The inevitable has happened.. Good Bye Lopez

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wtf is axernot going to do on the next album?? just fucking play doublebass the whole time? how is going to handle the mellow parts? I hope this lopez deal gets cleared up soon...
I do worry a bit about expression. Whilst Axe was extremely solid during both Melbourne gigs, he was essentially just mimmicking Lopez' parts. I guess the jury's still out on how diverse his own drum parts will be.
well, i think lopez brought a certain something to opeth that will be missed...
but i like axe, and i think he made the parts his own...
and i am glad to have per on board too...
change is good...
(and i am way drunk)
NineFeetUnderground said:
do you people even understand what it means to have a "jazz influence" in ones playing? lopez had a latin and cultural aproach to drumming if anything...i dont know what the fuck all this jazz talk is about. you people are retarded.

Lopez does have a jazz influence.

His favorite musician is a jazz drummer.

and im pretty sure his other favorites are also jazz drummers

besides there is Latin Jazz which use tamborines and bongos etc, it was formed in the 1940's
NineFeetUnderground said:
do you people even understand what it means to have a "jazz influence" in ones playing? lopez had a latin and cultural aproach to drumming if anything...i dont know what the fuck all this jazz talk is about. you people are retarded.

You know that your only excuse could be you were drunk while you were writing this? Be smart when you are going to reply, bro.
omg... i saw this coming although i denied it, i lied to myself... lopez CANT leave Opeth.. he can't, it's like replacing Mike, you just can't. no one will ever be able to fill in his shoes, he's an almighty drummer. maybe he'll come back...
Nichtsicher said:
Lopez does have a jazz influence.

His favorite musician is a jazz drummer.

and im pretty sure his other favorites are also jazz drummers

besides there is Latin Jazz which use tamborines and bongos etc, it was formed in the 1940's

Yes he has some jazz influences, as i'm sure most drummers do. But have you ever actually heard jazz drumming?? The stuff that Lopez incorporated had some little jazzy flourishes, but it's not like he's Gene Krupa or something, playing be bop or some shit. He was a metal drummer with about 5% jazz and 20% latin influences, the rest, in my view, was traditional metal.

Yes he was awesome, we are all going to miss him.
But fuck, lay off the Axe bashings. Give the guy a chance. I saw him in Auckland 2 weeks ago, and he was, as others have stated, flawless. In fact if there was a curtain put in front of the kit, 99% of the crowd wouldnt have been able to tell weather it was Lopez or Axe drumming.

Who knows what he will add, or take away, from the bands sound. No one can say yet. Well at least no one here. Wait a year or two (or three) for the new album.

Welcome Martin Axenrot!!!!!!!:rock:

Seeya Martin Lopez. You are one of my drumming heroes, and were a big part of an amazing period in Opeths History. Adios. Good luck
ive seen opeth twice, the gig a few weeks ago in new zealand and last september in london and there playing close to my home in dublin, i always wanted to see Lopez drumming live in opeth as hes a fantastic drummer but looks like i aint gonna see him ever drum for the mighty peth.
it was inevitable he was gonna leave but its a pity as hes one of the most original drummers ive heard
Most of you fail to realize that Mike has stated long ago that even Lopez was really straightforward when he first started in Opeth...that he was no Nordin. ( was in some LotFP interview)....and most of you are basing what Axe can do off the bands hes been in (Lopez was in Amon Amarth before theres some poor logic) and are also failing to realize that the songs hes playing...are not ones he came up with.
I've had the luck to see Opeth live 5 or 6 times over the last 6 or so years with both drummers and I can honestly say they truly have an edge with Lopez behind the kit , although Blomberg does do a good job. Mendez and Lopez were the best rhythm section since Bonham and Jones.

Best of luck to Lopez, he will be sadly missed , a truly great drummer and a nice bloke to boot.

By the way..Hi...first post tend to stay away from forums but on this ocassion.
emo imo aucmb's lmrnob's oicmb's now

Mike will have a hand in Orlando Bloom's percussive style on the next recording. And since Legolas won't be trying to 'play like' Lopez , mabey
MA(Axenrot) will add some tasty wing dings and pops to the mix. I for one trust MA(Akerfeldt) to lead and write for the newbie so as we all can say "What were we worried about?".
Some of you guys are just fucking stupid. Axenrot started playing the drums at the age of nine, took lessons until he was 18, has played with Linköping's Symphonic Orchestra and in marching bands. To say that a drummer that loves John Bonhamn and Cozy Powell is a "simple death metal-drummer" is retarded. He can swing the swing for sure.
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