The Doom Metal thread

What does that have to do with anything? Slayer influenced The Chasm, yet The Chasm are clearly a better band. Helloween influenced Hibria, Hibria owns them. Dream Theater influenced Vanden Plas (obviously) but who kicks the shit out of who?

Influence doesn't automatically mean >.

While I agree with the sentiment, Slayer at their peak is pretty much the best band ever, and Hibria definitely doesn't even come close to touching Walls Of Jericho.

Influence doesn't automatically mean >, but there's a strong correlation.
I've actually been growing a slight liking for Slayer beyond Show No Mercy, but my overall feelings for the band stays. I've not listened to Walls of Jericho in forever, but I can certainly call Defying the Rules better than the first two Keepers albums, which are really the only other worthwhile Helloween releases.
The Keeper albums are incredibly hit or miss. On the other hand, some of the Deris material, namely The Time Of The Oath, is pretty consistently good, though never reaches the highs of the Keeper albums. Better Than Raw is okay too. I'm not familiar with Master Of The Rings. Listen to Walls Of Jericho, it tears the shit out of pretty much any other Speed Metal album ever.
Yeah, I'll have to relisten to it. I remember it kicking ass, and if it can manage to kick the ass of Helstar - Nosferatu I'm sold :)
I don't know what else to call it ... it isn't really power metal, yet not really thrash or heavy either. It is something in between those three.
You really need to stop presenting these little strange ideas of yours as facts.

You really need to stop reading into my posts as me presenting them as facts. You're not a dumbass, you can figure out that I'm not saying my opinion is fact, despite how I phrase them. Now go along and stop being a disagreeable cunt.
I would start with V. and Mourningful Cries.


Pentagram: s/t(relentless), day of reckoning.

The guitar riffs in old pentagram blow my mind they kick so much ass.
You really need to stop reading into my posts as me presenting them as facts. You're not a dumbass, you can figure out that I'm not saying my opinion is fact, despite how I phrase them. Now go along and stop being a disagreeable cunt.

Actually, you're the one who comes forth as a cunt, when you make an outrageous claim like that, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I love The Chasm. I really do. But Slayer, in their hey days, were a far more accomplished band than The Chasm is today. I mean, come on, they reshaped the entire fucking metal genre in their own picture! They were perfect... And then you make a little snipe comment like that... :erk:
80's Slayer kills The Chasm. The chasm is one of the most overrated bands and do not even begin to compare to classic black metal and blackened death metal of the 90's. Slayer is classic for their time and the chasm is not for theirs.
Actually, you're the one who comes forth as a cunt, when you make an outrageous claim like that, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I love The Chasm. I really do. But Slayer, in their hey days, were a far more accomplished band than The Chasm is today. I mean, come on, they reshaped the entire fucking metal genre in their own picture! They were perfect... And then you make a little snipe comment like that... :erk:

I don't care about what a band did in terms of influence, that means shit to me when it comes to listening to music. I'll pay my respects (I've said many times I respect what the bands have done for metal, and realize without them many of my favorite bands may not be around) but the music just doesn't do much for me.

I DON'T have the like the influential bands to be a "true metal fan" or anything, I like what I like and that is all that matters. The Chasm, as far as I'm concerned, have put out far more enjoyable material (especially in Deathcult) than Slayer has put out. That is all I care about. It is natural for me.