The latest Ghost Reveries on Amazon


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001

A year later... still disappointed, July 9, 2006

I have been putting off reviewing this album for a year now. I was completely disgusted with this CD the first time I heard it. I didn't even want to think about it. However, now I think I am finally ready to come to terms with the downfall of one of my favorite bands. Allow me to get this out of the way first -- this is a bad album. And yes, all of the instruments are played well, but what is lacking on this release are songs that are actually memorable. I really wanted these guys to go into a completely different direction after Deliverance. I think that most of us will agree that Deliverance was a decent culmination of all of their work. It pushed Opeth's sound as far as it would go, and it was apparent that the band would stagnate if they didn't evolve on their next release. They needed a serious Morningrise to My Arms, Your Hearse transition. And even though Ghost Reveries may appear to be different on the surface, Opeth's sound really hasn't evolved. In reality, Opeth has simply decided to incorporate generic drop tuning riffs and cliche prog keyboards into their music. Ripping off of Tool is not exactly my idea of progression. Stealing riffs from a band that is far less than your own is not exactly my idea of brilliant songwriting. And, sure enough the same old Opeth cliches are present on this album. Nothing sounds fresh or daring. There are no risks....

But that is their trademark sound, you say. That is very true... But, they once incorporated twin guitar harmonies into their music, as well. Opeth needs to change... they need to experiment. They need to do more than just change their tuning. Sure, keyboards may be a nice addition, but it didn't seem like they needed them before. You need to change, Opeth. Put out another Damnation if that is the kind of music you want to play. Don't feel obligated to placate the heavy metal crowd. You have done that for long enough already.

Jesus Christ. I really find all of these atrocious reviews of GR to be unmerrited - even if it's Opeth's worst, it still kicks the shit out of THOUSANDS of other bands best works.
Well I like GR. Its as if they have moulded all they have done so far into one album. There is no way its a total rip off of Tool. GR could be seen as closing the doors of what they have done thus far in their carreers. So, that being said, they have set themselves in a position to make another big transition into something. Like the Morning Rise MAYH transition as you said.
I liked GR when I first heard it, and for a while after that but I remember being bored of it before it was even released. I agree with what the reviewer put. It is just the same Opethian cliches, some huge Tool influence, and the powerchord "breakdowns". :(
The verbal boxing arena that is the Opeth forum. GR, has the best guitar work of any Opeth album. Lopez's drumming is phenominal and Mendez's bass is more out front. Wilbergs keys flesh out the sound. This is a maturing Opeth, the direction this band should have taken. If some don't like it, fine their entitled to that. But, some of the negative comments I've heard are just plain dumbfuckery. Get over it and move the fuck on.
Oinkness said:
I liked GR when I first heard it, and for a while after that but I remember being bored of it before it was even released. I agree with what the reviewer put. It is just the same Opethian cliches, some huge Tool influence, and the powerchord "breakdowns". :(

:lol: Oh and :erk: at your playlist.
batmura said:
Got a comment? Make it. No comment? STFU and go post in threads of interest to you.

would you like to browse through every site that features user reviews and make a thread for every non-5/5 rating for an Opeth album or something? we'd have pages and pages, so what is the point of this thread? what made you choose this specific review? were you so shocked to find a critical opinion about Opeth? Opeth isn't everyone's favorite band you know, and some *gasp* don't like them

if anything you could've at least posted a review that was absurd, because the basic message that GR is a rather safe album isn't exactly untrue
The guy who wrote the review is into tr00 kvlt metal. Every kvlt band he has come across has been given 5 stars. But, when Opeth does not radically change their sound when he wants them to, he gives the album a one.

I disagree with the review. I think Opeth ahsn't lost their touch. They aren't changing slowly. I don't think they even need to make a big change with their next album. I think they need to redefine themselves now that they have two members, one brand new, the other relatively new still, but that doesn't involve changing their entire styles. The change that was Morningrise to My Arms, Your Hearse was a change of skill and organisation. Mikael made a drastic jump forward in terms of his unique songwriting. Opeth differs from every other metal band in that their songs, all the music, all the instruments sound so well done, so uniquely written, and organised in ways no other band thinks of. I think that with Ghost Reveries, they had a serious lack of brilliance concerning the keyboards. There were a few parts where I thought "Yeah, Per is gonna make Opeth greater." Other than those few parts, I hardly even noticed the keyboards were there. Per wqasn't incorporated into the music correctly, or not fully used effectively, but simply having the keyboards there forced Mikael to have to change some bits of that now classic Opeth sound. But, overall, as the reviewer said, it wasn't a huge change. This pissed this guy off for who knows why. The next album will show a more matured and brilliant keyboard then before. However, Opeth now has to deal with the new drummer. I know he's capable, but this will be where Opeth's sound really changes. Morningrise to My Arms, You Hearse saw the incorporation of a new drummer. I know drums aren't everything, but they are important. I'm sure Mikael changed his writign style a bit to match up with Lopez's. Now, I'm sure he'll again have to evolve with a new member, a very important one, and Opeth's sound will change. As drastic as MR to MAYH? Probably not. But that's okay. As someone else said up there ^, Opeth is still better than a lot of other bands. Even the truest of kvlt.
Fuck, Opeth's lost it.

Damnation is the only thing that saved Deliverance, and Ghost Reveries wasn't up to par. The soft songs sucked, Per hasn't done anything useful to Opeth except cover up the lack of genius that permeates this album. Even Mike's growl isn't what it used to be... :(

* goes to listen to My Arms Your Hearse *
I like Mike's growl on GR best actually (maybe only second to Still Life's).

I'd say GR is one of their best albums, if not their best.