Just finished watching Bubblegum Crisis 2040. Not a bad series at all, much darker that the original OVA, and much deeper in content. Seemed to have a few filler episodes, but overall it was really cool!
Me and my daughter stared watching Crest/Banner of the Stars. I love it... she hates it. It was TOO tame with a lot of space opera dialogue/drama, which she couldn't sit through. I ended up finishing it on my own. Instead of that, I started watching The Big O with her... she doesn't seem to want to watch it when it starts due to having failed her with BOTS, but as each episode get's going, she totally gets sucked into it. I love this series, and could watch it over and over... it's got a classic Anime feel with a U.S. comic book twist. My wife laughs her ass off every time they call the robots "Mega-Deuce"... I admit, it does sound like a toilet reference.
I'm near the tail end of watching the series Noir... not what I expected at all. I'm not sure why, but this is probably one of the most boring series I've sat through. It's starting to get a little better now that I'm on episode 21, but it's soooooo choppy and cryptic with really no point at all to what it's about. Now it's starting to come together a little bit now, so I'll finish it off with hopes it gets more interesting. Outside of two assassins having ties to a secret underworld, I have no idea what the point of this series is yet. There are several other things that annoy the hell out of me with this one, especially how many holes in the plot there is, but its hard to pin it all down specifically. This one is going back up eBay.
I'll finally start Neon Genesis Evangelion next week... I've got to see what all the hype is about on this series. It's rated in the "top 5" on many anime sites and other fan lists.
I dusted off the original Record of Lodoss War series recently. I forgot just how well done that series is, and my 5-year old son is getting into it in a big way.
Yeah, the 1st series is so many leaps and bounds better than the second one, though the second one is worth watching if only for the incredibly dramatic drop in animation quality it suffers, about 2/3rd of the way in. Those goofy, misshapen and misplaced eyes do so tickle me.
I've been wanting to check this series out for years. I see it for cheap on eBay once in a great while, but always seem to miss getting it. I'll have to make a bigger effort - if your 5 year old son digs it, then it might appeal to my 5 year old daughter! The 1st season always seems to go for cheap, the 2nd season seem to be a bit of an expensive novelty item? LOL!
Got some lighter animes to start watch:
Rurouni Kenshin
Also started watching Ergo Proxy
The Rurouni Kenshin (or Samuria X) OVA's are actually pretty good! I have never watch the actual TV series though...
Ergo Proxy seems to be this extremely elusive series that I can't seem to find outside of over-inflated priced used copies on eBay. The whole plot idea of the series has me very interested, and I've wanted to check it out for several years now. I could have sworn I saw in a copy of a recent Right Stuf mag that Funmation was re-releasing it? I could be wrong... but I hope that's true.
I recently saw the whole run of Speed Grapher off of Netflix. Overall, I think it is a pretty good show, even if it isn't Gonzo's highest animation quality. Definitely more on the adult side of things.
On Funimation, I watched all of Claymore and Eden Of The East. Claymore's ending was satisfying, tho it definitely had some open questions that suggest more. (Considering the Manga is still running, understandable.) Eden, of course, ends before the ending with the end of the story coming in two movies, but I liked what I did see.
Nice! I actually have Speed Grapher, but haven't watched it yet... Also, I just got Claymore for under $25 finally! I'm looking forward to watching that one, I've read a lot of good reviews on it.
I scanned this thread and pulled out a few things to try. I really wanted to check out Moonlight Mile, based on Dustin's recommendation, but Netflix lists the release date as "unknown". Maybe I'll track it down some other way, but for now I'll stick with what I can click on and have delivered. Some of these seem to be loooong series, but I'll at least try out the first few episodes:
(1) Serial Experiments Lain
(2) Saint Seiya
(3) Code Geass
(4) Lupin (this came up as a recommendation in Netflix; I saw that Miyazaki directed at least one set of them, so I'll jump in at the beginning and see what happens...)
Feel free to warn me away from the Lupin discs (there are a lot!) or encourage me on them

EDIT: Turns out Netflix has Lupin listed in the catalog, but hardly any of the discs actually available. I'm putting only "Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro" in my queue, since Miyazaki directed it.
Moonlight Mile is FANTASTIC!!! The only drawback is that it ends rather abruptly on Episode 12. There is a 2nd season, but as of now, there is no plans to release it in the states. I have no idea why it isn't getting a stateside release, that is one of the best Anime dramas I've seen in a long time. I've been trying to get a copy of the 2nd season with English subs so I can see what happens... no luck yet. Still, I recommend you check it out, even if you have to cough up the $15 bucks to get the series on DVD - totally worth it.
Serial Experiments Lain - now that it's been re-released, I might check this one out finally
Saint Seiya - a bit dated, and corny, (ala Voltron or Gatchaman) but pretty fun series! I only watch the first handful of episodes and I liked it. I guess it's a long series, and only 1/4 of it has had a proper U.S. release thus far.
Code Geass - the plot outline to this one is in my list to check out rather soon.
Lupin - yup, tons of releases here, but the most popular one is obviously the Miyazaki one. I haven't seen any of them yet, but will have to at least check out Castle of Cagliostro. I've caught some previews to the others, and they almost look like total "City Hunter" comedies.
Apollo: I have the whole Ergo Proxy series and once you finish it your brain will be fried, it is killer, and it takes so many turns that you may not expect.
Me, I haven't been watching much lately.... I've been trying to watch all the 'Galaxy Express 999' series, but don't seem to have lots of time to.
Well, you just confirmed that I MUST get Ergo Proxy! You really can't go wrong with anything by Leiji - I haven't seen Galaxy Express 999, but have wanted to for some time. I guess the only way to get it is as an import with subs? I have most everything that is in the leiji-verse, and this is the one series I haven't even touched yet. I have Galaxy Railways... but I haven't watched it yet, and other than it being in Leiji universe, he had little or nothing to do with the series from what I learned.
Just as a note, on the 21st of April, Syfy will be running Star Blazers. Considering how much the DVD sets are, I'm definitely recording.
Yeah, those DVD's are stupid expensive! My wife will be VERY happy to hear this news! ...anyone have an idea when the Battleship Yamato movie will be out on DVD with subs? Those previews Paul posted a while back were over the top!
Death Note (watch the first few episodes- english dubs are fine thats how i watched it):
I saw two episodes of this on Adult Swim, and it was pretty interesting. I know it has had a ton of hype behind it... I'll have to revisit it again sometime.