The best thing in metal right now....


Drug the Priest
May 30, 2005
the bowels of lochness
My opinion: Agalloch, without a doubt. Everything is flawless. No second thoughts. It doesn't matter who im currently addicted too, because at the end of the day I still return to Agalloch.
Pagan Altar, the return of Solstice, and the possibility of a new Pentagram album on the horizon.
As much as I love Agalloch, some of their songs are shit. So... not the best. That said, the same is true for most bands. At the moment I am enjoying Nasum / Woods of Ypres / Radiohead / Queens of the Stone Age alot. ;x
On a mass media level, I'd say Dimmu Borgir are the best thing at the moment. Not only are they garnering much mainstream attention, they have remained somewhat faithful to their roots. I wouldn't exactly call them sellouts, but they've abandoned traditional black metal values. Which is a good thing, really, because most of the people who didn't are either dead or in prison. :rolleyes:
Urfaust, Dark Tribe and Crimson Massacre off the top of my head. Truly mind bending and original stuff (each in their own way of course).
On a mass media level, I'd say Dimmu Borgir are the best thing at the moment. Not only are they garnering much mainstream attention, they have remained somewhat faithful to their roots. I wouldn't exactly call them sellouts, but they've abandoned traditional black metal values. Which is a good thing, really, because most of the people who didn't are either dead or in prison. :rolleyes:

I actually just bought In Sorte Diaboli today. Of course though, I've had it downloaded since it was first leaked. And although its grown on me a bit, its still my second least favourite Dimmu album.

In regards to the band, I am glad they have chosen their own direction and remain true to themselves because that speaks volumes over any band who is just a copy. I'd rather listen to a band that does their own thing, than a band that tries to 'recreate' or define something that has already been defined countless times over - although I admit, I am an avid black metal fan. To criticize a band for what genre they do not actively follow is just ridiculous.
Ne Obliviscaris - Violinst with a batchelor of music with honors from Monash, Australia's fastest drummer proved through a competition, the best bassist in the southern hemisphere (possibly the world) at the moment, darkly poetic lyrics and one hell of a bold experimental outlook on Black Metal.