Recent Purchases

Why not?

I've recently picked up the Fight for the Light add-on for DC Universe Online and Preacher HC Book 2.
a few weeks ago i ordered Savage Messiah - Insurrection Rising but the order got cancelled because it's not in stock -.-' so now i ordered Disillusion - Back To Times Of Splendor (go listen that shit!). but i won't be surprised actually if that one will also be cancelled...
Via online by hackers, somehow they found out my debit card number and tried to buy 500 dollars worth of shit at Best Buy but I stopped the assholes transaction before he got me. I have recovered the funds but now I am having the difficult decision of which version to buy of Skyrim.... Xbox or PS3? I never had such a difficult time determining which version to get. Some pics I see of the game look better on PS3 and other pics I see of the game look good 360. They are saying the xbox version has a graphical error that they will have to update in the future so I am really pushing for the PS3 version.
Are you for fucking real or what?

The two systems are virtually identical. The 360 uses the Xenos chipset which has actually been rated as a better graphics processor than the RSX unit the PS3 uses.

I stand massively corrected. I was just going on what i'd seen online from when the PS3 originally came out, but I looked at them and they are the same, there was an indetail graphics one too but it said it was theoretical.

Have they been upgrading them or were those articles just wrong?
I'm so amazed to find that out. Everyone, including me, seems pre conditioned to think PS3's are superior and I have no idea why. I've looked through a bunch of articles from near when they came out and there really is almost no difference. Really all they did was have Nvidia plonk their name on the RSX unit and that warrented the huge price, apparently.
They are all so fucking biased, thank god you guys pointed that out and I don't walk around sounding like a prick anymore.

And it does look more detailed on the xbox. However I have it on PC and fuck me its the best thing I have ever seen.
I was heading to the temple of Azura being chased by the snow saber things and then the massive statue loomed over the crest some rocks and my jaw just dropped.
I've only got it on medium but I almost want to upgrade just to play it on ultra.

I have no clue how they have done it.
The actual hardware in the Xbox hasn't changed that much at all, asides from offering the machines with bigger memories, hard drives essentially. The graphics processor has remained the same since release. I do think that Europeans think the PS3 is superior to the 360 and North Americans are the other way around. I'm pretty sure you'll find one million dickheads over here that will tell you the 360 version is vastly superior to the PS3.

I mean either way, I don't think you can go wrong with either the PS3 or 360 version of the game, but since I have a brother who works for Microsoft, I need to go one way over the other.