Slate Drums 3.0 at Namm 09

oh and i have to add, the NRG room samples are fucking AMAZING! and the ability to blend it within the kontakt sampler is sweet, i never used to mess with the old Z4 samples cause it was so annoying to setup the drumagog sends and shit but now theres no reason not to
got my package today.

also, i had a very enlightening experience reading the manual (for once), i've never thought of automating the dynamic tracking knob in drumagog! i just set it and hope for the best, thanks for the great idea steven!
Hey Steven and guys,

I'm having a bit of an issues here. I'm trying to output SSD 3.0 to separate channels within an instrument track. When I click the "+" sign beside the track, it creates the other tracks as I keep clicking, but my sounds are only outputting to one aux track. I tried changing this by clicking the configure button, but I only see two tracks 1 and 2.

Anyone know how to do it?


Also Steven, I'm not sure if my manual PDF is corrupt or something, but on page 15 the piano roll image is covered by text (from another page by accident I'm guessing??), so I can't see the piano roll note assignments.

I will say everything else has been super easy so far!

I got mine today, but im having trouble. When i goto load it says the libraries arent registered unable to load.....But ive used the service center thing to actviate it. :(
Hahaha play nice now...I'm not even sure if that was an insult or not...:lol:

j/k dude.

Nah, I just needed to get used to the "Light" kits, yadda yadda. I was being careless.


Haha it was only mild :P Anyway you will know more than me! I think its going to be a big learning curve but the results will be awesome. Im so used to DFHS its unreal.

Can't wait for Slate to get his grooves online then we can drop some in and hear Teh Winz0rs! *That was intended*
Haha it was only mild :P Any you will know more than me! I think its going to be a big learning curve but the results will be awesome. Im so used to DFHS its unreal.

Can't wait for Slate to get his grooves online then we can drop some in and hear Teh Winz0rs! *That was intended*

It's funny I've had DFH for a while but go SO damn frustrated with it and Logic 7 that I haven't used it since lol.

Logic 8 on the other hand is a million times easier.

Basically once the Service things installed load it and log in then it will ask for all sorts of questions and at the end it will validate it.