Steven Slate Drums 2.0: SIGNATURE DRUM KITS... DEMOS!!

Alex certainly has an instantly recognizable sound, I wonder what he does to achieve it... It may vary a bit from an album to an album but the essence is always there.

Yeah he usually use a very natural sound (most of the albums) that i like, the toms sounds like they were percussion instrument more than drums, the bass drum so raw like if you were standing besides him, but the way he plays is the key of his sound, not the best drummer but i like his style a lot, men, love how he use the ride
Off course not.. it probably the roomsound btw not a reverb your hearing..

Sample sound GREEAAATT btw.. i'm saving up for sure now..

Didn't realy like the metallica sample though, the rest was stellar! Ac/dc and RHCP being the best :)
Hey guys, I'm glad you like the new stuff, I've honestly quite hard on this new batch.

EVERYTHING you hear on those demos is not only in the drumkit, but its PRESET to sound that way right out of the sampler. For the Metallica Z4, I actually MODELED the reverb for the snare because it was far from a natural room sound. I think you guys will really love this new stuff. I'm also open to any more legendary drum sounds to model. Off to AES, release of this new Signature Drumkit series will be soon, and priced fairly I promise! And you know I'll give the Sneap forum some special deals.
Slate, Slate, Slate.......most excellent work, my friend. These samples are truly incredible and I can't wait to get my hands on them! I love the overpowering snare and the Black Album and you've really nailed it. What's the E.T.A. for this new product? Also, some asked earlier, but are the hi-hats part of the sample package as well? Everything sounds so amazing.

I can't wait to hear the Deftones template. They've always had my favorite drum sounds, especially on Around the Fur and White Pony. I'm leaving my wife and child and moving to Mexico with this sample CD when it comes out.
either way id sell my soul to get hold of sounds like that natural or not.
Wasnt a pearl ultracast snare put in there somewhere ?

anyways i dont want to hi jack this thread only wanted to make a suggestion
haha a good one at that :goggly:
Will there be gog files?

Probably a stupid question but I'm stupid; deal with it.