The inevitable has happened.. Good Bye Lopez

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well that just ruined my day!!
Lopez belongs in Opeth!!! Although Axe is an excellent drummer, Lopez was really something special. basically he had that X factor for me anyway..
I guess if he can't tour, then he can't tour and thats what it comes down to aye.
Well good luck to Lopez with his new band !!
Hi guys!

I understand you're quite upset with this news and so am I! I've been playing with Lopez for almost 10 years!
But you have to understand that we wouldn't bring in just any kind of drummer for this band. I have been playing with Anders, Lopez, Hoglan and now Axe. Come on, my references are pretty OK, right? Have you played with these guys? Is that why you have such a valid opinion on how they are? I know, all of them are different, all of them have strong sides and weak sides.

I would never take anything away from Lopez brilliance as a drummer, but you also have to know that I have been involved in the making of every drum beat on every record. The drums is the result of a collaboration between Lopez and me. I had ideas, he had ideas, and that's the way we worked. On top of everything I made complete (with drumbeats) demos at my house for every record.

Axe and myself are going to make you eat your bashing comments, just wait and see...

Cheers guys
i didnt even read this thread, but only saw the last post as mike and decided to check it out and read that.

lopez was phenomenal, and will be missed. but it was just time, thats all that can be said. things happen. good luck with everything.

if anyone is bashing axenrot in any way they dont deserve to be here. hes put more work into this band then most of you would to your entire lives. give him some credit.

ps, i cant wait to hear some new stuff with axenrot behind the kit

im done with this forum. \m/
mike and the rest should realize that no one hates axe, people just exaggerate. imo he doesn't do what lopez does live as well but come on that's not even his own material so I cut him a break there. if next album axe kicks ass I'll be pretty excited but from what I've seen so far I prefer lopez atm imho mike.
I don't even know who this axe fellow is

btw hi Mike, what are your thoughts on global warming, animal cruelty, and the sweet E3 line-up?
Well, I certainly hope you don't hate him, That's a pretty strong word!

Axe was brought in because he's a killer drummer, and that's that! He was hired after citing Ian Paice and Billy Cobham as influences. Could be worse?
Before playing with him I gotta admit I thought he was only into death metal, how wrong I was. Jamming with him is fantastic! He knows his chops I tell ya!!
Glad you posted on that Mike, make these panzies put their feet in their mouths!

But now for the RETURN of BLOODBATH!! right? :)
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Hi guys!

but you also have to know that I have been involved in the making of every drum beat on every record. The drums is the result of a collaboration between Lopez and me. I had ideas, he had ideas, and that's the way we worked. On top of everything I made complete (with drumbeats) demos at my house for every record.

Axe and myself are going to make you eat your bashing comments, just wait and see...

Cheers guys

Well Well Well I hate to say I toldyouso but,-----------------
and if this doesn't prove that Mike is Opeth /Opeth is Mike,------------
It ain't over till the fat Lady sings (that is unless Mike is bringing
an Opera Singer for the next cd)
He was definitely solid during both of the Melbourne gigs. I suppose since none of us have seen, or worked with Axe in a creative capacity, we don't really have a basis to judge from.

All we can really say at this point is that: He's pretty much fucking nailed Lopez' parts from all the past tracks. The jury is still out, at least from our point of view Mike, on how his creativity is in regards to writing parts for Opeth in the future.

I think it's mainly the fact that people are simply unsure, and view Axe as a cheap death metal Lopez replacement just because of his track record with more extreme bands.

I have confidence that Opeth know what's best for Opeth obviously, but I still do feel sorry about how Lopez went out. He was, from what I could tell, an extremely talented drummer and great, friendly guy.
Agree with the 'lapse. Axenrot is already a solid part of the band imo and convinced me in the three shows i saw him play at during the australian tour together with his work in witchery, bloodbath etc.
Yes, I’m really sad too because Martin leaves the band, but first of all I’m really concerned about his health, and now I know he’s playing again, he won’t stop beating his skins and I’m happy. Maybe he didn’t like or he can’t live touring with the band most of the time, I don’t know, but these are just conjectures, all I know is I miss Martin so much and I’m depressed ‘cause I’ll never see him live with Opeth.
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Come on, my references are pretty OK, right? Have you played with these guys? Is that why you have such a valid opinion on how they are? I know, all of them are different, all of them have strong sides and weak sides.
I trust in you and all Opeth, Mike. I’m pretty sure you know Axe very well, and if you think is smart and strong enough to stay in Opeth I’m pretty sure you’re right.
Axe and myself are going to make you eat your bashing comments, just wait and see...
I saw Axe live in Italy too and I just want to remember all of you that he was playing someone’s else "music" on his drumkit! Don’t forget it, I want to hear his “sound” before I judge his way of playing and feeling the drum with Opeth! :kickass:

Mad_Griffith said:
Personally, I'd have preferred Lindgren to go
Personally I’d preferred you won’t write this! I’d preferred nobody left Opeth, I love each one of them. Please, try don’t be offensive! :mad: :Smug:
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