The Doom Metal thread

A great doom album I always forget. Shape of Despair 'illusions play'. I need to get the first two.
Anyway back to discussion of doom metal...

Can anyone suggest some really good underground sludge/doom stuff similar to Malasangre, dot(.), etc.?

Not deleting that yet, people still might want to see the spectacle. Or something. I dunno. Too lazy right now.
Anyway back to discussion of doom metal...

Can anyone suggest some really good underground sludge/doom stuff similar to Malasangre, dot(.), etc.?

Not deleting that yet, people still might want to see the spectacle. Or something. I dunno. Too lazy right now.

I may be feeding your downloading habit but fuck it...

Church of Misery
Buried At Sea


I have a Rabies Caste CD, Ill send you for free.

I dont consider much of what has been presented in this thread actual Doom Metal, but that is besdies the point and an ENTIRELY different topic.
I've already downloaded like all of that. :lol: A lot of it is gone though, looong gone. Moss are good, I like them. Bunkur didn't really impress me...they took a little too long to get going. Corrupted are good stuff, I agree. I know Grief because Bill Miller is in noise as a photographer/artist now...Toadliquor was sort of unimpressive if I recall right. Wormphlegm's first demo was awesome, but their full-length was blah, they maybe should've called it quits. I actually haven't heard Sourvein so I should :). Church Of Misery were, weirdly, one of my first sludge bands and I still dig Master Of Brutality. Rabies Caste had a good album a while back, and their most recent album was released on a noise label (!!), so they are automatically good.

And yeah we know you believe that doom is one thing and one thing only. :p
Are there any Paul Chain fans on these forums? I've only heard 3 albums but a lot of it is fantastic.
ok people, since I created this thread, I want to slightly change the topic a bit (still about doom metal, though)

what do you people are the worst doom metal albums/bands/subgenres ever?

my two cents:

any later Katatonia or Anathema (I would much rather wipe my ass with those CD booklets than listen to that tripe. It sounds like radio rock and NOT doom metal)

I'm not a big trad doom fan except for Black Sabbath and a few NWOBHM bands. most of its just kind of boring. (I know will probably get flamed for this)

I cannot get into Sunn 0))) very much. maybe one song (if you can call it that) at a time, but never a full length.
any later Katatonia or Anathema (I would much rather wipe my ass with those CD booklets than listen to that tripe. It sounds like radio rock and NOT doom metal)

There's no arguing about taste, but that is a pretty fucking ignorant thing to say. You make it sound as if either of those bands are actually *trying* to make doom metal which they so very clearly aren't. They moved on a long time ago. And saying it sounds like radio rock pretty much means that either you've heard very little of what they have actually released since their doom eras, or Ohio must have some very high quality radio stations.
There's no arguing about taste, but that is a pretty fucking ignorant thing to say. You make it sound as if either of those bands are actually *trying* to make doom metal which they so very clearly aren't. They moved on a long time ago. And saying it sounds like radio rock pretty much means that either you've heard very little of what they have actually released since their doom eras, or Ohio must have some very high quality radio stations.

I just don't care for it. not my cup of tea. and I realize that they weren't trying to do that, they just seemed to soften up and sell out. its like "lets be the next Lacuna Coil and sell millions of records" thats not very "against the grain", which is probably why I prefer extreme doom more than trad or melodic doom.
About Paul Chain being mentioned: His material ranges from very good to masterpiece. He just got experimental in his latest albums, his first releases are pure Black Sabbath worship (a little experimental, some use of atmospheric keyboards and maybe some kraut-ish guitar mannerisms) with masterfull guitar work and psychotic vocals. "In The Darkness", "Whited Sepulchres" , "Mirror" and "Alkahest" are my favourites. He also made one (i think) demo with Wino that is an absolute must heard. The guy is definetally one of the most underrated songwritters in the general heavy scene.