Then the government is liable for making legal that which brings harm.
Now everyone would want to go off on me because we are supposed to be talking about reefer, however legalization based on the principle: "we should have the maximum liberty to live life the way we want"(same as the dribble that comes from Fenrisúlfr) opens the doors to all drugs as well as many other social behavior problems. One example that comes to mind would be driving drunk, your not harming anyone until you actually have an accident with them. Now everyone would want to say... "no, you have the potential to cause an accident and for that reason we cant allow drunk driving" By comparision it could be said that someone that sells drugs to another is opening up the possibility of bringing harm to that person by giving them access to that which is known to be harmful, addictive, and typically negatively life altering and a burdon to society.
Now we are back to the responsibility of the government for opening the door. This is why we have the FDA and ATF, this is why drugs are "controled substances", this is why it is a Doctors decision to administer controled drugs.
I agree the problems that evolve around smokers of weed are a PITA but this is such a complex problem. I feel the employment drug testing should be made illegal due to its flaws and the best we could hope for is decriminalization of possesion up to a certain amount. Now this was done in the 70's (at least in NY) but I forget all the details, seems it was 7/8ths or 5/8th of an ounce. Now with all this controversary Im wondering if it changed again.
Remember the government was responsible along with the insurance industry and hob nobs for making random drug testing mandatory in the work place. With that step in the wrong direction seems to me that would be the first order of reversal. Not some blindly idealistic free for all.
That is a myriad of ideals that merely sound profound and logical but can be said about any type of social taboo.
So lets hear the myriad of social taboos
One example that comes to mind would be driving drunk, your not harming anyone until you actually have an accident with them.
giving them access to that which is known to be harmful, addictive, and typically negatively life altering and a burdon to society.
Now we are back to the responsibility of the government for opening the door. This is why we have the FDA and ATF, this is why drugs are "controled substances", this is why it is a Doctors decision to administer controled drugs.
I agree the problems that evolve around smokers of weed are a PITA but this is such a complex problem. I feel the employment drug testing should be made illegal due to its flaws and the best we could hope for is decriminalization of possesion up to a certain amount. Now this was done in the 70's (at least in NY) but I forget all the details, seems it was 7/8ths or 5/8th of an ounce. Now with all this controversary Im wondering if it changed again.
Not some blindly idealistic free for all.
and further onI already said this "most people who use DO would grow their own" but please learn something about our government and ALL past governing bodys in mankinds history, would you. Everyone wants to say I dont have a arguement, but Im the only one offering the reality. Everyone else is thinking in their own little fairy tale world that doesnt exist.
and still yetThis is why I have said, its all an idealistic view. "Yes it would be great if weed was legal, lateeda". But that is just the surface idealism, governments will still feel the need to control it and tax it. THis is why I said learn something about the government, it was not an insult. Maybe I should have said spend some time thinking about how the government functions. This is in regards to all aspects mentioned in this topic. "They will save money", hell no they will probably start a whole new department just to control it. They dont waste too much time on weed now as it is, there are after bigger fish. Then the IRS gets involved, they will probably need a entire division to figure out whos selling it and not paying income taxes. Then there is sales tax. I just think its alot bigger and more complicated than the ideal "should be legal... problem solved"
Others even yourself have taken this further into other drugs, but as soon as I go that far stemming from the principles brought forward by others for why weed should be legal, then everyone wants to remind me that we are talking about weed. Im just tying the entire drug issue together and whether the government has the right to open this door of free drug trade to society and further capitalize on it, there-by makeing our own government drug pushers. At that point you have the government capitalizing on something that brings harm to its own people.
Current laws positively effect society ? Ok, please go learn about alcoholism. Lets go to that level with drugs ? Which are far less discriminate that booze when it comes to grabbing people.
Idealistic youth, we can either follow the old inefficient and outdated corners 'your generation'(?) has left behind, or we can make new corners. AKA Social EvolutionIdealistic youth, can never see around the corner
Fenrisúlfr;8316032 said:All his generation did for ours is foul things up, and is not leaving us with a mountain of debt from such ill-fated endeavours like the Great Society, Vietnam, the Cold War, and the current brouhaha in Iraq. Thus let his words fall upon deaf ears.
Seriously?....'the right to open this door of free drug trade to society and further capitalize on it'....Do you know the history of the war on drugs, and for the sake of the thread topic, particularly marijuana?
I'd suggest starting here, even if you've seen this before, in the following order. It'll shoot the better part of 50 minutes to shit, but is worth it.
