Review the last movie you saw thread

I watched Shutter Island last night. Danged good film; it makes you think and you're really not sure what's going to happen next in it. I'd like to see more films of that type.
Last night I watched 127 Hours, the story of the mountain climber guy that had to cut his arm off to free it from being trapped under a rock. James Franco stars as the main character, and I have always been a fan of his so quite enjoyed it.

Tonight I watched Buried. Ryan Reynolds plays a guy buried alive in a wooden coffin with a cell phone and a lighter and a few things and tries to figure out why he is there and how to escape. This one started slow but esculated into a pretty intense story.

Both recommended.
127 Hours was quite good.
Reminded me a bit of Into The Wild which I also enjoyed.
Franco did a good job.
We all knew what was going to happen, but it did not make that scene any easier to watch.
What about that horrible, horrible noise that they used to signify him cutting through veins? Ugghhhhh
Watched Ponyo (On the Cliff) the Studio Gibli anime film on Sunday.
But my blu-ray version rather than the one that played on SBS.

Such a cute teeth-rottingly sweet film.
All hand drawn and excellent Wagner inspired music (though I fucking HATE Wagner).

Other than that: cannot remember the last time that I went to the cinema (maybe Thor last year or year before) and watch lots of random filsm on Foxtel.
Watch Inception a lot but never all the way through.

Actually, the satirical blacksplosation film Black Dynamite is great.
Really hits the comedy spot and is so exact on taking the piss (in a loving way) on old 70's low budget films.
Ah yeah that is a good film. I actually felt sorry for a king, which was unusual.

I went to the cinema for the first time in a year or so the other day (a babysitter is a rarity). Saw the second Sherlock Holmes film. It was pretty good, but the flash stylistic effects were a bit annoying.
The new British tv telemovie series Sherlock is pretty great too.

I watched Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes last night on high recommendations. I am a fan of the original, but didn't expect too much. Thankfully, it acts as a prequel, not a remake or anything, and it was surprisingly very good. I am a fan of James Franco, and John Lithgow is an amazing actor.
Is that the Sherlock on Channel 9? I might have to download it.

I watched Being John Malkovich and Mulholland Drive in the last few days. Both were good, but the latter was rather confusing!
The last movie I watched id "Dread".. I recommend it- ferocity and more ferocity :lol: But it was interesting
For anyone without a movie package on Foxtel, I discovered earlier that a lot of the movie channels are free at the moment. It usually happens for a week or so...
I watched Goodfellas the other day. That was a really enjoyable film. Can anyone recommend other similar ones that I might like? Scarface and the Godfather films are ones that I intend to watch again when I get around to it.
I watched Goodfellas the other day. That was a really enjoyable film. Can anyone recommend other similar ones that I might like? Scarface and the Godfather films are ones that I intend to watch again when I get around to it.

Pretty much look up Scorsaci (sp?) on IMBD and you'll find a good list.

If you have the endurance, the original version of Once A Time In America is the proto-Godfather.
An epic of the original Jew street gangs in New York.

Casino is also good.

Raging Bull is more to the side of the crime but about working class gangsters.

LA Confidential and other neo-nior films, such as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
classic neo-nior films like Chinatown are also highly recommended.
Saw The Hobbit in 3D the other day. I enjoyed the film but 3D is overrated in my opinion, I doubt I'll bother with another 3D movie. I prefer watching a 2D blu ray on a decent sized LCD TV now - no distractions, better picture and it works out costing less even if you buy the new release blu ray!

Back to The Hobbit, I thought they certainly padded it out a lot, but it was pretty good overall. Though it was a long movie it moved along quite well and the time passed pretty quickly. It looked amazing, as expected.