Someone else agrees Spiderman was overrated.....

I'd really like to see a proper filming of 'Year One'. To me that's a story that can't fail, no way. They don't even need cgi or whatever to do this, just some good actors and good storytelling. Then I saw The Punisher movie with that Deep Blue Sea-guy...what a waste. :(

which one was that???
If by pretty good you mean a complete and utter abortion on the level of Stomp 442, then I agree.
If by pretty good you mean a complete and utter abortion on the level of Stomp 442, then I agree.

Nah, I kind of agree with Anthrax Mosher. The Wolverine movie was ok. Not as good as the X-men films, but quite entertaining none the less.

Not really looking forward to the new Spiderman movie though. It's another origin movie, and I just don't see the point. The early indications is that it's supposed to me more "realistic" than the original trilogy, with Spiderman having to use gadgets in order to sling web from his hands as opposed to shooting it out from his wrists. I don't think it's gonna be more gritty, like the Batman re-boot, though. Seems like it's aimed at a teen audience, so I'm pretty sure that the bubblegum factor is intact.

I could be wrong though. Haven't seen any trailers as of yet.
spiderman movie is being released July 3rd

I have zero interest in seeing Spider-Man's birth for the 100th time.

That X-Men Wolverine origins movie was actually pretty good.

It was so good I fell asleep watching it in the theater. Hugh Jackman was a great Wolverine, as usual, but they totally ruined Deadpool. They portrayed Deadpool almost as badly as Venom in Spider-Man 3.