I'm sorry if I missed it, but just what basis are you founding this statement on? Less discriminate than booze when it comes to grabbing people? Not to mention that you are trying to compare alcoholism to a wide range of chemicals under 'drugs', and even if you were only talking about cannabis, you are clearly uneducated and/or fairly inexperienced when it comes to either substance, and harder substances or have been seriously mislead regarding other substances than alcohol. I would assume as well, all that let alone abuse of said substances. Frankly, IF this is the case, imho you have no argument to begin with, as you are unequipped to provide certain accurate information or perhaps insight on the matter, which is not to say that it is due to some form of fault or err on your part. No offense is intended by my statements. Also, I hope those videos and articles have shed a bit of light for you on the subject, including but not limited to your questions, as some of your previous statements are clearly erroneous, and you don't seem to have all the information about the government you are telling people to learn about. Also if you didn't know that your government is already involved in 'drug pushing' then that's also something you should research.
Idealistic youth, we can either follow the old inefficient and outdated corners 'your generation'(?) has left behind, or we can make new corners. AKA Social Evolution
Also, on a note of this 'gateway drug' crap. This is another huge misconception that is just thrown around to 'scare' you. I know from a great deal of my own experience that marijuana is no more a gate than alcohol. In the case of marijuana users that go on to hard substances and get addicted and become 'public menaces', it is almost absolute that the 'gate' comes from the sort of characters that you have to deal with to get a bag of ganja. The people you meet. This does not include experimentation or people predisposed to addiction. On a quick note of addiction, marijuana is less addictive than coffee, and FAAAR less than alcohol. Actually, to be clear, there is NOTHING in D9THC that is addictive.
EDIT: Formatting
for starters how about this one;What points did I bring forward that were not valid
Please provide your sources of this information, as well as any scientific data or report to back it up.addicts when legalization would only create more addicts
So, what you are saying is that police and other 'authorities' should have access to and make use of, 'any means necessary' to stamp out among others medicinal and recreational and/or self-medicating marijuana users? Doesn't this sound a little like, gee I dunno, totalitarianism? And what about the funding for this little crusade, where does that come from? And more than just 'i think alcohol should be illegal too' please enlighten me on the details and delicacies of the marijuana illegal-alcohol legal, state of affairs as it pertains to health issues, medicinal benefit, and the social and geopolitical issues surrounding said state of affairs.The war on drugs is not working because everyone is pussy footing around working within the law.... against the lawless. Any enemy must be met on their own terms.
Again a reminder that the subject of this thread is 'Should marijuana be legalized?', and that this gross generalization and tangent into legalization of other substances is moot, Mr. Cronkites report as well as the other general info regarding the war on drugs notwithstanding. Also, regarding Mr. Cronkite's report, you seem to have missed the point to his article G-O-DAGAIN A REMINDER THAT IM NOT TALKING ABOUT JUST WEED.... AS WALTERS REPORT WAS NOT EITHER. GAWD!
"And I cannot help but wonder how many more lives, and how much more money, will be wasted before another Robert McNamara admits what is plain for all to see: the war on drugs is a failure." - Walter Cronkite
"The federal government has fought terminally ill patients whose doctors say medical marijuana could provide a modicum of relief from their suffering - as though a cancer patient who uses marijuana to relieve the wrenching nausea caused by chemotherapy is somehow a criminal who threatens the public.
People who do genuinely have a problem with drugs, meanwhile, are being imprisoned when what they really need is treatment.
And what is the impact of this policy?
It surely hasn't made our streets safer. Instead, we have locked up literally millions of people...disproportionately people of color...who have caused little or no harm to others - wasting resources that could be used for counter-terrorism, reducing violent crime, or catching white-collar criminals.
With police wielding unprecedented powers to invade privacy, tap phones and conduct searches seemingly at random, our civil liberties are in a very precarious condition.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on this effort - with no one held accountable for its failure.
Amid the clichés of the drug war, our country has lost sight of the scientific facts. Amid the frantic rhetoric of our leaders, we've become blind to reality: The war on drugs, as it is currently fought, is too expensive, and too inhumane." -Walter Cronkite
Yes and this can happen with any substance or non-substance, someone can be addicted to licking cinder blocks ffs, would you care to argue semantics further?Actually weed is addictive, there is NO physical addiction, the body doesnt go through hell. The mind is another story, not hell but a desire not easy to resist occurs.
Ohhhh.... you mean rhetoric, propaganda.I am placeing no emphisis on this just putting the rumor in its place.
Pardon me, I could have sworn you said something to the effect of;I only found your post to be like all others, full of personal attacks as to "who I am"
Then again I am just a youth right?Youth is blindly idealistic, just a fact...
