Recomend me some music! thread

I have a band along those lines for you too, check out Spastic Ink. They're technical/progressive metal. The first album is entirely instrumental (and entirely AWESOME).

While we're at it, go listen to Blotted Science too (The Machinations of Dementia was great, The Animation of Entomology is sweet too). Or rather, anything by Ron Jarzombek.
I'm sure some of you will have already seen this,

but I thoroughly recommend it to those of you who haven't!
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I think I only listened to this once when I got it but when I had my iTunes on random earlier a track off it came on and I was like woah! So I listened to the album in full and I can't believe I didn't give it a proper chance when I got it... because it's awesome.

Inquisitor - Walpurgis-Sabbath of Lust

To put it bluntly it sounds like Sadus, but EVIL. The vocalist has an insane range, going from growling lows to King Diamond-esque highs. Recommended if you like the whole evil death/thrash thing! :kickass:

Black Pyramid was a band that I found on this forum (in this thread I think), and this is some of their new music. It's awesome.
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Few more for the D-T list: Assorted Heap, Agressor, Assuck (well, to an extent), Burnt Offering, Dead Orchestra, Epidemic, Hypnosia, Invocator, Loudblast, Merciless, Mercyless (don't confuse the two), Incubus/Opprobrium, the first Pestilence album "Malleus Maleficarum", Possessed, Raydead, Revenant, Ripping Corpse, Seregon, Silent Scream, Skeletal Earth, Thanatos, Torturer, Vulcano, Warlord UK

That's what I have in my library bar the other/obvious ones mentioned. I'm sure there're a few I've missed out accidnetally.
I had the discussion about deathrash with a colleague at Metal Hammer. This was his list of favourites:
-Sepultura(Bra) Schizophrenia (1987)
-Pestilence(Hol) Malleus Maleficarum (1988)
-Sadus(US) Illusions (1988)
-Sadus(US) Swallowed In Black(1990)
-Thanatos(Hol) Emerging From The Netherworlds (1990)
-Massacra(Fra) Nearer To death demo (1989)
-Massacra(Fra) Final Holocaust (1989)
-Psycopath(US) Making The Transition (1991)
-Invocator(Den) Alterations demo (1989)
-Invocator(Den) Excursion Demise (1991)
-Demolition Hammer(US) Necrology demo (1989)
-Protector(Ger) Urm The Mad (1989)
-Sodom(Ger) Expurse Of Sodomy E.P. (1987)
-Dead Head/Lethargy(Hol) Promo Tape '89/Anesthetic Sleep split demo (1989)
-Vader(Pol) Necrolust demo (1989)
-Vader(Pol) Morbid Reich demo (1989)
-Armoured Angel(Aus) Wings Of Death demo (1989)
-Armoured Angel(Aus) Communion demo (1990)

...and this was my reply as he asked for comments:
Haven't heard most of the demos but that's a great list!

I would have Morbid Saint-Spectrum of Death somewhere close to the top...
POSSESSED-7 Churches (DUH!)
Num Skull-Ritually Abused
Merciless - The Awakening
Torture Squad-Pandemonium
Demolition Hammer-Tortured Existence (I mostly count this as thrash but most count it as deathrash)
Malevolent Creation - Ten Commandments (mostly death but like DH, this is a deathrash release by consensus)

not giving it too much thought!
^I agree! That album is sadly impossible to get :(
there are very much great bands in that genre.
I'd go also for (among the already mentioned):

Aggression (Can)
Toxic Shock (GER) actually another great underrated german band!
Solstice (one of the best..)
Protector (Leviathan's Desire, Urm The Mad, A Shedding of Skin and The Heritage)
Assorted Heap (just check out Mindwaves!)
Invocator (Excursion Demise, Weave the Apocalpyse; also Dying to Live even if it's not Death/Thrash)
Morbid Saint
Sarcófago (The Laws of Scourge, Rotting, I.N.R.I.)

..I think there must be more.
Fuck off, don't just check out Mindwaves. If anything,I'd say The Experience of Horror is almost better than MW, it's just infinitely harder to get hahaha. And fuck you again for ignoring Protector's Golem.

You are a bad man! :(
It's not that I don't like that records but it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get my hands on a Cd of The Experience of Horror. I just recommend stuff which all I have originally released on album. YOU GOT IT WRONG DAVE! :muahaha:

I really like Golem but I believe their releases afterwards are technically better. Just my opnion.
I just concentrate on stuff I really have on album and I have all of Protector's studio albums on record (as far as I know)
It's just personal preference here, nothing else! ALSO FUCK OFF! :lol: