the grindcore thread

Although I only own Man Made Predator and Death By A Thousand Cuts, the one track I have heard from The Process of Elimination (Glamourgirl Concubine) sounded excellent, is it that the rest of album is worse than that, or you don't really enjoy that song either?
The closest I come to grindcore is Anaal Nathrakh's latest album, mostly due to Napalm Death's drummer blasting on it.
and one more thing, if you don't like grindcore why did you bother posting in this thread to begin with?
Today people define hardcore as bands like Hatebreed and Converge. In the 80s it was just an offshoot of punk with bands like Minor Threat, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Bad Brains, etc. Bands that are considered "hardcore" today sound more like dumbed down metal rather than punk.
Yes that's why you separate it into two styles "old-school hardcore" and "new-school hardcore." You're spot on with your classifications otherwise. Old-school hardcore is what influenced grindcore.
Yeah I figured. I was just saying some stuff that's considered grindcore today (not that it technically is) is influenced by "nu-hardcore".