Amen.dill_the_devil said:I'm a total pothead, usually stoned five nights out of the week, and to be honest, Ayeka's description of potheads is a shameful generalisation. My group of stoner mates is always open to meeting new people, we have conversations about politics, life philosophy and whether a trout could take a black panther in a fight. We're trustworthy, honest and reliable, and perfectly able to go to work and function in society when not stoned. We're just like ordinary, regular joes, except we spend ninety percent of our leisure time battered out of our skulls.
I've heard this as well, but almost every graduate student I knew at university smoked like a chimney. And now that I think about it, most PhD professors I knew smoked quite a bit too, heh.markgugs said:I just don't have the financial resources to partake often anymore, and like it or not, constant pot-smoking will build up your idiocy over time.
markgugs said:Students, professors who work about 12 hours a week, etc.
Definitely not the same thing.
markgugs said:Trout?
What do you do?BloodStainedWalls said:I work 52 hours/wk on average. I have no problem and I smoke about 4 bowls a KB's per night.
Which university professor only works 12 hours a week???markgugs said:Students, professors who work about 12 hours a week, etc.
markgugs said:What do you do?
That's what we call a variable, JK.JayKeeley said:It obviously depends on how strong the river current is.
Pretty much every professor I had, lol.JayKeeley said:Which university professor only works 12 hours a week???
Ok, and again, I am not demeaning or trivializing what you do. Hell, a job's a job. But I'm sure you'll admit it's not exactly cerebrally challenging.BloodStainedWalls said:I am a "Customer Accounts Adivisor." I work in collections for a furniture/electronics/appliance store. I call deadbeats and go into their shitty neighborhoods if I cannot get in touch with them and reposses their shit if they are past-due.