The "controversial opinions" thread!

- Without coffee I would be a blight on society sucking the soul from the welfare system for all it's worth. Three cups a morning make me a useful and productive man.
public executions should be brought back

I don't care about the rights of a person convicted of a serious crime (murder, rape, terrorism stuff, etc...) If they haven't been sentenced to death for what they did they should just feel lucky that they've been allowed to stay alive, or be given the option of killing themselves
- You can't prevent someone from doing for saying or doing something to prove their ignorance or stupidity - it will always come to the surface and betray their attempts to come across as wise and intelligent.

- I wish I had meet my wife 10 years earlier - it would have saved her and I a lot of heartache.
- Being alone in this world sucks. Do whatever you can to find some version of family and friends before you find yourself regretting the course not taken. This comes from meeting people that are alone and fighting cancer while I was undergoing treatment over the years. I can't tell you how much having my family and friends by my side through this has made the trip so much more worth it and easier to cope with.
Disliking things doesn't make you close minded.

"I just like good music" = "Punch me in the head before I start talking about The Mars Volta, ordering coffee in another language and praising pop music to be edgy, try not to get blood on my ironic t shirt though".

The online store I buy my PC hardware from has an "Apple" section and then a "Computers" section. Apt. :P

Electing a black president doesn't mean dick when you elected a bigoted Christian redneck who couldn't string a coherent sentence together if you wrote it down for on a teleprompter, or a series of cards. Then elected him again.

MMA is the new pro wrestling. Except the overtly gay hugging moves actually hurt. The fans are still retarded and cursed with not being able to shut the fuck up about it despite nobody else in their vicinity giving a shit.

This is less boring than this .
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Peeing in the shower is awesome.

Getting up on a cold winters morning, high-tailing it bear assed into a super hot shower and just peeing with impunity is even better.
-Radio rock rules.
-Burger King is in all ways superior to McDonald's (aside from teh suck factor).
-Jimmy Page sucks at guitar.
-Tap water tastes better than bottled water (unless it's from New Jersey :lol:)

public executions should be brought back

Bullseye. If people got hung by their fucking nuts in town square after they tried to murder someone and then got stabbed in the throat repeatedly until they died, society would likely be more intimidated, and less likely to rob someone with a weapon, or murder, or rape.
Most of people who speak english as their native language have inferior online writing skills compared to foreigners.
I was watching this one TV show the other day, called bait car or something like that, where the police officers have a specially modified car that they leave unlocked on the side of the road to catch car thiefs.

None of the arrested guys was white. During three episodes.
-metal lyrics have no soul,
-attack attack rules
-not believing in a religion doesn't make you smarter or better then anyone else
-old fags don't know how to mix or record and there fore should just shut the fuck up





- teenagers that think they already have life, music, and any field of professional endeavor all figured out need to put a lid on it until they are old enough to realize that no the fuck they don't.

- people that fail to realize that atheism is the default position and that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, are in fact so intellectually stilted by their inculcation into their particular cult that they'll say anything to defend it rather than take the time to think rationally... "atheists" rarely think about being "atheists" and only use the term when asked about their religious leanings. real-life atheists/secular humanists no more identify themselves by their lack of belief in god than they identify themselves as "a-unicornists" due to their lack of belief in unicorns. the only reason the word "atheist" exists is because of religious nutters.... if belief in unicorns were rampant in the world the believers would have a word for those that didn't believe... and they'd make the same claims about "a-unicornism" being "just as much of a religion as the worship of Unicorns", just like the claims that the "faithful" make regarding those who don't believe in the bible. it's circular logic. no, it's worse... it's circle-jerkular logic (thx Stew Beef!).

- standing like a crab, down-tuning to Ab, and whining like a bitch is as soulless an endeavor as ever there was on this earth.

- silly little boys that don't realize that homophobia isn't very "christian" (oh wait... yes it is!), or very "atheist" for that matter, and that it has even less to do with audio engineering and mixing than age, are wasting far too much of our perfectly good oxygen... which should be re-allocated to those who think before they type.