The best thing in metal right now....

Excellent choice!!!

Suffocation and Immolation are by far much weaker than Neurosis, Neurosis shoundn't even be compared to those two cause those two bands are far much weaker than Neurosis.

you really are on my last nerve.
best current doom band: Evoken

I agree. The only thing I think takes away from them now is not having dario derna on keyboards. His piano parts on embrace the emptiness are excellent especially on lost kingdom of darkness.
best current death metal band: Stargazer
best current black metal band: Belenos/Primordial
best current doom band: Evoken/Witchcraft
best current overall: Agalloch/Pain of Salvation
best current thrash: N/A (Don't know enough modern thrash to comment)
best current power metal: Slough Feg
best current gothic metal: Penumbra
best current sludge: Rosetta

Sludge rules man, especially the post-rock/sludge fusion that is growing so swiftly nowadays.

most current thrash is crossover stuff. straight thrash, to me at least, is dead.
most current thrash is crossover stuff. straight thrash, to me at least, is dead.

Municple Waste perhaps I guess then, Gama Bomb is good too - Flesh Made Sin also as well, but I don't know if I'd go saying they're the best of modern thrash though.

Oh you know!

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Haha, have you ever listened to any traditional sludge - like Iron Monkey and Crowbar? I don't like it as much as the post-rock/sludge but it is still great stuff.