The Doom Metal thread

I don't care about what a band did in terms of influence, that means shit to me when it comes to listening to music. I'll pay my respects (I've said many times I respect what the bands have done for metal, and realize without them many of my favorite bands may not be around) but the music just doesn't do much for me.

I DON'T have the like the influential bands to be a "true metal fan" or anything, I like what I like and that is all that matters. The Chasm, as far as I'm concerned, have put out far more enjoyable material (especially in Deathcult) than Slayer has put out. That is all I care about. It is natural for me.

I realize all this. Hell, you've said it enough times... :rolleyes: You obviously missed my point. Slayer made PERFECT music for their time. Regardless of whether or not YOU like that (that really could not be less important), it was absolutely colossal. And when you take some random band, and say that they "are clearly a better band", it's just stupid, boneheaded, rediculous, WRONG, and quite frankly, it shows your age to the point where it becomes just annoying, hence me bringing it up.
Someone recommended me The Old Dead Tree for a band that mixes trad doom and extreme doom. Well, I'm listening to The Perpetual Motion now, and it sounds like a heavy fucking alternative band; not doom at all. I can't really say I like it too much.
I realize all this. Hell, you've said it enough times... :rolleyes: You obviously missed my point. Slayer made PERFECT music for their time. Regardless of whether or not YOU like that (that really could not be less important), it was absolutely colossal. And when you take some random band, and say that they "are clearly a better band", it's just stupid, boneheaded, rediculous, WRONG, and quite frankly, it shows your age to the point where it becomes just annoying, hence me bringing it up.

Since you are so much older and mature maybe you would do well to ignore immature posts like the ones you claim to be does not take much sense to just assume someone's opinions being presented as fact are just opinions. If anyone was like they are here in real life, none of you would last very long. I think a lot of people here would do well to take things with a grain of salt.

David, stop presenting opinions as facts (especially really weird ones ;)).
I realize all this. Hell, you've said it enough times... :rolleyes: You obviously missed my point. Slayer made PERFECT music for their time. Regardless of whether or not YOU like that (that really could not be less important), it was absolutely colossal. And when you take some random band, and say that they "are clearly a better band", it's just stupid, boneheaded, rediculous, WRONG, and quite frankly, it shows your age to the point where it becomes just annoying, hence me bringing it up.

I didn't miss your point, I just realized how bullshit it is. Slayer may have been influential, but that doesn't mean shit when it comes to their music which is mostly shit as far as I'm concerned. I don't discount their influence, I've said many times over that I don't, and saying a band is better is a MATTER OF OPINION therefore it is incapable of being wrong unless I'm expressing an opinion on a matter of fact which I was not. You can spout out all you want about how Slayer is some perfect band for there time, but I very well could do the same with Debbie Gibson and it wouldn't mean shit because in the end all that we are argueing here is opinion and the idea that influence makes a band good, when again that goes into the realm of opinion as well.

And Andy, I'll try to phrase shit in more "opinion" like ways, though if people like this disagreeable moron would just leave my post alone and NOT take it at face value we wouldn't have this kind of problem.
Kids, once we get to "Dave" and "Andy", you really demystify your metal personnas. Could you please keep to your tr00 interweb names please ? Now I can't quite picture you both sat in studded denim loin cloths brandishing axes...

Oh, and back on topic , good call on the Solstice, though to be honest I have always preferred the slight NWoBHM/Lizzy undertones of "New Dark Age".
1. Since you are so much older and mature maybe you would do well to ignore immature posts like the ones you claim to be immature...2. it does not take much sense to just assume someone's opinions being presented as fact are just opinions.

1. I do 99% of the time. Only the really bad ones I bother with. And the sentence I've quoted is really atrocious.

2. It has to do with presentation. Some sentences are just made to be irritiating.
Both Slayer and The Chasm rule. The Chasm are better musicians, but Slayer were much more innovative for their time, and did much more for the genre. Slayer are also easier to get into. Similar to what MD was saying, I know that Black Sabbath were the most influential and innovative (for their time) doom metal band, but IMO, they are NOT the best doom metal band ever.
jesus christ you people this is a fucking doom metal thread. Slayer is NOT doom metal. keep this on fucking topic! I don't want v5 to lock this thread.
I don't know what's going on, but someone link me to some Vonn mp3's - their shitty myspace doesn't have any, and I'm tired of hearing about how great they are..

It needs to be proven dammit!
Anyone else posting here now enjoy Arcane Sun? There used to be a few Arcane Sun fanboys on these boards, but they don't post here anymore.

Right here! Found the album for $9 in a used bin somewhere.

Have you heard the unreleased 2nd album? Might you even be the person who sent it to me?
For the love of God, will someone who likes trad doom listen to me and get Mourn - Mourn (I don't know, what was it, about 1995 on Rise Above?).

Killer stuff, no matter what Necuratul says.