Roope better than Laiho?

If you asked Alexi he'd tell ya Roope for sure... somebody asked him after a show I was at and his response with no hesitation was Yes, Roope is much better. Not sure if hes being modest because I ain't really familiar with Roopes work... but I heard it from Alexi's mouth myself
Alexi = Pentatonic
Roope = Weird ass fusion-metal feel, easily distinguishable from Alexi in Sinergy + Pentatonic

Listen to 'Midnight Madness' by Sinergy. First solo is Roope, second is Laiho. Of course n00bs will be like "OMG THIS SOLO IS ROX!" when they hear Alexi playing his pentatonic lick over the key change, Roope's solo is far more inventive and much cooler.

Roope is cleaner and more techically proficient than Alexi. Plus, every Laiho riff and solo is directly derived from an imitation of Roope playing. However, I will go as far as to say that Alexi and Roope can't hold a candle to a lot of today's guitar players.
GhostOfPerdition said:
Alexi = Pentatonic
Roope = Weird ass fusion-metal feel, easily distinguishable from Alexi in Sinergy + Pentatonic

Listen to 'Midnight Madness' by Sinergy. First solo is Roope, second is Laiho. Of course n00bs will be like "OMG THIS SOLO IS ROX!" when they hear Alexi playing his pentatonic lick over the key change, Roope's solo is far more inventive and much cooler.

Roope is cleaner and more techically proficient than Alexi. Plus, every Laiho riff and solo is directly derived from an imitation of Roope playing. However, I will go as far as to say that Alexi and Roope can't hold a candle to a lot of today's guitar players.
i would have to agree.
In Your Face said:
Who cares if Alexi was inspired by Roope? What the fuck does that have to do with their guitar skills? Just because you were influenced by somone doesn't mean that they are/always will be better than you.

half of you jackasses can't even tell who's solo is who's in sinergy, and now you're stating which of the two is a better player? what the fuck us up with that?

They're both really skilled musicians, and more accomplished than we'll all ever be. Leave it at that.
totally agreed and to the others:
1) yes i take cob seriously and
2) system is quite ok but they are not very musical and malakian is not a superior guitarrist and worst of all he doesnt play any solos (about 2 in their 60 songs)
Jesse- said:
Who the fuck is Antti Kokko?


The Blind Leader solo makes my penis grow, i don't care what people say about that solo.
It's pure fucking hate in that solo.. and i fucking love it
Roope Latvala Owns Alexi just listen to Sinergy, Stone, Latvala Brothers or the dumbasses who think laiho is better
i got to say they both around the same but roope may have a little more expirece from being older.
Kalmah HAS good solos.
Listen to swamphell.
The problem with kalmah imo are the harmonizations and arrangements, really cramped up, each instrument doesn't have it's own space and such.
BloodyScalpel said:
Kalmah HAS good solos.
Listen to swamphell.
The problem with kalmah imo are the harmonizations and arrangements, really cramped up, each instrument doesn't have it's own space and such.

So true, and yes i'll say it again they do have good solos.

And heh Antti Kokko got the most funny name ever :loco: