Royal Carnage - Elect the President

Who will you vote for?

  • George Bush

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 21 80.8%

  • Total voters
I don't turn 18 until January, thus narrowly missing the election and it is driving me absoleutely insane. Obviously I would vote for John Kerry.

I had a political awakening quite awhile back and have been quite obsessed with politics and the upcoming election for quite some time now and it is seriously pissing me off that I can't vote. The scary thing is, so many people vote for a party or for who their parents are or even for who they like better. Look at the issues people, likeability is not a goddamn factor. Bush could be on Comedy Central, but that doesn't make him a good President. Just from looking at my Government class, so many people who are now 18 are going to make misinformed votes. Mostly rich white farmers who vote Republican because that is just what they do. The sheer amount of people who know nothing about Iraq, the economy, or anything of any significance to their lives and the upcoming election baffles me. What's even more baffling is they are going to vote without exploring any of these things. It's frustrating just being around such idiots.

Also, Bush gets on my nerves more and more all the time. Especially with his talk about the "war on terror." What are they thinking? These people seriously think they can defeat terrorism entirely and we're stupid enough to put them in office? Terrorism is intangible until it strikes, it is individuals all over the world filled with hate for a particular group. As long as there are human beings, there is going to be hate and as long as there is hate, there is going to be terrorism. It's not some damn country you can invade and say "look we defeated terror." Good luck tracking down every individual on the planet who wants to harm the U.S. And this is just one of a variety of things that gets to me. That and the fact that Americans are collectively stupid enough to believe this shit and possibly elect this man for a second term.

This post is already long enough, so I won't drag on, but the only thing I can be satisified with is that in a way, I already voted. My sister was going to waste her vote on Nader because she doesn't want Bush in office, but didn't really like Kerry, which has to be the only reason anyone would consider voting for Nader. I explained to her that a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush in a sense seeing as how it takes votes from the Democrats and informed her that the only way to get Bush out of office is to elect the challenger who can defeat him. Now she will vote for Kerry and I've done my part for now.

It's just scary that we as a people would be willing to elect a President who has already showed all the things he has done wrong over a candidate who can make changes, especially since a lot of these people are casting their vote for a President who led us to war and with it increased anti-american sentiment, but who will "keep us safer", bullshit I say, bullshit.
you know who I'd like to see as the first lady pres of the US?

dolly parton, she has a lovely approchable smile that would be a great image for the rest of the world, and she wouldn't take no shit neither
and shes got big tits

but in reality
anyone but bush

grand ole indeed :worship:
Love them titties! Good post Opeth17.

And... remind me again to stop debating politics with idiots please. I have no problem with people with different points of view but flawed logic drives me nuts. Case in point, some dude on another forum is trying to defend Bushisms by saying his mispronunciations of words/letters/his own name ARE ON PURPOSE. Yes that's right, Bush DOES know how to pronounce NU-KLEE-RRR correctly, but he continuously says NU-CUE-LER to "piss off the liberals." Good. Fucking. GOAT.

Bah, the beginning of the end starts in 9 days, hopefully.
Opeth17 said:
I don't turn 18 until January, thus narrowly missing the election and it is driving me absoleutely insane. Obviously I would vote for John Kerry.

I had a political awakening quite awhile back and have been quite obsessed with politics and the upcoming election for quite some time now and it is seriously pissing me off that I can't vote. The scary thing is, so many people vote for a party or for who their parents are or even for who they like better. Look at the issues people, likeability is not a goddamn factor. Bush could be on Comedy Central, but that doesn't make him a good President. Just from looking at my Government class, so many people who are now 18 are going to make misinformed votes. Mostly rich white farmers who vote Republican because that is just what they do. The sheer amount of people who know nothing about Iraq, the economy, or anything of any significance to their lives and the upcoming election baffles me. What's even more baffling is they are going to vote without exploring any of these things. It's frustrating just being around such idiots.

Also, Bush gets on my nerves more and more all the time. Especially with his talk about the "war on terror." What are they thinking? These people seriously think they can defeat terrorism entirely and we're stupid enough to put them in office? Terrorism is intangible until it strikes, it is individuals all over the world filled with hate for a particular group. As long as there are human beings, there is going to be hate and as long as there is hate, there is going to be terrorism. It's not some damn country you can invade and say "look we defeated terror." Good luck tracking down every individual on the planet who wants to harm the U.S. And this is just one of a variety of things that gets to me. That and the fact that Americans are collectively stupid enough to believe this shit and possibly elect this man for a second term.

This post is already long enough, so I won't drag on, but the only thing I can be satisified with is that in a way, I already voted. My sister was going to waste her vote on Nader because she doesn't want Bush in office, but didn't really like Kerry, which has to be the only reason anyone would consider voting for Nader. I explained to her that a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush in a sense seeing as how it takes votes from the Democrats and informed her that the only way to get Bush out of office is to elect the challenger who can defeat him. Now she will vote for Kerry and I've done my part for now.

It's just scary that we as a people would be willing to elect a President who has already showed all the things he has done wrong over a candidate who can make changes, especially since a lot of these people are casting their vote for a President who led us to war and with it increased anti-american sentiment, but who will "keep us safer", bullshit I say, bullshit.
It's posts like this that allow me to still have a little bit of faith in our youths. This whole preemptive attitude towards terrorism will NOT work. Especially when it involves going after Heads of State. Ever wonder why it was so easy to catch Hussein, yet Bin Laden and Zarqawi have not been apprehended???
an email I just received said:
Dude, isn't the war on terror over yet? It was so '01. It's like "Hey infidel, we will kill 3000 of your cherished Stock Brokers and A-holes at the Spentagon that want to spy on your ass, so you will attack another country and convince a bunch of your hickweed red necks that wouldn't have bothered to piss on the guys killed on 9/11 if they were on fire because they were city slickers from "Jew York" to go out and get killed by some different bunch of rag-heads that left roadside bombs (and I ain't talkin' 'bout meadow muffins, son)".

