The "I don't understand why people like this band" thread

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I would have been disappointed if the Metallica, Slayer, Ozzy fans didn't rise up to make threats on my life. Thanks for not letting me down.

Oh and one more thing, I would rather listen to Avril Lavigne or Kelly Clarkson than Black Sabbath, or most other "heavy metal" or "hair metal" for that matter.

Then what are you doing here? Clearly you don't like metal... so bugger off.
I would have been disappointed if the Metallica, Slayer, Ozzy fans didn't rise up to make threats on my life. Thanks for not letting me down.

Oh and one more thing, I would rather listen to Avril Lavigne or Kelly Clarkson than Black Sabbath, or most other "heavy metal" or "hair metal" for that matter.

Go tell that to a large crowd of metalheads. They'll teach you the meaning of "Meathook Sodomy".

Edit: I think I'll listen to some slayer.
Yeah, I don't like metal. Maybe you should go see my top 35 black metal list of 2007 in the black metal thread. :rolleyes:

I listen to metal more than any other genre. But that doesn't mean I like all metal more than all other music. I think most old heavy metal is shit. Well, maybe not shit, because it was monumentally influencial, and if this was the 70s I would probably be listening to it, but I certainly don't enjoy it now.

And no, pop is not the "other genre" I listen to. But I'm not afraid to admit that I like some Avril or Kelly songs, just as I'm not afraid to admit I hate Black Sabbath. I hope that doesn't make anyone think I am not "metal". :lol:
I think most old heavy metal is shit. Well, maybe not shit, because it was monumentally influencial, and if this was the 70s I would probably be listening to it, but I certainly don't enjoy it now.

congradulations on having shit taste in music. Without priest, maiden and black sabbath, 99% of your favorite metal artists don't exist.
Go tell that to a large crowd of metalheads. They'll teach you the meaning of "Meathook Sodomy".

Edit: I think I'll listen to some slayer.
I prefer to stay away from large crowds of metalheads. A large crowd of metalheads would probably all get on their knees and start worshipping if Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God, or Dream Theatre started playing. On the other hand, that same crowd would probably boo Silencer or Judas Iscariot (for example) off the "stage". I'll have no part in that shit, thank you.

Like I said, most metalheads have taste just as bad as the average idiot. Maybe not that bad, but not much better either.
Yeah, I don't like metal. Maybe you should go see my top 35 black metal list of 2007 in the black metal thread. :rolleyes:

I listen to metal more than any other genre. But that doesn't mean I like all metal more than all other music. I think most old heavy metal is shit. Well, maybe not shit, because it was monumentally influencial, and if this was the 70s I would probably be listening to it, but I certainly don't enjoy it now.

And no, pop is not the "other genre" I listen to. But I'm not afraid to admit that I like some Avril or Kelly songs, just as I'm not afraid to admit I hate Black Sabbath. I hope that doesn't make anyone think I am not "metal". :lol:

I'm not interested in your long distance plan at this time.

I prefer to stay away from large crowds of metalheads. A large crowd of metalheads would probably all get on their knees and start worshipping if Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God, or Dream Theatre started playing. On the other hand, that same crowd would probably boo Silencer or Judas Iscariot (for example) off the "stage". I'll have no part in that shit, thank you.

Like I said, most metalheads have taste just as bad as the average idiot. Maybe not that bad, but not much better either.

We aren't talking about the average metalhead here. We're talking about metal fans who know their shit. Liking Black Sabbath= Knowning your shit.
congradulations on having shit taste in music. Without priest, maiden and black sabbath, 99% of your favorite metal artists don't exist.
Do you like Elvis Presley? How about Buddy Holly? Chuck Berry?

Without them, none of your favorite metal artists exist.

There is a difference between recognizing influence and liking music. You think I should worship those bands just because they took the first steps towards a new genre? Sorry to disappoint, but I don't.
We aren't talking about the average metalhead here. We're talking about metal fans who know their shit. Liking Black Sabbath= Knowning your shit.
Oh yeah, this forum is totally the place for metalheads that know their shit. :rolleyes:

Now seriously, I'm not trying to belittle the people on this forum. I haven't been here long enough to pretend like I know what type of listeners frequent the forum.

But if you think that liking one of the most popular metal bands = knowing your shit, you clearly fall into that category of average metalhead yourself. Congratulations.
I prefer to stay away from large crowds of metalheads. A large crowd of metalheads would probably all get on their knees and start worshipping if Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God, or Dream Theatre started playing. On the other hand, that same crowd would probably boo Silencer or Judas Iscariot (for example) off the "stage". I'll have no part in that shit, thank you.

Like I said, most metalheads have taste just as bad as the average idiot. Maybe not that bad, but not much better either.

Oh yeah, this forum is totally the place for metalheads that know their shit. :rolleyes:

Now seriously, I'm not trying to belittle the people on this forum. I haven't been here long enough to pretend like I know what type of listeners frequent the forum.

But if you think that liking one of the most popular metal bands = knowing your shit, you clearly fall into that category of average metalhead yourself. Congratulations.

You dont sound as smart as you think you do :rolleyes:
Oh yeah, this forum is totally the place for metalheads that know their shit. :rolleyes:

Now seriously, I'm not trying to belittle the people on this forum. I haven't been here long enough to pretend like I know what type of listeners frequent the forum.

But if you think that liking one of the most popular metal bands = knowing your shit, you clearly fall into that category of average metalhead yourself. Congratulations.

:lol: You are so stupid. I know my shit because Black Sabbath is great, not becuase they are popular. Honestly if you don't think that songs like Symptom of the Universe; Black Sabbath; NIB; Megalomania; Children of the Grave; etc. are not great metal songs then you are hopeless.
Oh yeah, this forum is totally the place for metalheads that know their shit. :rolleyes:

Now seriously, I'm not trying to belittle the people on this forum. I haven't been here long enough to pretend like I know what type of listeners frequent the forum.

But if you think that liking one of the most popular metal bands = knowing your shit, you clearly fall into that category of average metalhead yourself. Congratulations.

LMAO at this cunt drawing a comparison between pop music and black sabbath
you should like those bands because they play kick ass fucking metal, but whatever.
I don't deny that they play kick ass metal. Just not in the "I love this band" kick ass sense. Decapitated plays kick ass fucking metal too, but I don't like them either. Belketre plays kick ass fucking metal, and I bet 95% of this forum would hate them.

I see where this is going though. I will make an attempt to like more extremely accessible, mainstream metal, so that I can fit in better here.

Can anyone recommend me some Lamb of God, Opeth, In Flames, and Mastodon albums please? Oh, and some Pantera too.
I generally don't have any problems with metal bands, everyone listens to a band for their own reasons. I'm not going to criticize a Trivium fan if the person truly enjoys their music.

However, I do believe that 'metalheads' have better taste in music than most because (in general, more evident) they listen to bands who they support, enjoy the artist overall, and remain passionate in regards to the music or interests they have. This is something you generally don't find in mainstream music for example. Every co-worker or person I know (who doesn't listen to metal) listens to bands because of a couple select songs to which they may have heard on the radio or whatevr. I find again in general that metalheads constantly seek music where as mainstream fans discover music by radio or television or whatever is trendy. Metal bands are more sincere 'artists' than those of most other genres. If metal was highly popular in the mainstream I'm sure this wouldn't be the case. Point being, I think anyone who takes great interest in something they like or listen to (genres aside) has better taste in music.
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