dualism of conciousness is fraudulent, our thoughts are a result of our physical mind.

Your identity is defined by your experience and genetics. Two things beyond your control.
Demiurge said:
The people who say things like "1% of BM bands believe in the ideology of their music" never provide examples with the exception of Venom. Unquestionably, this says a good deal about the legitimacy of their position.
I explained the "ideology" in a different thread and with a specific band (Nokturnal Mortum). A quick summary for the not so bright:

the driving force behind "ideology" in music - $$
fuel to the whole money-making machinery - weak individuals who fall for any kind of crap (Jehova's witenesses work in a similar way)

I took a look at some Ukrainian NSBM bands' lyrics. There is no fucking way on Earth they honestly believe in what they sing about. I know a retarded Nazi in person and even his 10 neurons were enough for him to understand that the whole "ideology" is complete and utter bollocks.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
blacks listen to more rap, whites listen to more metal
The majority of whites do not listen to metal, but to pop, rock, electronic, country, nu metal, alternative, etc.
If you want to compare the whites that listen to metal to the blacks that listen to other non-mainstream music, mention the blues and rythmn & blues.
Naggamanteh said:
I explained the "ideology" in a different thread and with a specific band (Nokturnal Mortum). A quick summary for the not so bright:

the driving force behind "ideology" in music - $$
fuel to the whole money-making machinery - weak individuals who fall for any kind of crap (Jehova's witenesses work in a similar way)

I took a look at some Ukrainian NSBM bands' lyrics. There is no fucking way on Earth they honestly believe in what they sing about. I know a retarded Nazi in person and even his 10 neurons were enough for him to understand that the whole "ideology" is complete and utter bollocks.

As could be expected, you're not making sense. See, when your objective is to make money, you attempt to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Both aesthetically, and by writing lyrics that appeal to a large audience. Perhaps you didn't know, but National Socialism isn't very popular, and neither is true black metal.

So, if a retard says something is stupid, it is therefore stupid. Of course, that doesn't make sense because due to their retardation, retards aren't to be relied upon as interpreters of information.

Realize that often there isn't much effort put into translation to english...

You have no argument. NONE. Understand?
Naggamanteh said:
I explained the "ideology" in a different thread and with a specific band (Nokturnal Mortum). A quick summary for the not so bright:

the driving force behind "ideology" in music - $$
fuel to the whole money-making machinery - weak individuals who fall for any kind of crap (Jehova's witenesses work in a similar way)

I took a look at some Ukrainian NSBM bands' lyrics. There is no fucking way on Earth they honestly believe in what they sing about. I know a retarded Nazi in person and even his 10 neurons were enough for him to understand that the whole "ideology" is complete and utter bollocks.

It's very rare that I'd side with a Nazi, but it seems like your whole argument is based on nothing more than monolithic cynicism. You just keep repeating the same thing, "they can't POSSIBLY believe what they say! It MUST be about the money and fame!". I was lurking in the Nokturnal Mortum thread. You didn't so much explain the ideology as pooh-pooh it. I mean, do you have any quotes or anecdotes to show that they're mostly posers, that type of thing (not the fans, the bands)? Or maybe a photo of Kristallnacht at a techno club chatting up black women?
Demiurge said:
You have no argument. NONE. Understand?
WTF are you on about? Is it my fault that you can't see the global picture? One last attempt to clarify (I don't know why I am wasting my time with a motherfucker like you).

There was a time when Nokturnal Mortum were a fairly unknown UG black metal band. One day they decided to add swastikas to their CD's and "NS" bullshit to their songs (you can trust me on that it is bullshit, I understand the lyrics). They became "rebels" and people started talking about them. The price of their CD's doubled; their popularity increased tenfold. Note the numbers are not made up in my head. My friend runs a webstore with UG material at www.forensickmusic.com and he told me how his sales go. Nokturnal Mortum gained popularity through the word of mouth on various Internet forums, in much the same way they are being spoken about now (the same formula applies for a number of other bands... my friend has some of them in his catalogue, mind).

Now, take a look at www.resistance.com and other moron sites, read the shit in their discussion forums. Take a look at how much a fucking tiny piece of metal in the form of a hakenkreuz costs. Look at e-bay and all the authentic (or should I say "authentic") Nazi souvenirs and their insane prices. Haven't they taught you the basic laws of the market? Why do you think people are willing to pay so much for flags, t-shirts, badges, hell even CD's of Nazi bands? The music is one of the pieces of the puzzle, a mean to spread the shit. The more individuals like you and your gay brother they have, the more publicity they get, the better for them. Now, pull your finger out of your ass and start using your braincell instead of writing your smug little "intellectual" posts and "witty" remarks. Or better yet, get a life and build it around something else than hating other races. If you are strong enough.
lord667 said:
It's very rare that I'd side with a Nazi, but it seems like your whole argument is based on nothing more than monolithic cynicism. You just keep repeating the same thing, "they can't POSSIBLY believe what they say! It MUST be about the money and fame!". I was lurking in the Nokturnal Mortum thread. You didn't so much explain the ideology as pooh-pooh it. I mean, do you have any quotes or anecdotes to show that they're mostly posers, that type of thing (not the fans, the bands)? Or maybe a photo of Kristallnacht at a techno club chatting up black women?
Read my previous post, that will maybe clear up something. Btw nice cathedral you have in Coventry, I spent a week there and I had a great time. Shame the football club sucks so much these days. :-)
Naggamanteh said:
Read my previous post, that will maybe clear up something. Btw nice cathedral you have in Coventry, I spent a week there and I had a great time. Shame the football club sucks so much these days. :-)

:lol: that's the only thing you ever see on a photo of Coventry, the Cathedral. Someone gave the council some bad advice. "Trust me, boys, grey is the new green."
lord667 said:
:lol: that's the only thing you ever see on a photo of Coventry, the Cathedral. Someone gave the council some bad advice. "Trust me, boys, grey is the new green."
LOL. Well, yeah, it is a bit on the greyish side. ;-) Too bad it got bombed so much during the WW2. I still like the town, nonetheless.
experience and genetics- plus will. I have already had this argument- but free will or choice is something every person has, yet I have grown to agree that it exists partially within the context experience and genetics.

