soo good

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ethereallights said:
I can't stand people who honestly think Satanism is the real thing.... didn't God imprison Satan along time ago in Hell, unless Satan's been lifting weights this whole time and appeals for parole then he goes after God and winds up right back in the slammer. That's what I'm going to call Hell from now on the slammer..... I was just pointing my finger and chastising you like MetalAges told me to.......

um, seeing as many satanists believe that satan is not an entity, but a symbol of the dark forces of nature, then being imprisioned only applys socailly, because each one of us could undertake to act in a 'satanic' manner (but the spread of christain subservance does kinda stifle that). the christain version of satan is not eniterly accuarate, in that many satanists think the bible decetful and misleading. The bible says to have cast down lucifer, who is an entity. the satan as a symbol, and the christain title for lucifer of satan are not one and the same, methinks (thankyou for your time)
Rose Immortal said:
To Christians there's a distinction between physical and spiritual presence. One of the major tenets as I understand it is accepting the concept of an immortal soul that survives the death of the body, that every living thing has. In that way, not being physically present isn't a problem. There's more in the case of Jesus, but to be honest I'm not very good at explaining things when I'm this tired, so I'll leave that part to someone else.

Spirituality is all fine and dandy. The opposition to christianity comes due to moral values that are abhorrent(sp?) towards nature. For example, all men are created equal, that you'll go to hell for following your natural energies (fucking people and killing people), turn the other cheek, etc etc etc.
I Like Opeth Because Their Music Is So Dynamic And At Times Very Orgasmic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially My Arms Your Hearse Which Always Does The Trick On A Cold Winters Night For Me.
I would have to agree with some of you. A lot of people do "jump" on the cfact that someone mention "christian" or "jesus" so what. That has nothing to do with digging music. Sometimes, I guess it does. I can't see a christian diggin Deicide or anything. But there is limits to everything. Opeth are just out to make good music with good lyrics that can appeal to more then one group of people, which I respect. Not to step on Deicide, but their lyrics turn some people off fusing the lyrics that thye do. Just a compaison there.


ethereallights said:
Jesus is basically like a lawyer, when you're in trouble you go to him and he gets you out off the hook.....
not that I agree, but that was hillarious!

And let's not make this a religious topic, I think it already became one though. I do like to discuss religious aspects and to see what others have to say, but there is a place for that, and it isn't the Opeth forum ;)
Whomever said that JESUS was a mythological figure is entirely wrong. There are other writings of HIM besides the Bible, and you can actually go where HE was crucified and resurected from the dead and many other places that HE went. I was not trying to shove the LORD OF ALL down anyone's throat, I am nobody's judge on this forum, it saddens me to see some people's opinions on here. I really like opeth alot and I LOVE JESUS! I believe the ability they have is from Jesus! I just hope we can all get along on here. Thank you to all who were not so dang mean.

There really was no need to ressurect this thread.

Let's get one thing straight though: Opeth are one thing, and theology is a completely different thing. You don't come on here connecting the two and expect a favourable response. You may see some sort of divine affinity between Mike's compositional skills and whichever prophet/religious figure you have on your mantlepiece, but that certainly doesn't mean others will.

And please stop blessing us. It's not like I come on here and end every post with 'May Oblivion keep you'; It's damned right intrusive.
Christianmetalheadus said:
Whomever said that JESUS was a mythological figure is entirely wrong. There are other writings of HIM besides the Bible, and you can actually go where HE was crucified and resurected from the dead and many other places that HE went. I was not trying to shove the LORD OF ALL down anyone's throat, I am nobody's judge on this forum, it saddens me to see some people's opinions on here. I really like opeth alot and I LOVE JESUS! I believe the ability they have is from Jesus! I just hope we can all get along on here. Thank you to all who were not so dang mean.


I wasn't referring to Jesus. He probably did exist. He was most likely Jewish. He was most UNLIKELY resurected from the dead. And as for the whole son of God thing...well, no. I have friends who are Christians, and we have occasional arguments about religion, but I don't get really worked up about it because I know there's no way in hell I'm ever going to change their minds about their faith, and it's all mostly lighthearted.
They make fun of me for listening to Opeth, so I only think it's fair that I make fun of them for being Christian.

Sorry for continuing this rather off topic thread, but I couldn't help it.

Anyone else read The Da Vinci Code?
ShroudOfDusk said:
But yes, one thing I've always wondered about Christians and the such... is what's the deal with Jesus? I mean, is he a metaphor? Because obviously he aint around any more, and some 2000 years of absense would tend to make anyone... very gone. So since obviously he isnt around to 'love everyone' or 'save me'... then how does Jesus work?

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! glad to see nothings changed during the past couple weeks ive been gone. thanks for making me laugh, shroud.
on a serious note, check out its a website run by serious and dedicated academics out to promote...well...skepticism. recently, there was a very good article on the jesus story. it might answer your questions.
i tried to get michael shermer to post here but he said he doesnt have much luck with forums.

* * * ** * ** * * *

the davinci code = fiction.
the author of the davinci code = bank.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Still Life still rules....
The Dude said:
Yeah I know it's fiction, and not very well written really, but it prompted me to do a bit of research.
Reading The Hiram Key at the moment.
thats fucking interesting man....thats fucking interesting
Jesus built my hotrod, actually.

As for being a real person that really walked the earth, I have my doubts. There's no valid mention of him in any writing until at LEAST 120 years after he was supposed to have died...seems kind of odd, doesn't it? And, christianmetalheadus, writings that talk of a Jesus, or a Christ are not neccesarily talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus was a common name, and Christ was a common title. "Jesus Christ" is not found in any writing until the new testament, written more than a century after he "died". And don't worry I'm not trying to shove MY beliefs down YOUR throat either. You are entitled to your beliefs :)

A Few books I reccomend to anyone on "Religion":

"The Christ Conspiracy" by Acharya S. (so it has a few documented errors, still not near as many as the bible has ;) )
"The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins (about evolution vs. creationism)

Also check out, great radio show and great message-board where you can discuss all sorts of things (science, religion, atheism, etc.) I notice there seems to be a lot of metalheads there too.

gawd bless,
I recommend The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity by Hyam Maccoby. Basically Christianiy was created by Paul by using Jesus as the central figure. He combined elements of gnosticism, zoroastrianism, and other roman and greek mystery cults (where he got things such as the virgin birth, a savior god, resurrection, miracles) These things all existed in other religions before xianity. Paul combined them together and the people back then were prone to superstitous beliefs (as well as many people today obviously). I choose rational thinking and reason oover superstitious beliefs anyday. Anytime that science has gone up against Xianity, science has always won. Galileo's life was threatened for saying that the sun was the center of the solar system which was against church doctrine based on the bible.

I think that if there is a god he would much rather you believe out of questioning and thinking for yourself than that of blindfolded fear. Most Xians believe because they are afraid of going to hell. Religous blackmail. I call it blasphemy against the human mind.
I think Quorthon said it best:

Nobody died for my sins
No faith tied to my name
The path I choose to walk is mine
When the clouds turn red and the horizon as in flames
believers and non-believers alike, check this out:

while jesus/god cannot be proved or disproved on a rational basis (due to the idea that jesus/god is supernatural and hence, not rational), the blatant lack of historical evidence and support shows that one would have trouble demonstrating that jesus existed at all, let alone as a supernatural being.

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