The inevitable has happened.. Good Bye Lopez

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Captain James T. Fudgepacker said:
holy shit where have all the testicles gone from this forum, did i miss the memo? are we now surrendering them to someone?
we sent them all to opeth.. i thought it was a given man.. like right when you join the forum, ya gotsta send them to mike nd the gang... and women gotta send their ovaries. and as for peter.. his hands take up half the guitar itself...
Kerry King said:
Amon Amarth improved immensely following the departure of Lopez. Lets hope Opeth have the same luck.


Edit: ok.... thats just lame. Its not going to happen.

well, if the replacer had been another "jazz-metal" player, I could still have a hope now... but Axe's a mere metal mad-beater, as far as I've seen at the concert. This was the setlist at the show I'm talking about:

ghost of perdition
white cluster
the grand conjuration
under a weeping moon
the baying of the hounds
a fair judgement

Well, I think that it speaks for itself. There is death, there is jazz, there is progressive. He had some songs to show off his abilities. He failed in all of them, talking about pure class.

Note: The whole band, while performing the psycho-prog rock part in the middle-end of "Closure" (like in Lamentations), sounded poor as a whole: and, do you know?, what was really clear to be out of place was Axenrot's drumming. That annoyed us quite a lot.
Mad_Griffith said:
Do you know what forums are for? You are supposed to know it, since you got an account. :)

they're usually where sanctimonious egomaniacs meet and try and outdo each other by proving their superiority to the band and other fans.
Mad_Griffith said:
Back on topic, why don't you tell us what do you think about this latest happening?

So that you could be useful.

I saw Opeth live in Auckland and they were flawless.

And as Axe is yet to play on an album recording I will reserve my judgement regarding his technique and/or what he brings to the band.

what instrument do you play?
Jazrodian said:
they're usually where sanctimonious egomaniacs meet and try and outdo each other by proving their superiority to the band and other fans.

You can see for yourself what the situation is in Opeth. Personally, I'd have preferred Lindgren to go, since IMHO it is a so-so player, and Lopez to stay. I know it is stupid talking about that since all the events are history, but it was just what I thought at that moment. You shouldn't take that sentence too seriously, since I was (and am still, like others are) rather shocked from the news.
Jazrodian said:
I saw Opeth live in Auckland and they were flawless.

And as Axe is yet to play on an album recording I will reserve my judgement regarding his technique and/or what he brings to the band.

what instrument do you play?

I play guitar, but that's not the point. You should have asked me: "have you ever listened to\seen Axenrot playing Opeth's songs, before judging Axenrot's style?", to which I already answered "Yes" and have brought proof of that.

However, just to avoid misunderstandings, I'm not saying "he can't play". I'm saying "he can't play the way Lopez played, which was a unique style, a style you we all fans know about". Axenrot is just a pure metal player: he's got to learn in order to play like Lopez does.

Btw, did they play with Axenrot in Auckland?
I find this to be really sad. I loved Martin Lopez's drumming in Opeth. I found it to be very fitting and dynamic. Additionally, he is the original musician found on many of the band's albums and so it was special to see him perform those songs. It won't be the same, but I am glad that the band will continue.

As for Martin Axenrot stepping in as the replacement...I agree that he's a good replacement, but at the same time I really do feel that Lopez's drumming had more of a touch for Opeth. I feel that Axenrot's drumming indeed generally has more of a straight up death-metal approach. Perhaps he will adapt to the band more, though...?

The suggestion that perhaps Axenrot will convince Mikael to return to Bloodbath (especially now that they'll be on similar schedules) seems like something I wish would happen, but it doesn't seem too likely.

I'm also curious about Martin Lopez's new project.

Marton's new project. great debut imo
This is positive news! Lopez had his time with the band, he had his latin influence on the drums, he wrote some cool stuff made some good albums now its time for progression. Welcome Axe! I am eager to hear the new album already... I know Axe can help Opeth become more of a beast, and I am sure his drumming will get even better with all the practice he will get in Opeth.
I think we should let Axe speak for himself. For both Melbourne shows he was flawless, even during Closure when they do all the prog improv. I beleive Axe can develope a Jazzy style, he has been playing metal all his life I presume so of course he is going to sound like a metal drummer. However, im sure he can develope a more jazz influenced style to his drumming.

His backround is classical percussion I beleive, I read it on a drumming website with bio's

Opeth's next release would be the most anticipated yet
do you people even understand what it means to have a "jazz influence" in ones playing? lopez had a latin and cultural aproach to drumming if anything...i dont know what the fuck all this jazz talk is about. you people are retarded.
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