Small (Royal Carnage) Haul

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I picked up the following CDs, based solely on RC recommendations:

Decapitated "Nihility"
Drudkh "Autumn Aurora"
Empyrium "Songs of Moors and Misty Fields"
Hades "The Dawn of the Dying Sun"
Primordial "Spirit the Earth Aflame"

I know 3/5 : Empyrium , Drudkh , Primordial . Can't go wrong with that . Give your impressions
I don't know Hades (must have missed that thread?) but the other 4 are spectacular. The best part is, you've got a well rounded combination in that haul. Well done.

Please do share your thoughts once you've given them a few listens. :kickass:
General Zod said:
Drudkh "Autumn Aurora"
Hades "The Dawn of the Dying Sun"
Primordial "Spirit the Earth Aflame"
I don't know about the other two, but these three are all high quality albums. Good haul.
JayKeeley said:
I don't know Hades (must have missed that thread?) but the other 4 are spectacular. The best part is, you've got a well rounded combination in that haul. Well done.
You will like Hades. It's basically viking-era Bathory gone black metal. The Dawn of the Dying Sun is nothing original, but it is so damn well executed in every aspect that it is hard to ignore.
I'll certainly post some reviews after I've had a chance to absorb what I've purchased. Listening to the Primordial right now... pretty cool. Listened to a bit of the Empyrium on the way home from the Vintage Vinyl, also pretty cool. The pace of the Decapitated disc was a bit numbing. I'm guessing that one will grow on me once I've spun it a few times and had a chance to wrap my mind around the less than obvious hooks. Some cool guitar work, and nice drumming.

Yeah, other than Decapitated, I can't imagine the rest of your haul is meant for driving music. Go home, relax, and reach for the headphones.... :cool:
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, other than Decapitated, I can't imagine the rest of your haul is meant for driving music. Go home, relax, and reach for the headphones.... :cool:
It seems I should also wait for darkness to fall.

Listening to "The Burning Season" by Primordial. Initial impression...

Nice haul, and I agree that while the Primordial is a grower, it had one track that produced a similar immediate reaction for me, namely Children Of The Harvest...what an awesome opening riff. And I imagine Drudkh would sound great driving through a snowstorm at midnight...
The pace of the Decapitated disc was a bit numbing. I'm guessing that one will grow on me once I've spun it a few times and had a chance to wrap my mind around the less than obvious hooks. Some cool guitar work, and nice drumming.

I love this fucking record. It initially took a while to sink in but it is just blazing.

IF you want some more straight ahead hooks, try Spheres of Madness and Babylon's Pride (i just love the layered drum build up at the begining of this track) :worship:
Under a Stone said:
How's "The Dawn of the Dying Sun"?
Haven't spun that yet. I may hold off on listening to it until the next time I wake at 2AM, with no chance of getting back to sleep. Then I'll spin it, with headphones on and lyric sheet in hand.

"Nihility" is possibly my favourite death metal album of all time. Mandatory release for DM fans. Drudkh's "Autumn Aurora" is also rather amazing. Not too familiar with the others.
I was listening to Hades yesterday, and got to wondering if Zod liked The Dawn of the Dying Sun. Well, Zod?

Also, how do you like Drudkh and Primordial?
this is obviously not the Hades that plays thrash metal and originates from the NY area ... they had some records out in the 90's ??!!?!?