Steven Slate Drums 2.0: SIGNATURE DRUM KITS... DEMOS!!

Fu*kin A! Now I have to buy a sampler as well... I was really hooked on DFHS 2 until I saw the list of drums... I think that having DFHS, Slate 1.5 and 2.0 will fulfill my needs perfectly in whichever type of music/situation.
i would really like too see like a ASK STEVE TO CUSTOM SAMPLES FOR YOU- such as ask him to custom some samples and he could do like 3 artist ideas for like $150...but i would like to hear some Van Halen (hot for teacher sound) ,Fear Factory (obsolete), Machine Head(through the ashes), Chimaira (the impossibility of reason cd), Opeth(ghost reveries), Cannibal Corpse(the wretched spawn) Slayer samples....
$50 per custom kit?

Um, I might be going out on a limb here, but that would probably bring Steven and his homies a net total of less than $1 per hour.

Would you work for less than $1 per hour? I wouldn't.
$50 per custom kit?

Um, I might be going out on a limb here, but that would probably bring Steven and his homies a net total of less than $1 per hour.

Would you work for less than $1 per hour? I wouldn't.

Yeah haha I agree... It would be awesome to be able to get your own custom kits but man it would cost a helluva lot more than that... Assume at LEAST 5-6 hours per drum I'd assume with all of the different velocities and all of the processing Steven does, as well as just experimenting to get the right source sound originally, and multiply that by the number of drums on the kit and Steven's hourly rate at the studio and that would be the cost of 1 kit...

I would say you're looking at at least $3000 per kit realistically!

I can't wait to get a copy of 2.0, anyone know of an efficient way to take advantage of all the multisamples using apTrigga? At least to my knowledge apTrigga doesn't have a way of loading custom templates or anything like that so I doubt it's possible to provide like the apTrigga equivalent of a GOG file...
yea true, but i wouldnt go out and say like $3000, i was just shooting out a low number... I also would possibly like too see maybe an all METAL version? Like what i have previously said but with a few others, like lamb of god, or we all could take a poll or something? just ideas that is all, i noticed that people are really rude on here...for no reason either
guys, we're having a blast at NAMM. People have been going nuts over the drums, most guys don't believe that the kits actually sound like that right out of the box until they get their hands on it. I've met a lot of Sneap forum dudes and you're all awesome. I'll be posting tons of photos from the booth with the ladies.

I turned the snare up in that dream theater demo and its so slammin, I'll repost it in Monday. I'll also get the Pantera kit out there. There are four OTHER metal kits that sound killer too, along with two new sets of metal toms. You guys will be digging this for sure. We'll be adding new models as the months go on in future 2.x updates. If you are at NAMM and haven't stopped in, please do so upstairs at 201A-15.

Just got back from NAMM. I got the chance to check it out and it just destroys. The kits defintely eclipse everything else i saw at the show. I was completely ready to go DFHS 2.0 and immediately abandoned that plan after hitting the Slate booth. I can't wait to get mine next week.

Steven seems like a great guy. It was a nice break from the chaos to hang with him and the ladies.

If you haven't ordered yet, get with it. Your missing out.
So we have a ton of photos uploaded at the site, just click on NAMM 2008 photos.. but here is a few to wet your whistle...

first off, it was great to see some of my most elite mixer clientele stopping by the booth:

John Van Nest, the Resonator himself:

Chris Lord Alge, who gave me the thumbs up on the Greenday model which he mixed, stating "you nailed that crack"

Ross Hogarth, who is always a riot

Brett Chassen, master producer AND drummer

Some cool musicians:

SSD user Joe Rodriguez from Flock of Seagulls:

Kelly Hansen of Foreigner.. this guy has some PIPES.

guitar prodigy and SSD user Nic Sterling

Steven Slate Drums DRUMMER and Powerman 5000 drummer Adrian Ost:

the ladies:


Joel and the girls

Are you sure he wasn't talking about the girls?

I've never laughed so hard at a post in my life. Holy shit.

It was great hanging with Chris at the booth and showing him the new samps. He also said he'd been using my samps in a bunch of new records he'd been doing which is always cool.

John Van Nest is the owner of Resonate Studios where chris mixes and that guy is one of the most stand up guys in the industry and is also a very talented engineer.

Overall NAMM was great. If you ordered preorder then stuff is shipping, the official release is like days away. The official release is still technically a beta release and is still discounted ($329). The FINAL release will retail $349. It will also be divided into packs for those who can't dish out all that dough at one time. I'm posting some new demos later today.
Overall NAMM was great. If you ordered preorder then stuff is shipping, the official release is like days away. The official release is still technically a beta release and is still discounted ($329). The FINAL release will retail $349. It will also be divided into packs for those who can't dish out all that dough at one time. I'm posting some new demos later today.

ouu looking forward to hearing the new demos, i need to order me a copy!!