The love/hate thread.

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I love driving at night while listening to black metal

You don't like black metal.

I hate bible thumpers.


You've said this like 5000 times, we get the point.

I remember seeing Symphony X open up for Blind Guardian in 2002 I think. I'd never heard of them before that show and I was really impressed, and I bought The Divine Wings Of Tragedy and The Odyssey after that. I haven't really bothered checking anything out though, and I don't really listen to them anymore. Great live show, though, and excellent vocalist.

The show was fucking amazing. They blew Sancshity and Echoes of Eternity out of the water. The sound really sucked though, and the lead mike kept fucking up. But I bought an awesome hoodie and shirt, so overall great show.
There is a loss of precision because every Celsius degree is equivalent to 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees. It is debatable whether it is better to have 0-100 related to the freezing/boiling points of water or the rough edges of human comfort. Either way both of them are fairly arbitrary in comparison to Kelvin.

How is there a loss in precision? If -10 Celsius = 14 Farenheit and 0 Celsius = 32 Farenheit...wouldn't you agree that they're both equally precise? They just have different scales to describe the same reality.

If there was a loss in precision one of the two would be wrong sometimes...don't you think?
New laptop came in the mail and it's absolutely awesome.

However, I hate that I paid extra to have my tent for Wacken shipped 'next day' and it hasn't arrived yet. I need it soon!
I hate that my girlfriend hates my music, but I still really don't give a fuck.

I also hate that I decided to post here again.

And I'll reiterate that I'm NOT referring to all Christians in general, just the fanatic, ultra conservative ones. I obviously have no problems with the majority that isn't fanatic and keep their beliefs to themselves.

I dislike those also, but stop saying you hate them! Tis annoying.
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