shit you wish FANS would stop doing

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HMAS Slagdestroyer
Mar 23, 2005
Sydney, Australia
We have a place to whinge about bands... now here's shit I wish "fans" would stop doing:

  • Liking things just because they're 'kvlt' and hating them as soon as they're too 'mainstream'.
  • Giving bands shit if they in any way deviate from the sound and song writing from their favourite/classic album.
  • Giving bands shit if they don't change their sound or song writing from their favourite/classic album.
  • Obsessing over video clips too much. The music is what matters.
  • Accusing bands of being 'sell-outs' as soon as they discover the concept of hooks in a chorus.
  • Accusing bands of being 'too mainstream' and/or 'sell-outs' once they've sold more than 100 copies of any given CD and/or their CDs are available in any major retailer's CD section.

That's just off the top of my head for now. I'm sure there'll be plenty more to come.
Mistaking bands for one genre when they clearly are another. Case in point, mistaking Suicide Silence for brutal death metal instead of deathcore. Also mistaking Immortal for death metal instead of black metal.
I wish people would stop thining that the bands they listen to OWE them something. That's about the stupidest perspective you could have. Just because you spend your "precious" money for CDs and concert tickets doesn't mean that the band has to treat you well or play the songs you want at concerts. First of all, you're not an investor in a corporation, you're buying CDs, and recieving the CD fulfills the obligation between you and the band for your money. You're not the reason they got famous and they don't owe you shit. No matter how much you love somebody, loving them is not a favor to them, strictly speaking. You get way more out of it than the band ever will.

Not everybody acts that way but some people are all like "Hey dickheads, I bought all your CDs. I have posters of you up on my wall. You owe me some fucking respect!" Hell no, you owe them respect. Their music is worth way more than your money.
Mistaking bands for one genre when they clearly are another. Case in point, mistaking Suicide Silence for brutal death metal instead of deathcore.
Speaking of them, this is on their site:

"Underground. Where else would you expect to find the true blood and guts of the extreme metal scene? The filthiest, most brutal bands dishing out the most intense punishment are here, unfettered by here-today-gone-tomorrow trends or the temptation to conform to some notion of what a metal band should be. Suicide Silence, an astonishingly well-developed five-piece from Riverside, CA, are a true product of that always thriving underground, a band single-mindedly focused on creating rabidly heavy and aggressive music."

Only stupid people do any of the things listed in the original posts, except for complaining about the sudden addition of sing-songy choruses, which really only a small percentage of once-relevant metal bands have ever done.
Taste is subjective. If you like a band that I don't like it doesn't mean I can call you an idiot for it. That's childish, yet people basically do it all the time. Not my fault.
Well if you listen to worthless bands you ARE an idiot so the best way to avoid being called that is to listen to good music instead. ;)
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