The "I don't understand why people like this band" thread

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Why come through here trollin' and looking for a fight? You know why people like different bands then you?

Because, detective dipshit, inside everyones skull (including that thickly armoued one you have) is a brain. Each person has one, and they come up with entirely different ideas. It's called "free Thinking", and despite the efforts of dictators and priests, it's untouchable.

Thats why people like different bands. Because they think differently and have different expieriences then other people.
I generally don't have any problems with metal bands, everyone listens to a band for their own reasons. I'm not going to criticize a Trivium fan if the person truly enjoys their music.

However, I do believe that 'metalheads' have better taste in music than most because (in general, more evident) they listen to bands who they support, enjoy the artist overall, and remain passionate in regards to the music or interests they have. This is something you generally don't find in mainstream music for example. Every co-worker or person I know (who doesn't listen to metal) listens to bands because of a couple select songs to which they may have heard on the radio or whatevr. I find again in general that metalheads constantly seek music where as mainstream fans discover music by radio or television or whatever is trendy. Metal bands are more sincere 'artists' than those of most other genres. If metal was highly popular in the mainstream I'm sure this wouldn't be the case. Point being, I think anyone who takes great interest in something they like or listen to (genres aside) has better taste in music.
I can agree with this.

If I hadn't come into this thread with the intention of being confrontational, I might have said something similar to this.

I don't honestly think metalheads have taste as bad as the average person, but I also don't think listening to Black Sabbath and Megadeth automatically gives you good taste, as many metalheads seem to think.
I don't deny that they play kick ass metal. Just not in the "I love this band" kick ass sense. Decapitated plays kick ass fucking metal too, but I don't like them either. Belketre plays kick ass fucking metal, and I bet 95% of this forum would hate them.

I see where this is going though. I will make an attempt to like more extremely accessible, mainstream metal, so that I can fit in better here.

Can anyone recommend me some Lamb of God, Opeth, In Flames, and Mastodon albums please? Oh, and some Pantera too.

Are you high ?
Why come through here trollin' and looking for a fight? You know why people like different bands then you?

Because, detective dipshit, inside everyones skull (including that thickly armoued one you have) is a brain. Each person has one, and they come up with entirely different ideas. It's called "free Thinking", and despite the efforts of dictators and priests, it's untouchable.

Thats why people like different bands. Because they think differently and have different expieriences then other people.
Yeah, I think that is a pretty damn solid answer. Can't dispute it.
I really don't see why you have to like Priest/Maiden/Sabbath/Slayer to be a metal fan. If you predominately like another genre of metal, why would you regularly listen to these bands? I can enjoy said bands' albums from time to time, but I don't own any of them. It is important to know the history and progression of metal, but that doesn't require that you like all the classic bands.
i dont see why people love ozzy so fucking much. he is a shitty singer. i dont hate ozzy, and i like black sabbath, but damn get your lips out of his fucking ass

A) He's the only singer that can give off the feeling that when he's screwed, he's REALLY screwed. (Dio sings really ell, but he doesn't sound depressed or baked)

B)We just like his singing.

c) He's a one man three stooges eppisode on pot
I don't deny that they play kick ass metal. Just not in the "I love this band" kick ass sense. Decapitated plays kick ass fucking metal too, but I don't like them either. Belketre plays kick ass fucking metal, and I bet 95% of this forum would hate them.[/COLOR]

I see where this is going though. I will make an attempt to like more extremely accessible, mainstream metal, so that I can fit in better here.

Can anyone recommend me some Lamb of God, Opeth, In Flames, and Mastodon albums please? Oh, and some Pantera too.

red= dumbassery. how long have you been on this forum, you dont even have 100 post! trust me the people on this forum talk about some really unheard of bands, and i feel lost half the time. you are not nearly as smart/trendy as you think you are. stick around here, and you'll learn some new bands, thats a huge reason why im here. stop making an ass of yourself and ratt and roll!

I can't, for the life of me, find any appeal in brutal (modern) death metal. It sucks. Same story for Xasthur, Leviathan, Weakling (slightly more understandable), Agalloch etc. All that shit.
I had you on the first part, but lost you on the second. I don't like 99% of death metal. And raw BM is some of my favorite. But what do you have against the mentioned bands? Also, the 4 you mentioned sound almost completely different, or were you just indicating the USBM scene in general that you don't like?
red= dumbassery. how long have you been on this forum, you dont even have 100 post! trust me the people on this forum talk about some really unheard of bands, and i feel lost half the time. you are not nearly as smart/trendy as you think you are. stick around here, and you'll learn some new bands, thats a huge reason why im here. stop making an ass of yourself and ratt and roll!
Uh, you messed up the red tag. I said just like 5 minutes ago that I haven't been here very long...

What makes you think I'm trying to be "smart" or trendy? I'm trying to be smart by saying I think heavy metal sucks in a thread about which music sucks? If you say so. Or maybe typing in complete sentences means I'm trying to be smart? Sorry, I just happen to do that anyway.

No shit. That's why I'm here, and that's also why the majority of my time is spent in the black metal thread(s).

No matter how many people furiously insult me for not liking 80s metal, I certainly will not feel like I have made an ass of myself.
Oh yeah, this forum is totally the place for metalheads that know their shit. :rolleyes:

Now seriously, I'm not trying to belittle the people on this forum. I haven't been here long enough to pretend like I know what type of listeners frequent the forum.

But if you think that liking one of the most popular metal bands = knowing your shit, you clearly fall into that category of average metalhead yourself. Congratulations.

Not trying to belittle people huh? Should of thought about that before you started talking out of your ass and spraying shit on everyone.

I don't deny that they play kick ass metal. Just not in the "I love this band" kick ass sense. Decapitated plays kick ass fucking metal too, but I don't like them either. Belketre plays kick ass fucking metal, and I bet 95% of this forum would hate them.

I see where this is going though. I will make an attempt to like more extremely accessible, mainstream metal, so that I can fit in better here.

Can anyone recommend me some Lamb of God, Opeth, In Flames, and Mastodon albums please? Oh, and some Pantera too.

Decapitated suck actually. Probably should have used a less bland and more original band than that. No one has a problem with you listening to uber obscure bands. But that metality that comes along with this whole "look at me I know bands you don't" and "ahah you loser you like opeth and in flames, yer like so gay because alot of people know about them and shitzzle" is pretty fucking lame. If you like something, then thats cool, but pulling generalities out of your ass to boost your ego is only going to make everyone here hate you. Which in turn causes a shit ton of bullshit posts from even bigger dumbasses like Dave. If you want to act like an egotistical bitch, I suggest PMing dave, and commence your cockjousting with someone who gives a fuck.

I can agree with this.

If I hadn't come into this thread with the intention of being confrontational, I might have said something similar to this.

I don't honestly think metalheads have taste as bad as the average person, but I also don't think listening to Black Sabbath and Megadeth automatically gives you good taste, as many metalheads seem to think.

:lol: "as bad as" Dear god. Fuck off and die.

edit: And for the record. If you don't think Black Sabbath's music is amazing, you need your head checked, because someone is fucking it right now. And that's a fact, it's science.
Yes, but do you understand why we like these bands? thats what the thread is about.

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