slate drums always getting buried

those drums are certainly cutting... what snare is that? sound great, nice mix. that metal amp plugin ain't bad either!
Cheers man!

Yeah thats the Superior drummer 2 cymbals adding their fakeness there haha. I basically just stick some Even Horizons after the kick and the snare, I may have used a touch of EQ, but only small boosts I think.

I normally used to stick the drums through a URS Strip (not the Pro one), on compression setting B, 4:1 ratio, and some EQ - leaving the mids in, and backing off the compressor a little helped bring these samples out more. I think there is also some parallel compression in there (although I don't use this much).

Thanks, gonna try that out myself, muahahahaha :cool:
Any comp you use after that in your 2bus or in your mastering chain because actually they still sound very natural yet cut through very nicely...
I only get that with compressing the shit out of them.
I have a URS CSP on the master bus, I normally start off with one of the presets like "analogue glue" or one of the G2, G4, or G10 presets (im guessing modelled after SSL G channel). The comp on the 2bus is only taking of about 1-1.5dB on the mix, really slight.

On the mastering for this I just used the Event Horizon.
My 2 cents:
I have 1.5, but have never been able to use them in a mix. Tweaked them into overkill and only made them worse. Cut/added eq, compressed them, mixed and matched them, left them as is, etc. The disc has been on my shelf collecting dust for months now unfortunately.

On the bright side, I will say that no one gives customer support better than Mr. Slate. Every time I have e-mailed him I have gotten an answer FAST and he has always been super helpful (as you can tell by his answers in this forum). So even though I can't use his product, I would say that if you are wanting to buy his stuff, have no fear because the guy will take care of you for life once you are a customer.
Johnny, please feel free to send me some tracks and I'll help you out. I'm sure we can figure out whats up. For one thing, compressing them isn't a great idea.. eqing can be good depending on the mix. 1.5 has some older sounding stuff, 2.0 was a huge step up. 2.5 is a giant LEAP up. But the mixes I've posted from 2.0 stuff is no slouch. Here is yet a few more:

None of the above have any eq or compression on the samples btw..

2.5 has completely newly tweaked snares, they are punchier, tighter, and have even better transient detail. Having said that, as I've pointed out earlier in this thread, there have been hundreds of mixes posted with these samps that sound amazing. Now thats not a pat on my back, its a pat on all of your backs. There is a lot of talent here.
I really look forward to the new snares. If anything, the snares alone are why I bought the 1.5 pack. However, I feel that in very heavily limited mixes the snares can sink down completely due to a lack of midrange content. There are ways around it of course, but it would be nicer to have it from the start. The snares, as they are, seem to rely on popping quite a few dB above the mix in order to sound like their own separate, punchy, entity.
I can't wait for you guys to check out the 2.5 snares...

Hey Ermin, are you using limiters on your mix? If so, have you tried taking them off and using GClip?
damn...between joey and dandelium, i just totally lost any interest i may have had in clicking that link

granted, i wasn't that interested to start with...but yea, now i def. won't bother
you got to eq your samples accordingly to the mix, eg your guitar tonalities, vocal tonalities and bass tonalities can swallow your drum mix, i always find some pumping compression helps to so you can krank it up a little more in your mix and have it more filled out and dynamic in the mix