Who cares if he is a nazi? I havent heard him stating he wishes to take over the world and kill other inferior races. Plus, I think ones own position on racism etc, is furthered by accepting and arguing with those you disagree with. It really come right down to freedom of speech, the US constitution gives the highest protection to political speech and that has included nazis and the KKK whether u like it or not.
Naggamanteh said:
WTF are you on about? Is it my fault that you can't see the global picture? One last attempt to clarify (I don't know why I am wasting my time with a motherfucker like you).

There was a time when Nokturnal Mortum were a fairly unknown UG black metal band. One day they decided to add swastikas to their CD's and "NS" bullshit to their songs (you can trust me on that it is bullshit, I understand the lyrics). They became "rebels" and people started talking about them. The price of their CD's doubled; their popularity increased tenfold. Note the numbers are not made up in my head. My friend runs a webstore with UG material at www.forensickmusic.com and he told me how his sales go. Nokturnal Mortum gained popularity through the word of mouth on various Internet forums, in much the same way they are being spoken about now (the same formula applies for a number of other bands... my friend has some of them in his catalogue, mind).

Now, take a look at www.resistance.com and other moron sites, read the shit in their discussion forums. Take a look at how much a fucking tiny piece of metal in the form of a hakenkreuz costs. Look at e-bay and all the authentic (or should I say "authentic") Nazi souvenirs and their insane prices. Haven't they taught you the basic laws of the market? Why do you think people are willing to pay so much for flags, t-shirts, badges, hell even CD's of Nazi bands? The music is one of the pieces of the puzzle, a mean to spread the shit. The more individuals like you and your gay brother they have, the more publicity they get, the better for them. Now, pull your finger out of your ass and start using your braincell instead of writing your smug little "intellectual" posts and "witty" remarks. Or better yet, get a life and build it around something else than hating other races. If you are strong enough.

You've single-handedly brought economics back thousands of years. Supply/demand completely explains the ebay phenomenon.

The claim about prices doubling is fallacious. The one about albums sales is apocryphal. Further, it doesn't prove anything even if it is the case.

You still haven't explained why NS is a valid marketing strategy. Why is it better than Pagan bm? Why is it more appealing to the multitude than Satanist BM? Most black metal fans aren't NS. Most BM fans can't name 10 NS bands. In essence, the bands are making their fanbase smaller. The object is to appeal to lots of people when you want to sell lots of albums.

Not only do I not spend time hating other races, I don't exactly hate other races at all.

You have no argument because you have nothing resembling evidence. All you've done is throw around some easily contested speculation.
Ok it is painful to agree with the cock-fiending Demiurge, but he has defended his stance well. NSBM appealing?hahahah . I think maybe it might more appeal than the rest of troo black metal. There is a trend in the most popular black metal. The trend is shock appeal. Probably higher selling than other "real" black metal, but not anything more than that. Any publicity is productive publicity.
Demiurge said:
You've single-handedly brought economics back thousands of years. Supply/demand completely explains the ebay phenomenon.
Supply/demand was exactly my point. There are tools to generate supply. Nazi music is one of them.

Demiurge said:
You still haven't explained why NS is a valid marketing strategy. Why is it better than Pagan bm? Why is it more appealing to the multitude than Satanist BM? Most black metal fans aren't NS. Most BM fans can't name 10 NS bands. In essence, the bands are making their fanbase smaller. The object is to appeal to lots of people when you want to sell lots of albums.
First of all, I wasn't comparing Nazi bands with Pagan or Satanist bands. Satanism is a good marketing move too, but they try to appeal to a slightly different group of people. There is a fundamental difference between one's religion and race; you cannot affect or change the latter. My topic is NS in music (metal), let's not divert from that.

How did I not explain why NS is a valid marketing strategy? Even negative publicity works. Here's another example: there is a band in my country called Urdung. A BM band does not become more average than that. In fact we have a few other BM bands noone will probably ever hear of. Urdung, however, threw in the Nazi "theme" and they got discussed in media, gaining publicity in circles that are not usual for a regular BM band. There are distros at their concerts selling tapes, zines and other stuff to the skinhead community, their stuff is (or was) sold worldwide through Nazi pages on the Internet.

The bands are not always the big fish though, and that was one of the points of my previous post which I apparently failed to get through to you. The less talented/intelligent bands ARE one of the marketing tools of the big fish in the whole Nazi/racist money-making business. Maybe you honestly believe in those band's "ideals", but there are people in the background filling their pockets on the expense of a number of weak and frustrated individuals throughout the world. I already explained how and I am sure there are other ways. I once read an in-depth article in my own language that gave specific details of this kind of business. There are English articles on the topic that have been published on the Internet. I can't be bothered to look for them, but when I come across one I will send you the link. You should be able to find them yourself though. There are people who truly believe in the Nazi ideals, maybe even a small percentage of the bands, I give you that (my estimate was 1%). But you will not find many genuine believers amongst the truly intelligent people. Communism follows a similar pattern by creating a sense of a common enemy (a mere tool through which a chosen group of people gains financial and other advantages over the rest). As the old saying goes, you will not find a single Communist that is truly intelligent AND honestly believes in the Communist ideas AND is not after profit. The same applies to Nazis and their beliefs.

Demiurge said:
Not only do I not spend time hating other races, I don't exactly hate other races at all.
That's reassuring to hear.