Survey: which way do you lean on each political issue?

Don't you think a sliver of relative democracy on the Arabian peninsula is better than absolutely no democracy?

For Israel, yes, all else being equal, but I don't think that Israel's actions are m****ly supportable and I would prefer it if the US just cut Israel loose. If the Arab nations invaded Israel hopefully the UN would actually do something and I would support US involvement as part of a UN coalition.

For immigration, McCain's willing to legalize them and I'm down with that.

I don't really care if people like us or not. I'd rather our own country get fixed before we improve relations with the world.
I should hope that fixing our problems would improve our image...

Patriot Act: During the Libertarian Convention, Barr said of the Patriot Act: "I'd drive a stake through its heart, shoot it, burn it, cut off its head, burn it again, and scatter its ashes to the four corners of the world." Hell fuckin' yeah.
Didn't hear about that. That pretty much captures my feelings on it as well.

There's a difference between coddling and accounting for injustices inherent in the system. Of course, the US deals in both, but I hardly feel that the government should be as minimal as possible. I think that it should be essentially as small as would be beneficial and as large as would be useful, which would hopefully be around the same point. Obviously there is an abundance of things that I'd like to cut out of the government, and every facet of the government needs to be revised to obliterate the bureaucratic stranglehold that we find at every level of government, but there are certainly many valuable services that the government can (and one might argue should) provide aside from preventing people from killing and stealing.

For Israel, yes, all else being equal, but I don't think that Israel's actions are m****ly supportable and I would prefer it if the US just cut Israel loose. If the Arab nations invaded Israel hopefully the UN would actually do something and I would support US involvement as part of a UN coalition.

I guess that would be preferable, and I'll admit that I'm not familiar with the U.N.'s position on Israel. Of course, there's always a chance that Russia might block U.N. support of Israel due to all the trade they have with the Arabs.

For immigration, McCain's willing to legalize them and I'm down with that.

So is Obama ldo
That had been my understanding, but that thing you linked to just said he was in favor of a guest worker program...
That had been my understanding, but that thing you linked to just said he was in favor of a guest worker program...

Yeah but it also says he wouldn't support a bill that doesn't offer illegals a path to citizenship, and he's against deporting them. Is that position mutually exclusive with supporting a guest worker program?
So? It's a fucking Wikipedia chart. It's not a final authority on what Obama's positions are. Please read the links I posted and observe that real sources (i.e. a speech given by Obama) show Obama advocating a path to citizenship for illegals in the U.S.
No, I'm aware. My understanding until then had been that he was down with legalizing immigrants, but the chart didn't say anything about that and I cba to go do some research, as this nation has decided that I'm not fit to vote for another 250 days.
I guess so.
But it's hard to understand why they wonder why kids are so apathetic about politics; we have absolutely no power to choose our overlords.
I dunno.
The whole american system is fucked. They try 15-year olds as adults in court. They let you join the army at 17. But you can't vote until you're 18.
I dunno.
The whole american system is fucked. They try 15-year olds as adults in court. They let you join the army at 17. But you can't vote until you're 18.

only the most heinous crimes committed by people under 18 are charged as an adult, if some kid has marijuana poss. and he's like 14, he's not going to jail for it.