I thought the bold IF would have stood out better, not to mention my expression of non-hostility.Frankly, IF this is the case, imho you have no argument to begin with, as you are unequipped to provide certain accurate information or perhaps insight on the matter, which is not to say that it is due to some form of fault or err on your part. No offense is intended by my statements.
Idealistic dreams of saving money? How much is spent fighting MARIJUANA? You are trying to group all drugs together and say they are inexorably linked, I can't imagine what you think about prescriptions. And you are basing your OPINION (baseless as of yet) that legalization of MARIJUANA (or even 'other' substances) is going to create this new giant population of addicts that the state will have to care for. Once again I ask for your sources regarding this.I expected some decent alternative responses on this topic but aside from idealistic dreams of "saving money" and "we have the rite to do as we please" got nothing but sticks thrown from behind bushes.
Awww, how nicely that wraps it all up in a neat little package, right? Pretty, idealistic if you ask me."Old inefficiency", interesting thought, society would do well to get back to the efficiency of pre industrial revolution when men could really take care of themselves. I guess that sums up what I think of outdated corners and social evolution. It would take care of much needed natural selection as well.
for starters depending on how on the ball anyone is in keeping up, this entire topic has jumped back and forth from weed to all drugs... BY EVERYONE. So by addicts Im obviously talking about other drugs. Sources of information and scientific data... eh ? Interesting that people need some scientist to point to the obvious. I would only suggest AGAIN, as I did before and you have questioned again in this nonsensical post....... lets take a look at alcoholism in this country. Make your determination yourself or do research if thats the only way your mind can grasp things.for starters how about this one;
Please provide your sources of this information, as well as any scientific data or report to back it up.
So, what you are saying is that police and other 'authorities' should have access to and make use of, 'any means necessary' to stamp out among others medicinal and recreational and/or self-medicating marijuana users? Doesn't this sound a little like, gee I dunno, totalitarianism? And what about the funding for this little crusade, where does that come from? And more than just 'i think alcohol should be illegal too' please enlighten me on the details and delicacies of the marijuana illegal-alcohol legal, state of affairs as it pertains to health issues, medicinal benefit, and the social and geopolitical issues surrounding said state of affairs.
Again a reminder that the subject of this thread is 'Should marijuana be legalized?', and that this gross generalization and tangent into legalization of other substances is moot, Mr. Cronkites report as well as the other general info regarding the war on drugs notwithstanding. Also, regarding Mr. Cronkite's report, you seem to have missed the point to his article G-O-D
Yes and this can happen with any substance or non-substance, someone can be addicted to licking cinder blocks ffs, would you care to argue semantics further?
Ohhhh.... you mean rhetoric, propaganda.
Pardon me, I could have sworn you said something to the effect of;
Then again I am just a youth right?
Also, if you didn't catch it the first time;
I thought the bold IF would have stood out better, not to mention my expression of non-hostility.
Idealistic dreams of saving money? How much is spent fighting MARIJUANA? You are trying to group all drugs together and say they are inexorably linked, I can't imagine what you think about prescriptions. And you are basing your OPINION (baseless as of yet) that legalization of MARIJUANA (or even 'other' substances) is going to create this new giant population of addicts that the state will have to care for. Once again I ask for your sources regarding this.
Awww, how nicely that wraps it all up in a neat little package, right? Pretty, idealistic if you ask me.
So what is your position, we should be stamping out these 'undesireables', or that we should be taking care of ourselves?
Speaking of natural selection, out of curiosity, if we are to stamp out anything that 'causes harm' how does this system of government 'protecting' the people from themselves in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM aid in natural selection?
The ignorance is not mine. No one has addressed how it would work because no one has a clue. No one has any answers to the problems I have questioned.
This is why I have said, its all an idealistic view. "Yes it would be great if weed was legal, lateeda". But that is just the surface idealism, governments will still feel the need to control it and tax it. THis is why I said learn something about the government, it was not an insult. Maybe I should have said spend some time thinking about how the government functions. This is in regards to all aspects mentioned in this topic. "They will save money", hell no they will probably start a whole new department just to control it. They dont waste too much time on weed now as it is, there are after bigger fish. Then the IRS gets involved, they will probably need a entire division to figure out whos selling it and not paying income taxes. Then there is sales tax. I just think its alot bigger and more complicated than the ideal "should be legal... problem solved"
Wow, thats alot of people, I easily forget how HUGE our population has become. So this no doubt includes overnight stays in the county lockup, that is good, give people something to think about.
