Yaz - What I think you're talking about is more skepticism... I agree its healthy to be skeptical, but not to the point that you never make up your mind about anything. Its healthy and empowering to make firm assessments on things, IMO.
Holy shit this thread got long, haha. First of all, Zach, I understand you see my point of view as splitting hairs, but when you wanna talk philosophy sometimes its that hair splitting that is the difference between one philosophy and another. Just because the ends of some Christian morals is shared with my Objectivist/Individualist morals doesn't mean that I embrace the entire morality of Christianity. Proulxski made a blanket statement that some others agreed with, that the morals of Christianity are just guidelines to lead a good life, and since since that does not apply to me, and many others in this world, I'd counter that statement. I could go into detail as to why I think christian morals are wrong, if you'd like me to.
As far as your comment on agnosticism, I'd say you're not agnostic, you're just apathetic.
razoredge - ive decided i love you.. you were the first to call everyone to that dude's game.. man i hate those pompous pricks..
@ swabs.. i confess i've never really paid much attention to the bible, but is that seriously legit??? Who would write like that, let alone in a book that billions of people follow.. I think they shoulda got George R R Martin to re-write the bible, he would make it a hell of a lot cooler!
I personally think that Christianity would hold a lot more credibility without the bible.
yep, that's logical, only again I must point out to everyone, that ultimately this argument is always going to come back to this point, because you do not believe in God, and therefore attribute creation, morals etc. to something else. I believe in God and can see his design and workmanship in everything, the bible states all of nature cries out, showing God to man, and I can see him in its beauty, from the awesomeness of the universe, to the intricacies of the human body. Without acknowledgement of God however, obviously you're going to attribute it to 'something' else, without a knowledge of God it is going to all seem foolishness. No matter how many arguments are presented from either side, for or against evolution, for or against morals, religions, anything theological in nature, in reality its going to come back to whether you believe in God or not, so this argument will never end... :zombie:
Another thing I have discovered that I find very interesting
Yngvai does not allow anyone to be more than one thing, or the freedom to agree with some aspects of one ideal and not others, without then being thrown into a complete opposite catagory which will most likely have negitive connotations. At which point I dont know if Im talking to a human or a text book. So Im thinking when you, Yngwie, get done with all your text book studying you may have a future developing new terms to classify people under who do not apply 100% to these text book definitions....... that is if your havent totally sacrificed your ability for independant thought and become totally brainwashed by some professor or text book.
Another thing I have discovered that I find very interesting
Yngvai does not allow anyone to be more than one thing, or the freedom to agree with some aspects of one ideal and not others, without then being thrown into a complete opposite catagory which will most likely have negitive connotations.
Well maybe my interpretation of looking at thing objectively is incorrect. I see here in my small dictionary objective.. 2: existing outside an individuals thoughs or feelings 3: treating facts without distortion
2 I cant even decifer
3 seems to be what Im talking about
Thats because I believe in absolutes. Black and whites, no grey areas. When you start allowing yourself to believe that there are grey areas you start contradicting yourself, and out the window goes your integrity. I personally try to live so that my beliefs are not in contradiction. If someone else chooses to think non absolutes are ok, thats fine for them, but in a philosophical/religious debate like the one we're having, I'm gonna argue against that.
Allow me to decipher for you:
#2 refers to the way something can be interpreted. Its antonym is subjective. Pretty much anything can be subjective if you argue semantics, but the term objective is used for facts, for example, if someone were to say "MJR is objectively the best guitarist on the planet," they mean it's something that can't be disputed. When someone retorts "that's subjective," they mean that it's really their opinion/how they feel. This ties in to #3, which defines objectivism. As Matt said, everything is either true or not. In this instant, murder is wrong because it is a fact that murder is wrong, regardless of the situation. They sky is blue because that's a known fact, etc. etc.
There is no scientific proof that God exists, and I believe that.
I still believe in God because it comes down to your faith in your religion or your knowledge of the subject. Science can't prove everything, and still, nothing in science is for certain. What if tomorrow some scientist discovers something brand new and it becomes the standard from that day on and completely dissmisses all of our scientific beliefs that we have held on to for years and years.. well thats how science is actually ( like the planet Pluto.. it's a dwarf planet now suckers ).. but the thing with Religion is that this cannot actually happen. The Bibile has been around for 2008 ( or so ) years and the Quran has been around for 1428 ( or so ) years where it has not changed, it has not been altered ( the Quran ) and at least 1 billion ( muslims ) people follow it. I mean hey.. it's gotta have something going for it if it lasts that long... it's gotta be doing something right yeah?
Einstein said that everything he contributed to the Human Race was for God.. and he was pretty scientific. I find that funny that somone as scientific as him contributed all his work to God.
But at least scientists can find evidence to suggest their theories are correct.
... ... Science can't prove everything, but it's proved a lot, and working to prove more through observation and unbiased reasoning.Science can't prove everything, and still, nothing in science is for certain.
Yeah, they wrote the whole thing on Jesus's birthday.The Bibile has been around for 2008 ( or so ) years
No, he wasn't. He was a very strongly-opinionated Christian. Because of this, he wasted the second half of his career because he just didn't like what we found out about the universe (partially using his own findings). The guy's still my hero.Erm... Einstein was a very strongly opinionated Athiest...