So what the heck is emo?


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
I used to think emo was stuff like Morrissey or something. Lately I've heard what sounds like melodic rock bands get called emo on this board. So now I'm confused. I did a wikipedia search on emo, and it does seem that the modern definition of the style is a type of melodic rock, but then you have all these bands getting called emo saying they aren't and that they hate emo. It also talked about emo style of dress, but when I look at an emo person I just see a small change from what used to be called goth.

So is emo a real genre, or is it just a derogatory term we use for bands we think suck, like "poseur" was used back in the 80s?
It originally was an offshoot of hardcore back in the 80s. There were some really good bands. Stuff like Moss Icon, Rites of Spring, and Indian Summer. It was basically hardcore that was a bit more melodic and had more personal, or "emotional", lyrics. While most people today would tell you that emo stands for emotional, they are wrong. It stands for "emotional hardcore."

Then in the mid 90s a bunch of indie-ish bands were influenced by the 80s stuff and created the 2nd wave of emo. This is by far my favorite and includes bands like Texas is the Reason, Jawbreaker, Sunny Day Real Estate, Lifetime, and Mineral. This stuff is awesome.

Then later on in the 90s, people started calling pop-punk bands emo. I'm not sure why. But the term has stuck, and now it's pretty accepted that just about any band that has catchy hooks and "whiny" voices is emo. It's a huge departure from the original sound, for sure.
Story of the Year is a great example of current bands that are "tagged" as emo. I have to say that their most recent effort, The Black Swan, is fantastic!

This song kicks some ass! :rock: Gang vox and all!

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So why do so many people here hate on that stuff? It's competent, it's melodic, it's intelligent. I can understand people just not getting into it, but I would think we'd know quality music when we hear it, even if it's not to our tastes.

That Story of the Year song is outstanding. I'll definitely have to check them out.
I can say this: I don't like hardcore punk really at's just not my taste, so the real emo isn't for me.

As for the modern rock/pop-punk/metalcore that gets called emo...I guess it's the same thing...only that stuff is just more watered down and corporate and I don't like that either. And I do not care for Story of the Year...bleh. Not my style AT ALL. AT ALL.
So why do so many people here hate on that stuff? It's competent, it's melodic, it's intelligent. I can understand people just not getting into it, but I would think we'd know quality music when we hear it, even if it's not to our tastes.

That Story of the Year song is outstanding. I'll definitely have to check them out.

Adaher, I have no idea either. We'd both be foolish to think that all emo is great, but bands like Story of the Year, Anberlin, and Angels and Airwaves stand above the crowd for me. Basically, their are a very select few members here that dislike any melody whatsoever in their music. For that matter, that select few can't even understand the vocalist that they're listening to half the time! :lol:

With that said, I'm glad you're diggin' Story of the Year. They put on one hell of a live show too!

So why do so many people here hate on that stuff? It's competent, it's melodic, it's intelligent. I can understand people just not getting into it, but I would think we'd know quality music when we hear it, even if it's not to our tastes.

That Story of the Year song is outstanding. I'll definitely have to check them out.

Because this board isn't nearly as open minded as you would think.
mëtålspëd;8346847 said:
I am plenty open minded... emo (as its known today) should be lined up against a wall, and shot until it stops wriggling. Boys wearing girls pants, whining about how awful your suburban life is.... please.

Chances are you'll need more than just shots.... They will still be wriggling. Got any other ideas?
Ok that Story of the Year tune was pretty kewl - very Linkin Park but I dug it...

When I hear 'emo', I've always thought of whiny, depressing, 'how sad is my life, I just wanna end it but don't have the nads' lyrics.... and the band is black everything and white powder on their face to make 'em look dead or almost there... blah...

(Please note: the color black RULES... Emo just took it and the wonderfulness of black to a very bad place... If black could take steriods and downers - it would be emo...)
hmm... haven't heard Story of the Year, but they're not the worst of the worst. someone recently downed Scar Symmetry for sounding "emo" with their clean vocals. after hearing SotY, I can see where he was coming from.

Emo / scene / hardcore kids have managed to ruin many things I once loved... like metal, hardcore, electronica, vampires, and many other things with their trendy angst-filled metrosexual fake knockoffs of each.