Now everyone would want to go off on me because we are supposed to be talking about reefer, however legalization based on the principle: "we should have the maximum liberty to live life the way we want"(same as the dribble that comes from Fenrisúlfr) opens the doors to all drugs as well as many other social behavior problems. One example that comes to mind would be driving drunk, your not harming anyone until you actually have an accident with them. Now everyone would want to say... "no, you have the potential to cause an accident and for that reason we cant allow drunk driving" By comparision it could be said that someone that sells drugs to another is opening up the possibility of bringing harm to that person by giving them access to that which is known to be harmful, addictive, and typically negatively life altering and a burdon to society.
And yet you continually use the lack of a definite answer for this to leap to the conclusion that the government will just lock everyone up for having trace amounts of it in their system, which is absurd. They'll just come up with a cutoff point for concentration and test people on that basis, like they do with alcohol. What's so impossible about that?
I dont give a fuck who gives a fuck.... I give a fuck... OK ? Can you read and comprehend and respond to what you read. I have been through it over and over agian and you just avoid it. If the government taxs drugs they become drug dealers. A businsess they do not belong in.This may come as a shock to you, but some of us don't fucking care if the government makes money off of weed.
Can you read and comprehend and respond to what you read. I have been through it over and over agian and you just avoid it. Any money they "make" will be spend controling it, THERE WILL BE NO MONEY "MADE".It's better that they make money off of it,
Can you read and comprehend and respond to what you read. The key word you used here is "a chance". Then think about our government and spending abit would you ? Let say they do "make" money dealing drugs, are you going to try to hope they dont squander the money on some other fools boondoggle ?thus creating a chance that the money will be put to good use in other parts of our government, than that they shit money down the toilet on raids, crop burnings and arrests.
We need popular support for getting fucked up ? Alrighty then....Not to mention that legalising it is a step to building popular support,
"Government easing off on taxes", that is rich and brings more about your responses to question. Do you know anything about the taxes that are on tobacco and alcohol and proposed further taxes on alcohol ?which could lead to pressure on the government to ease off of the taxes.
You seem oblivious to how many decades we are into use of "cannabis" and that nearly all living today have already formed their opinion on first hand experience ?You seem to be completely oblivious to how much legalisation could affect public opinion on cannabis.
Oblivious ? "All", I try not to generalize. I have found most that deal weed to be of a dirtbag frame of mind. As for users, I still smoke fairly regular and yes... Im a dirtbag...Something to think about? How about leaving them the fuck alone because they're not doing anything wrong? Do you honestly think people who smoke pot are all scumbags and lowlives?
No my point was... what bounds do you want to use to leaglise one drug that wont be able to be applied to another. Read, comprehend !Way to narrow-mindedly lump all 'drugs' together as being "known to be harmful, addictive, and typically negatively life altering".
There are plenty who smoke so much weed they are burnt to the core. There are plenty that have taken the bad trip and never got back ahold of their facilities. I've seen that first hand.... so whats your point ?There are plenty of regular pot-smokers and hallucinogen-takers who do absolutely no harm to anyone, have no addictions, and benefit emotionally, creatively or spiritually because of drug use.
is that what I am... OK... I hate DARE, they tell our children beginning in grade school to have thier parents arrested, but that whole elementary school/liberal bullshit is a whole nother topic.You can be a D.A.R.E. parrot all day long if you want,
Nor does it change the reality that there are irresponsible drug users and people prone to abuse/addictionThat does not change the reality that there are responsible drug users everywhere.
Take salvia for instance. It's been legal forever, and governments are only recently beginning to crack down on it, probably mainly because all the Youtube videos of people on it are frightening paranoid mothers. You never hear mentions of salvia users turning into bums and degenerates, getting hooked on it for life, or causing mayhem in the streets. Many people who do it, in fact, have no desire to use it again any time soon because it's so damn powerful.
Is that how it is ? OKThis is basically how it goes with all psychedelics - moralistic idiots with knee-jerk reactions to people "acting crazy" or looking "possessed by the devil" rush to ban something without bothering to understand the first thing about the drug or what it's like for the person on it.
"Destroyed"Drugs haven't destroyed our fucking society, and they aren't going to whether they're legal or illegal.
Again, drug users are harressed to get to the dealers and to get them (users) into rehab and straightened out... ala Cronkites artical and the liberal bleeding hearts save the world attitude...btw.... if stuff does get legalized it will be those bleeding heart save the world types that do it, so then they can get real close and mammy you... the drug user back into shape.The only real difference is whether governments decide to demonise and persecute people for drug use
Are you suggesting that there is not enough information about drugs now ? Cause I've been around along time and the education has been out there during all that time, DIDNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE... helloor actually try to educate people on it and reduce the harm that's done by general ignorance
See here you are definantly not talking about weed or trippinas well as the black market.