Seriously, I thought Americans were supposed to be all hard core and shit, why is everbody still scared shitless over some bullshit, fucking wusses! Shit if the only criteria for a war on terror is that 3000 of our dumb asses get killed by foreigners, why don't we bomb the Toyota factories of the world for producing bogey-ass cars that lead to hundreds of thousands of roadside deaths every year? Why don't we launch a pre-emptive strike on Burger King's overseas headquarters because of all the McTubbos that will keel over because they ate too many goddam Shaq packs? How come we don't flatten Moscow for selling all those new girly flavored vodka drinks that turn all of our hot bitches into spent hags and thus killing over 3000 woodrows?

Damn it America, stay on message! I almost hope "Duh"bya does win, just for the sheer cringe factor, plus if they re-institute the draft after they stage the next terrorist action here, with all the dudes gone fighting the 40 thieves, my last call options will look mighty rosier, and less rosy-palmer.
i hate the nazi rules
lizard said:
my stance is that while Kerry doesn't thrill me, the thought of four more years of Bush is just too horrible.

No offense and all, but this way of thinking is just as bad as not voting at all. The whole "anything but Bush" thing is stupid. That says that you (the collective, not anyone in particular) doesn't even look into the issues, doesn't weigh pros & cons, and isn't particularly concerned that the "next guy" will even do anything better than Bush. Just my $.02
GrumpyDwarf said:
No offense and all, but this way of thinking is just as bad as not voting at all. The whole "anything but Bush" thing is stupid. That says that you (the collective, not anyone in particular) doesn't even look into the issues, doesn't weigh pros & cons, and isn't particularly concerned that the "next guy" will even do anything better than Bush. Just my $.02
Blame that on the friggin' candidates running then, not the voters. Yes, it's a case of 'dumb and dumber', so all logic points to 'dumb'. But at the end of the day, if presidents like Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Dubya are the best the US can come up with (at least in my lifetime) then what the hell has happened to this country, where at the beginning of the last century, you had men of integrity like Wilson winning the nobel peace prize, etc etc. I guess it all changed at Watergate. There is no more integrity in being president of the USA, so people will vote for whomever will do the 'least-worse' job, if that makes sense.
That's true to a degree, but I also feel it's unfair to compare the "great" Presidents of yesteryear to today. It's such a different world; I don't believe FDR or Wilson (or anyone else for that matter) would survive or do anything better than those in charge today. The U.S. was a unified (for the most part) entity in the first half of this century. That is no longer the case. Lobbyist groups and special interests (and ridiculous population growth) have created a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't" scenario.

Bottom line: the 2 party system blows ass.
GrumpyDwarf said:
That's true to a degree, but I also feel it's unfair to compare the "great" Presidents of yesteryear to today. It's such a different world; I don't believe FDR or Wilson (or anyone else for that matter) would survive or do anything better than those in charge today. The U.S. was a unified (for the most part) entity in the first half of this century. That is no longer the case. Lobbyist groups and special interests (and ridiculous population growth) have created a "damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't" scenario.

Bottom line: the 2 party system blows ass.
I agree with you. I think though that people recognize the corruption at play in the system, and cannot therefore advocate someone like Bush who takes advantage on such an obvious level. You can't change the 2 party system etc, but you're vote can at least suggest that you know that there is 'something' wrong, and that 'something' needs to change. It's the only way for people's voices to be heard - you're essentially not voting Kerry in, you're voting Bush out because you want the US to be a better place to live in, raise your kids etc.
Right, but the problem there is that in "voting Bush out," you ARE "voting Kerry in," and essentially with zero guarantee that "the US will be a better place to live in, raise your kids, etc."

Sorry for the excessive quotations, but I wanted to make sure I got my point across.
Why the Clinton bashing? Everything was dandy with him in office. The economy was freakin' booming!

It's makes me sick to hear the ol' timers at work talk about the mid-90's when their raises were at least 6%, but usually 10%, with bonuses out the ying-yang, and office Christmas parties. This is the Clinton economy.

Nowadays, I get 2% raises, while at the same time my health care costs continue to rise, rendering my measly raise worthless, and my bonuses continue to get smaller and also no Christmas parties. This is the Bush economy.

God forbid the man get a blowjob.
GrumpyDwarf said:
Right, but the problem there is that in "voting Bush out," you ARE "voting Kerry in," and essentially with zero guarantee that "the US will be a better place to live in, raise your kids, etc."

It's a zero guarantee with ANY president. Bush has given the educated masses every reason NOT to vote for him, so any betting man will tell you that the odds are against him to make this country a better place. Sure, Kerry might flunk it too, but if Bush has ALREADY failed in his 4 year term, then it's time to move on and give someone else a *chance*. That's why you have 4 year terms -- if you go into the presidency with an 8 year plan, then fuck you, you're fired.

Understand this, Kerry doesn't have to sell himself. It is on Bush's failing that makes people look the other way. When people say 'anyone other than Bush', it's because ANYONE could have done a better job than Bush. What the US needs now more than anything is DAMAGE CONTROL.
For all those people that constantly want to dissect the issues, just simply ask yourself this:

Are you better off now, in 2004, than you were in 2000?
Maybe it's just me, but it seems that many Bush supporters this year pull the "whole-2-party-system-sucks" card in arguments, taking it for granted that Democrats automatically think Kerry sucks, but just happen to hate Bush more. Then, of course, they go to the polls and vote for Bush. It's almost as if he has closet-supporters.