The goals thread

I've been considering becoming a music producer, or something. I've always wanted something to do with music, seeing that's it a big part of my life. A band would be awesome, but we all know successful chances at that are slim to none.

If all else fails, give me a couple million bucks, a hot babe, and a nice home and i'm set.
Having a goal is my goal. Mission accomplished?...not really...

I can't really think of any at the moment.
Dave, there is no need for you to reply to this thread. I will summarize your goals here for you. You may thank me later. :lol:
"I wanna make 10 million dollars a year, drive a really fancy car, live in a really big house, be the best weight trainer ever, be the most awesome pick up artist ever, have a really big dick..."
lose my virginity?

seriously, i'm generally un-motivated to do anything anymore. i blame the airforce.

i would like to start a music school/practice space/concert hall type place though. a place where people can learn an instrument, start a band, and perform all in the same building. talk about cradle to grave service!
I want to

- Become a lawyer
- Open a metal store (*)
- Open a nice metal club that's big as fuck, has great food and a separate hotel area.
Dave, there is no need for you to reply to this thread. I will summarize your goals here for you. You may thank me later. :lol:
"I wanna make 10 million dollars a year, drive a really fancy car, live in a really big house, be the best weight trainer ever, be the most awesome pick up artist ever, have a really big dick..."

:lol: :lol:

have a really big dick :lol: :lol:
I'd like to have a job that pays me to travel around the world, especially if it's something like sociology or something because I get to study a group of people.

I would like to be an English teacher at a high school, but I'm starting to lean towards that less and less because of the shitty benefits that teachers get.

Someday, I'd like to be a growling vocalist for a death or black metal band.
Oh god I have so many....

-Become a respected and renouned artist in my lifetime. (duh)
-Gain 10 lbs.
-Have a healthy beautiful baby boy by the time I'm 24.
-Have a solo show in NYC before I'm 25.
-Get my MFA from Yale
-Learn how to bellydance
-Decide on a tattoo
-Become really flexible
-Have a book on my work published before I'm 45
-Someday meet my goddaughter
-Become an herbalist
-Have/experience natural childbirth
-Marry Sean
-Have sex half-asleep
-Raise chickens
-Stave off global warming
-Make enough money to live comfortably and am able to continue painting.
-Bring midwifery back to the US

edit: There are more but that's fine for now...