The latest Ghost Reveries on Amazon

Bierbommetje said:
I like Mike's growl on GR best actually (maybe only second to Still Life's).

I'd say GR is one of their best albums, if not their best.

You obviously hid under a rock when My Arms, Your Hearse was released.
Jinn said:
Fuck, Opeth's lost it.

Damnation is the only thing that saved Deliverance, and Ghost Reveries wasn't up to par. The soft songs sucked, Per hasn't done anything useful to Opeth except cover up the lack of genius that permeates this album. Even Mike's growl isn't what it used to be... :(

* goes to listen to My Arms Your Hearse *

I could never agree with this viewpoint. The two sides of the Opeth camp on GR have nothing else to contribute at this point. The album is out, everyone has heard it, discussion has been had, lives have been broken. I can't understand how someone can say that Ghost of Perdition isn't amazing, or The Baying of the Hounds, or really, the whole thing. Overall, it definitely feels more complete than Deliverance, although the only real reason Deliverance wasn't as good as it could have been was because of the terrible recording conditions the band had to endure, not to mention the death of Mike's grandmother.

Listen to it without wanting it to be something. If you don't appreciate it then, wait for the next release.
for me it wasnt that it was a bad album its just something about it....i get tired of it, im able to play other opeth CD's constantly and it be just as awesome everytime, with GR im just ready to hear something else by the time i get to the boring acoustic interludes in baying of the hounds
batmura said:

Ripping off of Tool is not exactly my idea of progression. Stealing riffs from a band that is far less than your own is not exactly my idea of brilliant songwriting. before.

Comments like that really annoy me...Hmm so Tool own riffs they haven't written yet. I seriously couldn't care if it has Tool influences, I like both bands. Opeth also have death metal influences, why don't you fry them for ripping off other death metal bands? 99% of all bands are influenced by some other group, so why the hell does this moron fry Opeth for it, when it is still highly obvious they retain their own innovative style? I need a beer...
illidurit said:
actually the usefulness of my posts is far above the rest of you unfunny, obnoxious, fanboy, shit taste, noob, whiny, prog metal faggots

We both like Opeth, does that mean you have a shit taste too? Your a noob compared to me and old Benighted1 here. Ahh well, guess I'm not funny.
actually since this isn't my first id, you're the noobs

and liking opeth doesn't mean jack shit if you also like woods of ypres, symphony x, etc etc etc all those other shitty bands that litter this forum
Epic choruses of painful proportions.

I've actually never listened to Def Leppard before.

In other news, arguing about taste in music when both sides listen to good music (just different bands) is retarded.