Nope but we can bash the hell out of scumbag dealers and producers all we want and that in itself is worth itDrugs aren't fucking going away,
and they shouldn't go away either.
Look Razor, look at your bloody responses to what people are trying to tell you... ALL YOU ARE DOING IS GOING 'NUH -UH, thats not how it would be' and 'la la la im not listening'. Sounds like one other particular member around here. You have given NO actual answers to people. 'look at alcoholism' are you effing kidding me mate? When I have time after my shift I will..............discuss this alcoholism crap as it pertains to being an indicator regarding other substances, and even debunk your alcoholism theory to start with.
My conclusions are my own from EXPERIENCE, I dont do the one sided research thing. Im not one that needs to see something in someone else writing to believe or draw my own conclusion. I find it odd that some people do.PROVIDE SOMETHING TO BACKUP WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!
Alcohol is legal, addictive and highly abused, what is assinine about that example ?Saying 'look to alcoholism for an indicator' is absolutely asinine.
Saying deal with it is FUCK ALL, its my conclusion about making drugs legal and having corporations and the government capitalize off it. It is my rite to this conclusion.... DEAL WITH ITSaying 'deal with it' means absolutely FUCK ALL.
The only data for drugs being legal in the states is what transpired prior to its illegalization, the over view of alcoholism and abuse in the states. Your fixation on "data" is yours, I have no such fixation.I specifically asked you, your little nice 3 word opinion aside, to provide me with data that can support your claims.
I have explained how random drug testing works, I have explained why its in place, I have explained the complications surrounding any legalization and the principles people want to use to promote legalization.... You on the other hand have not givin any statements as to any answers to these complications.You have since yet to provide a SINGLE SCRAP of support.
You regurgitate bullshit, I just covered this, its as if you cant read and comprehend... let alone respond directly with any reasonable rebuttalFor myself, I have almost come to the conclusion that you watch way too much TV, have far too much faith in the 'facts' that DARE and the government (who are no less corrupt or untrustworthy than any other organized crime syndicate) are spoon feeding you, that you seem to regurgitate automatically,
Again failing with comprehension, Im saying it will be equally complex if legalized and of very little benefit because of "regulation" and all that would still be illegal. varis's "black market would still exist. The people involved in "crime" surrounding the drug trade would still need another crime for existance... being as there is no work in this country for the masses. Anything I've seen provided to condone legalization of DRUGS, is nothing more than a pipe dream of "the perfect world"and it is ABUNDANTLY clear that you are seriously lacking in the experience department when it comes to this issue, that would give you the necessary insight into this complex SOCIAL issue.
Agree, but how come the onle "experience" I have seen you produce is the one sided propaganda of the promotion side. Nothing from within your own mind. Thats failure to me, failure to reason out all the aspects in your own head.And yes, experience is a crucial factor when it comes to something like this.
I'm not "trying" to do anything. I have explained the complications I see, I have not gotten a single worthy direct rebuttal to debunk or answer the complications I see. You want to give me something ? Thats what I want, not what I have recieved for pages and pages, immature ranting "because its just not right". The "things shouldnt be this way" attitude is NOT an answer, nothing but blind idealism.If you are trying to nicely group all substances together for any reason regarding this issue, then you have failed miserably at tackling the issue from a logical and common sense point of view.
I find it amusing that you are getting bent out of shape for people not showing any "proof" when you seem to preface most of what you say with "I think", "I believe", etc.
You can't prove that government income from marijuana tax is bad, you can't prove that it's a gateway drug just because it's a drug, you can't prove that any government profit would just be spent on regulation (which still be a profit, since right now we have no income from drugs and we spend money on the "war on ******, marijuana being one).
It is however, a fact that the War on Drugs is failing (based on rising drug use levels), that we spend way too much just on marijuana alone, and that marijuana isn't very addictive.
When you lay out any proof for any of your points instead of just spouting off your opinion on what is best,I will be all ears.
If I want to throw myself off a proverbial cliff, that is my right.
Fearing a "sobriety" test that, to me, looks pretty obvious won't be used if marijuana is legalised is also a weak arguement.
Just like I believe in wearing seat belts but seat belt laws piss me off. None of the gov'ts god damn business whether I or anyone else wants to wear one or not.
Yes it is and more people should do so to help reduce the surface population. However no one is selling you that cliff and profiteering from it.