Tell me why pot is bad but booze isn't.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Seen several people comment about how bad, mean, and nasty pot is on this forum, but then they praise alcohol.

So what's the deal? Reefer Madness still alive and well in parts of the globe? :tickled:
I don't really think it's bad for you, at least not any worse than cigs or alcohol. I never really cared for it though. Tried it more than a few times, and it just never did anything for me. I don't need a drug to make me feel good or meelow. I rule anyway.

And just like cigs, the costs can just stack up. Not worth it.
You smoke weed, it chills you out and brings a smile to your face. You smoke too much and you just have a nice sleep, after a quick bout of the munchies. You never feel emotional or angry, just at complete peace with everything. Some people feel paranoid, I never have. The next day, you feel just fantastic, like you had a perfect nights sleep.

You drink alcohol, and you get a nice buzz. Drink more and you get shit faced and probably become an asshole. Drink more again and you lose all sense of personal boundaries, or become just plain antagonistic. After that, it's all puking and passing out. And then you probably have to get into a car. The following day (or more), you feel like absolute shit. It's good for a laugh though if you're with buddies or at a show. I never drink at home.

I don't really do much of either anymore to be honest, but if weed was legal, I would almost certainly smoke a big fat joint on a saturday night, or just take a couple of hits from the bong, listen to some Sleep or Yob, and then just fall into a really good deep, deep sleep.
<--- pothead

don't drink too much though...

weed>alcohol....and alcohol is A LOT fucking worse in many ways. It's a lot worse than a lot of other illegal substances as well in terms of death rate. Gov't makes a looot of money off of alcohol and cigs though. Personally, I dont think that any drugs should be illegal, but that's just me.
What I've never understood is why people get angry after drinking booze. They had to stop selling beer at Football matches in England, and like 90% of fights just stopped overnight.
BloodStainedWalls said:
weed>alcohol....and alcohol is A LOT fucking worse in many ways. It's a lot worse than a lot of other illegal substances as well in terms of death rate.
This is the exact reason why I find it funny that so many people have this taboo against pot, but not booze. Met a reborner at a party one time, someone broke out a bong and he pulled a high and mighty "no thanks, I never touch the stuff." Then he went on to discuss how much he loved pounding a few Vicodins while drinking beer. :zombie:

I probably smoke weed 5 times a year, if that. I drink a lot, but I at least recognize how terrible it is for me. JayKeeley illustrated the social effects perfectly.
JayKeeley said:
What I've never understood is why people get angry after drinking booze.
I think I've gotten booze anger maybe twice. If that was a regular occurence I wouldn't drink.
I tell you something though, with both drugs, it really depends on who you're with. For example, if you're smoking weed around strangers in a strange land then it might make you feel a bit weird. Best to smoke it when perfectly relaxed amongst good friends sharing good music....

Same with beer. In good company, or at a good party with everyone you know, it's great if you know you're limits.

But like I said earlier, you can't escape the physical effects of either, and that's why weed is just better no matter how you cut it. I don't know anyone who's smoked weed and then gone and beaten up his wife and kids. At most, someone might have lobbed his shoe at me 'cos I was hogging the TV remote. :loco:

Cannabis should have been legalized absolutey years ago. It's embarrasing that it's considered taboo in 2004.

You are all forgetting one important point, though.

Every person smokes weed to get high, feel mellow, relaxed. That is the only reason.

Not everyone drinks to get drunk. I know I don't I like a beer wit a meal every once in a while. It doesn't make me feel anything. I just like the taste with a meal or with an appetizer at a bar. You can't equate a drunken abusive father with a guy having a few while watching sports.
Aye, true. I drink because I love the taste of alcohol, if I didn't I'd just take shots of cheap liquor to get fucked up.

Although weed can be used for cooking, just like alcohol. :loco:
Another one of the main reasons why people condemn weed over alcohol more often, is because Alcohol is more social accepted than weed (and drugs in general). Then again some people are just fucking stubborn morons; you can show them WHO reports and comparison graphs between the differences, and theyll still be like " OMG!!11 BUT WEED IS TEH ILLEGGAL!!11one."
J. said:
You are all forgetting one important point, though.

