The hockey thread

I'll just accept that Vancouver can't win the cup. I'll accept that they have a tendency to pull this stuff way too often too:

Seeing Crosby and the Penguins get humiliated by Giroux and the Flyers is a big solace. What a whining punk Crosby is.
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I agree with you about Crosby, this article posted in a local Pittsburgh newspaper sums up my feelings about that game.

Penguins and Canucks are pretty much done. Canucks may try to fight back by winning a game or two. The pens on the other hand, winning one game and avoiding further embarrassment by being swept is all I can hope for as a fan.

Canucks, Bruins, and the Penguins are basically all dirty teams, highly talented but all dirty btw.
I want to see the Penguins win a game or two only so Pitt and Philly can beat the snot out of each other for a couple more games!

As a Bruins fan, let me state that I HATE HATE HATE the way Brad Marchands legs have seemed a little bit weak, especially in game 3 VS Washington. They don't hand out yellow and red cards in hockey, please stop trying to sell calls!

EDIT: Nothing against football/soccer btw. I like that sport too. :)
I agree, let that war drag out a little more. Marchand is a real tough kid and plays hard...the ultimate agitator. But flopping n faking is not Bruins hockey. Save that shit for Montreal, Vancouver, and certain Pens players.;)

I am thankful however that Washington officially poked the Bear lastnite at the end of game-3. I've been waiting for the B's to play a little more "pissed off"! They picked the wrong guy to taunt in Lucic with that wiping the tears gesture. Lucic may be the hardest working toughest player in the league. His response today was great- "that gesture was big coming from a Caps player who has only 2-minor roughing penalties in 2-years.:lol:
Well the B's seemed to get many more chances in game 3, so hopefully they can continue that trend for the remainder of the series. The physical game definitely seems to suit them better.

Still quite surprising that the Kings and Flyers are up 3-0 in their respective series. Even if Daniel Sedin can come back for game 4 and ignite the 'Nucks, I still think Johnathan Quick can steal 1 game out of the next 4 if necessary.

NYR and Sens has been pretty good as well, but gawd DAMN Lundqvist is a BEAST! When he's on he's pretty much unbeatable.

FLA and NJ has been some good hockey. Nice to see the Panthers back in the post season. Between the Panthers in the playoffs and me being on a classic death metal kick, it's like I've been transported back into the mid 90's :)
I'll just accept that Vancouver can't win the cup. I'll accept that they have a tendency to pull this stuff way too often too:

I flew to LA last weekend for my citizenship interview and went to Staples Center to see that game on Sunday. The whole arena was cracking up at Kessler and they put up slow motion videos of olympic diving on the monitors for a good minute and a half :lol:

I really hope Kings get far this year, it's looking very promising so far :)
James Neal has been suspended 1 game and Asham will be suspended for 4 games. I also predict Asham will be thrown off the team or will be benched for the rest of whatever season the pens have left until they figure out what do with him.
Caps Nick Backstrom suspended 1-game for cross-checking hit.

Raffi Torres layed out Marian Hossa with a late clearly left his feet hit that resulted in Hossa being taken off on a stretcher. I don't know what was more shocking? The no penalty call on the play or the fact that Chicago had zero retaliation towards Rraffi...unless I missed it?
Yeah just saw that and they did retaliate and Toews was pissed. A big dogpile then some bench chirping.


Hossa is hospitalized now.
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Man, I'm really unhappy with the NHL. The punishments are so wildly inconsistent. The lack of penalty on Weber set up the whole playoffs to be a bloodbath. What a mess.

Yeah, the discipline (and lack thereof if many cases) has definitely marred these playoffs. I love me some rough'n'tumble hockey (note my comment on the Pitt/Philly series a couple comments back) but it shouldn't get to where guys start getting seriously hurt and taken off on stretchers.

Injuries are part of contact sports, but these playoffs seem to be unraveling and the officials on and off the ice need to take control before even worse injuries start happening.
Despite the possible sweep of Pittsburgh I don't think the Flyers will go that far. The d-men have been pretty brutal, and the only reason Bryzgalov isn't the joke of the league right now is that Fleury happens to have been even more pathetic. If they run into the Rangers or the Bruins, i.e teams that can actually play defence, and that have good goalies to say the least, they're done for.
As a hockey fan these series have been some of the best that I've ever seen, there has been everything so far.

the Blues/Sharks series has been awesome to watch, some really good goaltending on both sides. Same thing in the Rangers/Sens series... Lundqvist & Anderson have been phenomenal
Great win for the Sens 3-2 ot...they played their nuts off! The Rangers looked a bit sluggish in this one. I don't know, Tortorella and all his tactics really keeping the hammer down pretty heavy on his team from the get go! Wonder if they are simply wearing out now? No way I saw a close series here...but credit to the Sens. I'm Thinking they actually have a legit chance win this series.

10-3 Pens...unreal!
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I actually predicted Ottawa to upset New York, I just had a feeling that the Senators would come out strong. Good to know there's still a chance of that happening.

But I also thought Pittsburgh was going to win in 7 but there's really only a minute chance of that happening, regardless of tonight's score.