Every person smokes weed to get high, feel mellow, relaxed. That is the only reason.

Not everyone drinks to get drunk. I know I don't I like a beer wit a meal every once in a while. It doesn't make me feel anything. I just like the taste with a meal or with an appetizer at a bar. You can't equate a drunken abusive father with a guy having a few while watching sports.
I'm sure its a given that is not what we are reffering to. We're differentiating pros and cons of the effects of each other when taken for nepenthe or simple inebriation. :)
J. said:
Every person smokes weed to get high, feel mellow, relaxed. That is the only reason.

Not everyone drinks to get drunk.
but not everyone smokes to get completely-out-of-their-mind-ripped. a lot of people just like a little puff to get a little change and thats it. i know lots of stoners and i know lots of people who just like to get a little high. i only know like 1 person that will drink only 1 beer just for the taste, without having at least a few more to get a buzz going. not everyone is trying to get shitfaced all the time, but its quite rare that someone will drink such a small amount as to feel absolutely zero effects.
I like booze - especially Cherry Wheat beer that's the dogs and only available in the USA!.

Reefer madness is so cool. When I used to live in Amsterdam, My saturday morning would be to sit in a coffee shop order my favourite weed and read the broadhseets while drinking latte's.

Each summer there is a huge pot festival. One summer I paid $120 to be a judge and was given thirteen large pouches to judge within 5 days! Bearing in mind that each pouch could last 7 days, easily. Boy, was I fucked. There are so many flavours of dope, coffee, mint and I think chocolate flavour!

If anyone is interested in the perfect recipe for a joint try this: Get a King size rolling machine and put one Liquorice Rizzla paper in. Put your roach and your dope- not resin but real weed. Then get the finest tea - earl grey - and sprinkle a little in. Then wrap that in regular rizzla. That is a joint fit for a king. :Smokin: And the smell is just fantastic.
I find alcohol tends to be a lot more sociable round here than pot. All the groups of stoners I've known pretty much segregate themselves away in their own little group - if you're not smoking or don't have pot, they don't know you. Our drinking crew will open up to anyonewho isn't a prick :saint:
My biggest beef with pot is the people who smoke it. I am sick and fucking tired of having people who were good mates and interesting people turn into little obsessive prats who don't know which way is up unless they're stoned. Life out of doors revolves around finding a corner to pull a shottie in. You can't trust these people either. You ask 'em to do any miniscule little favour or try to remember something and it'll just go out the window, and that same old excuse comes out - "I was stoned!". You can't hold conversation with them cos they either talk gibberish or everything you say goes over their head. When they swagger around like they're the dog's bollocks because they think smoking weed every day makes them cool, I imagine myself battering them over the head with an iron bar.

Now, your drinker on the other hand, you can trust him. You always know where you stand with him. Don't be a dickhead and he won't put his glass across your face ;) The drunken conversation that erupts from the bar is a laugh for everyone and many friendships are forged in these! Once you've had a few pints down you you're game for nothin' but the good time, and actually have the energy and Dutch courage for it - which wouldn't happen if you were stoned and couldn't be arsed to move from your couch :loco:
I'm a big fan of the cheeba, FWIW.

I just don't have the financial resources to partake often anymore, and like it or not, constant pot-smoking will build up your idiocy over time. It makes you more lethargic, it makes every morning a little more cloudy in the brain.

I don't drink more than 1-2 nights per week either, so I guess in my world, anything in moderation is fine.
pot isn't bad. it's splendid.

ever notice that there are some bands that sound great when you are drunk and freaky-deaky when you are high?

Pink Floyd
and such....

DARKTHRONE and almost all black metal
most thrash/death

could this be because the 70's bands composed their music while on weed or acid? from what i hear, most black metal bands are anti-weed, but get plastered constantly (i.e. fenriz). interesting how that translates to the listening experience... i really think you have to be high to truly grasp certain music.